Tuesday, April 24, 2018

04/24/18 DASH-CAM MESSAGE... Don't Take It With You

04/24/18 DASH-CAM MESSAGE... Don't Take It With You.

OK, this takes a little while, so you might not be interested in watching/listening. I think it is good, but I am not very picky. If you end up with a little time to invest, maybe it will even be an encouragement to you and your service for the Lord.

Intro words concerning the rainy day.

When we die, we don't really leave it all.
Along with our material goods, we leave behind true treasures, such as loved ones, family church, ministry. These are invaluable. But there is still a great treasure that people do take with them.

Good or bad, they follow us beyond the grave. Whatever you sow in this life, you will continue to reap after death. The only way to eliminate negative works is to receive Christ and follow Him fully. Even then our deeds leave a trail of consequences.

A saved person will receive eternal life by placing their faith in Christ, but their works will determine their rewards. Eternal life is a gift from God, and our faithful service is a gift we return to God. For our faithful service we receive rewards

If a person gets saved, as did the thief on the cross, but leaves a history of sinful living, then that person will suffer losses because of their earlier sins. Lives of loved ones taken because of drunk driving will not be restored, even if the driver gets saved.

Likewise, if a person is a believer, who follows Christ faithfully, then that person's good deeds continue to produce fruit after they die. Their good deeds accrue to their rewards. We receive crowns for conquering.

Consider these verses.
1 Timothy 5:24-25

24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.
25 Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.

This passage from 1 Timothy tells us that a a man's sins will follow him after death, and also that a man's righteous deeds will follow him. nor will they be hidden.

Revelation 14:13

13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

A lot of people are taking the best with them. They, are not leaving a redemptive witness or ministry behind. They are taking their TESTIMONY with them, instead of making sure that it continues after their death.

People have great things to share beyond this present life, even though we don't all have the same gifts, abilities, talents, skills.

We need to know what our own ministries are. When you see what you are "good at doing," then give it your best here and now and prepare for it to continue later.

I know my strengths, such as they are, and I want to exploit them fully for Christ. I want my God given abilities to continue to work even after I am gone.

Our success for Him is not by our own power or might, but by His Spirit.

Music ability is a GREAT ministry.
People will want to hear singing and playing more than they will want to listen to preaching and teaching.

Instead of going to the grave and taking our ministry with us, why not leave some of our ministry behind.

The work of ministry (whether preaching or singing) is WORK but it is special work. I want to give my grandchildren and others my witness, my service, my ministry, even when I am gone. This is why I write, why I do videos, why I teach or even sing once in a while. I want to pass on to them the things that they will not be hearing from others in the future.

Some of y'all have the ability to play music, sing songs, do art work, tell stories, testify, exhort, make people laugh and cry, to understand spiritual truths through personal witness.

You have descendants who will never hear you, or they will only hear a small part of what you have to offer them.

Musicians and singers have much more than the limited numbers of songs they sing publicly. They have songs that they sing while alone with God, They have prayers that are not offered in public worship.

I want to think that someday someone will say, "I want to listen to pastor David again." This is why I am making my ministry available to future hearers through video and articles. And as much as people may be interested in my preaching and teaching, most people would much sooner listen to a person play and sing.

Most believers do not leave anything for future hearers. Take advantage of your opportunities today, to use FB and YouTube and other digital media, which makes it possible to minister far beyond our own geographical arena and time limitations.

Maybe those who don't listen to us today will listen to us in the future. Maybe they will listen and be blessed, listen and be saved.