Thursday, April 26, 2018


04/25/18 DASH-CAM MESSAGE...
1 Timothy 5:24
(NOTES are included)

1 Timothy 5:24
24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.

God told Paul, then Paul told Timothy, and in telling Timothy, all of the Church is told God's plan to have qualified leaders, Elders, pastors of churches. Being a leader, pastor of a local congregation is an office and a work. Most people today do not want the work, they just want the office.

God told us through this revelation that people should not receive an accusation against an elder in the church, unless it is confirmed by two witnesses. Of course the witnesses must be credible. False witnesses are not qualified to accuse pastors.

If the pastor has been accused of sin and proved to be guilty then he is to be reproved openly, so that others will learn not to sin.

Though these directives are given in relationship to pastors, the principles are applicable to all Christians. We ought not to listen to accusations unless they are substantiated and when people win, especially if the sin is open, then the rebuking should also be open.

People say that ministers, leaders, pastors should be held to a higher standard. NO, we should not be held to a higher standard. The standard is STANDARD for everyone. The standard is HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. There is no double standard for pastor and parishioner.

God holds us all to the same standard, however, pastors, church leaders can be dealt with directly and specifically in a way that parishioners are not. There is not a double standard, but pastors can and should suffer loss of position, depending on the situation.

God holds us all accountable for the light that we have received from Him. He that knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. We are all held to the standard that God sets for us. We do not know what is in men's hearts, but we do know what is in God's word. We are not to do the judging. We must let God do the judging and we should support God's judgments. Regardless of what light each one has, we are all required to follow holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. The difference is not that leaders are held to a higher standard, but rather than they are accountable for that standard through church discipline.

There is also church discipline for parishioners, but it is harder to administer because parishioners do not have the same relationship with the church that a pastor does. Pastors can be removed from their position.

We often see men in ministry who were apparently called of God, but then they go back on their walk with God, their walking in the light, they no longer live according to the word. Sometimes they back away from ministry for a short time, but often they just continue in ministry after they have committed open and vile sins. Some of them go on to have "success" in their work. They even preach false doctrines along with truth. HOW CAN THAT HAPPEN. Because God honors His word, rather than honoring the word bearer.

God also tells us that we should not quickly put our approval on a man for ministry. He needs to be proven and approved. God gives gifts and calling to ministry, which a person may use either for the glory of God or for their own purposes. When ministry people choose to sin they still have the ability to sing, preach, teach, influence people. They choose whether to use it for good or evil.

Some men's sins are evident beforehand. In that case a church can, and must refuse to let that man serve in ministry, in leadership. Remember, God's standard is to call men to be pastor, not women. If a person is in sin, then he should not even be allowed to start in leadership.

But some people's sins follow afterward. Either the sins come along later or the awareness of the sins surface at a later time. Those sins must be addressed and dealt with in order to keep the ministry from being a reproach.

Still, no double standard. This is true for all Christians.

Their sins go before them as a herald, announcing their anger, proud, lustful, adulterous, hateful, deceitful, greedy, divisive, partisan boastful.

The answer to failed ministry lives is to deal with them and for men to determine to live above reproach. We cannot trust others to make these decisions for a local church. Denominations fail, many local congregations fail to hold the line. To often we have seen good men turn from God and then they are not held accountable by the local body. Or they are involved in large public ministries that have authority to exercise discipline, and as a result the sinning leader continues to hold a position of authority. People continued to profess salvation and possess positions of leadership or service, even though they have disqualified themselves according to the word of God

This is true for those in leadership and for those who are the lay ministers as well. Everyone is answerable according to God, but seldom is discipline handed down. Instead, these people continue to call themselves Christians. However we are responsible to hold the standard of God. We personally, we as Christians, we as a local church must remain faithful to the revelation of God's word. It is not wrong, hateful, it is not mean spirited it is not unforgiving to hold people to a Biblical standard, whether they are pastors or parishioners.

Some people sins go before them. Some people hide them. Secret sins, hidden sins.

Secret sins are not sins that people have in their own life, but they are unaware of the sins. Secret sins are sins that the sinners knows about but hides from everyone else. We know when we have sin, because the Holy Spirit is faithful to tell us we have sin. If we don't know it is not because God has not told us, it is because we have added to our sin by rejecting the witness of God.

God holds us accountable for our sins. Christians do not have the right to gloss over sins or ignore sins. In fact the follower of Christ takes the hard road of correction because it is redemptive rather than condemning.

Be careful that you do not deny your sin. If you deny your sins, you will eventually believe that you have no sin. You will be a deceiver and deceived.

The best thing to do is give your life and your sins to Jesus and be done with them forever.