Monday, April 16, 2018


(comment notes from Dash-cam video)

A Dash-cam Message concerning Church Discipline. The violators have resentment and eventually regret, yet not always with repentance.

God disciplines His people individually and corporately.

The purpose of God's discipline is to produce godliness, God likeness.
To produce Reconciliation, Restoration

Discipline, Chastisement, Training of God is to leave us without resentment or regret.

Chastisement, Discipline is often through the body of Christ. It actually starts through parents.

Parents who allow open rebellion in the home are asking for open rebellion in life.

Likewise, God gives to church, His local family, the responsibilities of nurturing, chastising, discipline and sometimes cutting off.

This is hard, it is difficult. People don't understand or agree with the Biblical concept of cutting off and they even fault the believers who follow God's directives.

Cutting people of for their own good. Sometimes a child must be cut off from the advantages of home in order to learn discipline.

Sometimes people in the church need to be cut off from the advantages of the church so that they will learn to come to God and learn not to blaspheme, to speak against God, to speak against His word, to speak against His Church, to speak against His people.

Discipline, chastisement, training in righteousness even to the point of cutting off is not easy for people who love God and love their brothers and sisters.

The easy way out is to sidestep, to excuse the concept, to remover the responsibility of chastising someone, of correcting someone of actually cutting someone off.

Excusing, sidestepping it, people and churches condemn other people to a life of separation from God, an eternity of separation from God.

It is interesting to me. People who live in such a way as to deserve correction, chastisement, discipline, cutting off, are the ones who harbor resentment toward others.

The one who does the discipline, who does the cutting off, because of love, because of Biblical revelation, Biblical directives, is not resentful toward the one who is guilty of blasphemy, who is guilty of bringing division in the body.

The regrets are not for their own obedience to God, but for the disobedience of the other person toward God.

No chastisement seems good or pleasurable at the moment, but it is necessary. Cutting off is not pleasurable, though some find pleasure in attacking those who follow God's word.

Live in such a way that you do not need to be disciplined, to be cut off. Live in submission to the word of God, which leads us to submission to legitimate authority, which leads to love and acceptance and support of others. Rather than the promotion of self, which leads to a definite separation between sin and righteousness, which leads to coming out from, and being separate from the world.

Being separate from the world, being separate from the lost does not mean hating the lost. It does not mean resenting the lost. I means loving God, with the whole heart, which means hating sin. We can hate sin and love the sinner.

Live in such a way that there no regret, that you come short of obeying God, that you regret that you failed those who disobey God by giving them a pass, or giving them and that it was alright that, that they had done everything necessary, even though they had not.

Love them enough to do the right thing, otherwise, you are going to love them to hell, which is no love at all.