(not necessarily factual)
This is mostly to stir our thinking and move our hearts.
There are around 325,000,000 people in the USA
It is said that as many as 70% claim Christian connections or about 230,000,000. (NOT LIKELY)
It is said that 25% are Evangelical Protestant, or about 81,000,000 (DOES NOT MEAN SAVED)
It is obvious that the percentage of those who call themselves Christian, even among fundamentalists and evangelicals, is far higher than the numbers of actual, active Bible believing, Christ following Christians.
Think about it. Out of 100 random friends you have, how many do you believe are actually walking with Christ in a victorious state (which is what being a Christian means)?
I have not met any Christians who believe that even 10% of their friends, family, associates are born again and walking in the light of the word of God.
Of course, the more Christian your culture is, the higher your percentage will be. But even then, a quick look at society indicates that 10% is still a high number. Another group that indicates a percentage is the high school or college that a person attended. I went to a Bible College, therefore the numbers were skewed toward believers. My high school was a different story altogether.
I have read some studies that say the percentage of the general population in the US, which are actually saved, is closer to 4% or 5%.
I have guesstimated (based on personal observations, encounters, and studies by other people) the actual percentage of society that is saved to be around 4%. Of course, more traditional, conservative communities with stronger Bible history are more likely to have a higher percentage.
I meet a lot of people who do not believe in church or the Bible or salvation from sin. Seldom do I meet people who are openly transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Now, with this in mind, we should be able to apply numbers to specific communities.
Beaufort population is at 4,200, which would put the Christian population at only 420 people. That seems low, but when I stop to think about how many people I meet, which present themselves, either in word or deed or demeanor, as being saved, I don't get the impression that 1 out of 10 people are saved. But even if I allow that possibility, and extend it to a higher percentage, then I have a real problem. Even if we say a mere 25% of the population is saved, that would mean 1 out of every 4 people I meet must be a Christians (1050), and I know that does not seem to fit with my experience. If I stayed with my general view that it is only 5% at the most, then that number really seems low (210 people). It is not so much the numbers that give me hesitation, but rather the percentages, compared to the ratio of individuals I meet.
In any case, it is clear that there are great needs, even in my small community, for evangelizing.
I wish the numbers and percentages were higher. I want everyone to love and follow Jesus.
Another important factor in a larger Christian population is the idea that a community can stand against the influence and power of darkness. With a large Christian community, the Liberal agenda will not be allowed. But as we have seen, even if the percentage is 25%, that leaves 75% that are opposed to the will, work and way of God.
But if the numbers and percentages are low, then we can see that our community is not likely to be a stronghold against Liberal, Humanistic, anti-Bible influence. This should make us realize how important it is to stand for the truth, otherwise our children and grandchildren are going to fall under the influence of those who deny the faith.
It would be good if all churches in a community would stand for the word of God. But that ain't happening. Therefore we should stand together with those who will stand, especially in our own churches. The light of God shines brighter when it is the combined light of a group of believers.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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