Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Saturday, April 28, 2018
(I could have said, Robbing God Shortchanges You and Others Too)
In this video I chart and explain the life of...
An unsaved person,
A person saved at an early age and faithful for a lifetime,
A person saved (either early or late) but living a vacillating life of sin and repentance.
The more often and the longer that a believer turns from God, the less likely he will return in repentance and the more of the will and calling of God will be lost to that individual.
We are not called to master our own lives, we are called to surrender our lives.
Even in God is willing to forgive us time and again, we err in thinking that we are necessarily going to repent and return to God after we have rebelled and turned from following Him.
Straying from God robs a person and others. The wanderer loses time with God, graces from God, the leading of God, the blessings of God, the power of God.
They lose personally. they lose in their marriage, they lose with their children, they lose with their friends, they lose on the world scene of winning the lost to Christ.
Dangers are constant and escalating, such as drownings, kidnapping, human trafficking, drugs, abuse, Humanism, Liberalism, moral breakdown, entertainment, racism, bullying, and the list goes on and on.
PARENTS, CARE GIVERS, SIBLINGS, GRANDPARENTS we must all give special attention to our little ones and our youths. Everyday there are well meaning and loving families devastated by sudden catastrophe. It only takes a moment, a blink, and they can be swept away to disaster.
Friday, April 27, 2018
NOTES... (you can hear the gulls in the background. If you notice, they might be laughing at the story I use at the beginning.)
Some people cannot handle leadership responsibilities.
People need to live up to their responsibility to lead others, including their children. Even when children have good steps to follow, they may choose not to follow them. This is true of us. We can choose not to follow Jesus. But at least we should give our children and grandchildren a worthy path to follow.
We are all being followed. Sometimes it is people and sometimes it is our lifestyle, our past.
Through Paul, the Holy Spirit of God gave instructions to Timothy, and therefore to all of us, concerning the qualifications of elders, leaders, pastors in the church. There are requirements for leadership. People may choose not to follow those requirements, but they will answer to God for their rebellion. Just as we want our children to do the right thing, it is still their choice.
Among other instructions to Timothy was that he should not put his approval on someone too quickly, because the person needs to be tested and proved before they take leadership. He was also told not to believe the accusations against a leader unless the accusations are valid and verifiable. Even those who accuse must be qualified to testify. They must not be disgruntled witnesses.
(I had trouble seeing my electronic Bible in the bright sunshine)
1 Timothy 5:24-25
24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.
25 Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.
Those who are candidates for leadership, pastoring, must be approved and must meet moral and spiritual qualifications. This passage tells us that some men live their lives openly, including their sins. Their sins go before them, announcing their failures in life; gossiping, angry, hateful, lustful, perverted, doubtful, not qualified. SOME MEN'S SINS GO BEFORE THEM. This makes it easy to decide.
(I come back later to the last part of verse 24)
In verse 25 we are also told that the good works of some men go before them. Their internal life is evidenced by their outward life. We can see some men who are loving, kind, honest, gentle, strong, just, morally upright.
Notice too, God's plan is for men to head churches (as it is plan for men to be the heads of families). That is the clear directive of God. This is not to say that there are not godly women who have ended up being pastors. Sometimes there are no godly men available and God calls on a Deborah to get the job done.
Some men are obviously qualified. But some men are not as well known, though they are also godly. Their good qualities in a quiet person or a less known person will show up when they are examined and when they are tested. Their hidden value shows up later, rather than sooner.
Also look at...
Revelation 14:13
13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Here we are told that a believers will be followed by their good works.
According to the Bible, our bad works follow us and our good works follow us. What is following you?
It could be evil works, hidden (or secret) sins. The sins are not hidden to teh one who is sinning. Hidden sins, Secret sins are sins that are hidden to other people. However, a person can lie about his sins, in order to hide them from other people, and then that person can start believing his own lies. It is possible for a person to harden his heart to such an extent that he is blind to his own sinfulness. That person has been deceiving others so long that they have deceived themselves. The Bible refers to this as, "Deceiving and being deceived."
Remember, the Holy Spirit tells us about our sins. He does not fail, but people may shut God out and therefore they become deceived.
This is seen in 2 Thessalonians where we are told that those who hear the gospel and reject the gospel before the rapture will not get saved during the rapture, because God will send them strong delusion, so that they will believe a lie, because when they had the gospel they chose to disobey it and therefore they chose not to be saved.
We all choose what it is that will follow us. Jesus has told us to follow Him, to do as He does, to walk in His steps. Some folks come to the Lord late, with a long list of sins and failure in their past. When they trust Christ for salvation, they are forgiven of their past. The sins are forgiven, but the consequences of our sins are not removed at the altar of salvation. Sometimes the consequences of our sins haunt us for the rest of our lives, even though we have been forgiven.
If, after we get saved, we continue to sin from time to time, or we choose to go back into sin, then those sins will follow us and testify against us. God keeps the record of unrepented sins and He holds people accountable for their sins, thoughts, words, deeds. Sins, for which we repent, are forgiven and we will not have to face in judgment. But we will not receive all the rewards, trophies, crowns we should if we allow sin to corrupt our way, even if we do repent.
This is one of the important reasons to get save early in life and to follow Him fully, all of the time. We will not give opportunity to Satan or sin to rob us and corrupt our walk with God. Your faithful walk with God will be evident to God and others. The family of God is comprised of those who DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER. It is futile to say you are a believer if you are not doing the will of God, if you are not walking in the light, if you are not walking the strait and narrow, but rather the wide and broad way that leads to destruction. It is futile to say, "Lord, Lord, have we not..." when in fact He says, "Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I know you not."
Live in such a way that your life is followed by your good deeds, even when your earthly life is over.
04/26/18 DON'T CONFUSE...
The ingredients matter, not the label.
God has given the State and the Church different responsibilities. Jesus kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. It is a spiritual kingdom. Christians are not called to or allowed to kill. Otherwise there would be no worldwide persecution of Christians today. If the Church (Christians) had been allowed to use deadly force or violence, the blood letting religions and governments of this world would be under the rule of God. Only perverted Christianity has allowed and promoted "Christians" taking arms or the sword of steel against its enemies.
So much is persecution of Christians is happening around the world that you almost have to be omniscient and omnipresent to keep up with it all. However, we get a good idea that things are not going well around the world. The suffering of Christians around the world is not just widespread, it is indescribably violent and relentless.
The Bible says clearly that God gave the sword of steel to protect the righteous and punish the wicked. God told us in Romans 13 that everyone must obey legitimate authority. This includes political leaders, rulers, kings, governments, nations. Anyone who fails to follow Divinely established rule is an enemy of God. Not everyone submits. Very few actually do submit. Still, God requires it and He will hold people accountable for not obeying Him.
God gave the sword of steel to the State to protect the righteous and punish the wicked. THIS IS what the Bible says and THIS IS what God meant when He said it. It is equally true that God did not give the sword of steel to believers, Christians, His Church, His children, His bride.
People are confused on this issue of the God's plan for the State and God's plan for the Church, just as there is a difference between Israel and the Church. God has given directives to the State, which are no given to His Church, which are not required of the Church, which are not permitted by the Church. Likewise God has given directives to the Church, which are not applicable or observable to the State.
The power of the sword of steel is not to be taken lightly. The State bears the sword with God's blessing. This makes the State answerable for the safe keeping of the citizens. Believers have a right to expect the State to protect them and to punish the wicked, since this is God's revelation. It does not necessarily follow that believers are obligated to take up weapons to do the job of the State. In fact, reading the New Testament makes it clear that Christians are called to Peacemaking and forbidden to execute fleshly war, killing.
As a believer, I am obligated to love my enemy, do good to those who persecute me and pray for those who oppose me. In fact the weapons of my warfare are not carnal, they are not fleshly, instead they are spiritual. My enemy is not flesh and blood, not human. My enemy is a spiritual enemy.
We have the Biblical directive for the State to use the sword, but people say that Christians also have the responsibility to kill or use violence in order to survive, to defend self or defend State interests. NOT SO. The New Testament does teach believers to stand, even if it means personal suffering, or to run in order to escape physical harm. Running can be a Christians option. We cannot take up arms vengeance against persecutors.
Jesus, before the birth of the Church on the Day of Pentecost, before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, gave a principle concerning the response of the Church, the response of believers should have to persecution. While Jesus was being interrogated by Pilate, prior to the crucifixion, Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight... but my kingdom is not from this world" (Jn. 18:36). This is a revelation, a directive, a principle given by Jesus Christ, and then combined with the other things He taught and the other revelations of the Holy Spirit through the New Testament prophets and apostles, the writings in the New Testament, forms the foundation of Christian non-violence, which was the standard and practice of the New Testament believers and the early Church for hundreds of years and ultimately for all generations of Bible believers. BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS. Personal non violence is the Christian response to self defense and national defense. This is why God gave the sword to the State. Biblical nonviolence, Biblical Peacemaking does not resist or demonstrate against the State having military or police, since that is God's directive and plan for civil order. But God's people are not under marching order to take up the sword of steel, but rather the Sword of the Spirit and to be clothed in spiritual armor of the Gospel. We go out as soldiers of the cross, combating spiritual darkness, willing to have our own blood spilled and refusing to shed the blood of our enemy. THAT IS THE WAY IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN FOR THE CHURCH.
But you say it is not that way now. Your view depends on where you live in this world. Westernized and Roman-ized and Modernized views of Christianity reject the clear revelation that Christians do not kill. These errant view teach that Christians are suppose to take up weapons and use lethal force for self defense and national defense. But that IS NOT New Testament. The New Testament directives, commands, rebukes, examples, teaching is NON VIOLENCE FOR BELIEVERS.
Consider what Jesus said to soldiers of His day. First, we need to realize that those who are in the "army" or the military are not always fighting forces dedicated to kill. Today we have the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, part of the Department of Defense and answerable to the U.S. Army, but their job is to do engineering work, such as dredge out the inlets and other waterways. This benefits the military and the civilian needs. Likewise, the Roman military was the Road Builders of their day, building the greatest network of roadways in history and subsequently providing the way for carrying the gospel throughout the western world in those day. Military is not always violent, though that is its primary function. When soldiers came to Jesus, asking what they should do, in answer to His message that the old was about to be replaced with the new, Jesus told soldiers in His day to DO NO VIOLENCE (Lk. 3:14). Do whatever you choose with this directive. I choose to accept it without changing it, because it agrees with the rest of the New Testament concerning Christians and nonviolence.
Since Christians would not kill in the early Church, the Christian presence in the Roman military disappeared. Soldiers did not want to be marching along with other soldiers who would not kill. As a result, the first three hundred years of the Church created a military without Christians. It was not until Constantine used the Christian sign of the cross to promote his own violent agenda that people started seeing Christians as soldiers. This was followed by the Roman Catholic religion, which taught, in accord with other doctrines of demons (1 Tm. 4:1-3) that Christians should fight for the "Church of Rome." This was followed by men like Luther and Calvin and the Church of England (who killed people in the name of Christ) and has been interwoven with the Bible until people confuse doctrines of demons with the truth of God. BUT JESUS SAID, MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD, IF IT WERE, MY SERVANTS WOULD FIGHT. God's servants, children, people do not take up arms and kill other people
THINK ABOUT THIS... The persecution of Christians, the violating of Christians, the torture of Christians, the killing of Christians in the world today would not exist if the Church had always believed in using violence to protect itself or promote itself, THERE WOULD BE NO MUSLIM ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS OR PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS. Christians would have stopped it at the beginning. Christians would have pulled together to end the persecution and resistance of false religions and oppressive governments, FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CHURCH PERIOD. But they did not use violence in the beginning because it was against God's word. The numbers and the zeal of Christianity would have conquered all of its enemies with the sword of steel. But the Church, at large, has always understood that we are to love our enemies and to give life rather than take life.
THE FACT that persecution goes on and is so horrendous is proof that the Church has been nonviolent from the beginning.
The fact that there are people and groups and religions that teach Christian violence does not make it Biblical. The only place in the New Testament where a Christian used violence against another was before the crucifixion when Peter cut off the ear of Malchus. Even then Jesus reproved, confronted, corrected Peter, condemning "Christian violence," and Jesus healed Malchus.
God has appointed the State to protect the righteous and punish the wicked. Governments today could take steps to end the terrorism and persecution around the world, but the State has chosen not to obey God. The State's disobedience to God does not justify the Church's disobedience to God. Christians are not directed to or allowed to take up the sword of steel and kill other people. We are not to trust in hoses, chariots, or the arm of flesh, but rather TRUST IN THE LORD. He is our shield, He is our sword, He is our fortress.
This sounds crazy and irresponsible to worldly people. But believers know that it is consistent with the New Testament, with faith. It is not consistent with the New Testament, with faith to take human life.
Remember, "My kingdom is not of this world, if it were of this world, then would my servants fight." His kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy. He is the Prince of Peace. His kingdom is a kingdom of love and self sacrifice, not physical violence.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
(NOTES are included)
1 Timothy 5:24
24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.
God told Paul, then Paul told Timothy, and in telling Timothy, all of the Church is told God's plan to have qualified leaders, Elders, pastors of churches. Being a leader, pastor of a local congregation is an office and a work. Most people today do not want the work, they just want the office.
God told us through this revelation that people should not receive an accusation against an elder in the church, unless it is confirmed by two witnesses. Of course the witnesses must be credible. False witnesses are not qualified to accuse pastors.
If the pastor has been accused of sin and proved to be guilty then he is to be reproved openly, so that others will learn not to sin.
Though these directives are given in relationship to pastors, the principles are applicable to all Christians. We ought not to listen to accusations unless they are substantiated and when people win, especially if the sin is open, then the rebuking should also be open.
People say that ministers, leaders, pastors should be held to a higher standard. NO, we should not be held to a higher standard. The standard is STANDARD for everyone. The standard is HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. There is no double standard for pastor and parishioner.
God holds us all to the same standard, however, pastors, church leaders can be dealt with directly and specifically in a way that parishioners are not. There is not a double standard, but pastors can and should suffer loss of position, depending on the situation.
God holds us all accountable for the light that we have received from Him. He that knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. We are all held to the standard that God sets for us. We do not know what is in men's hearts, but we do know what is in God's word. We are not to do the judging. We must let God do the judging and we should support God's judgments. Regardless of what light each one has, we are all required to follow holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. The difference is not that leaders are held to a higher standard, but rather than they are accountable for that standard through church discipline.
There is also church discipline for parishioners, but it is harder to administer because parishioners do not have the same relationship with the church that a pastor does. Pastors can be removed from their position.
We often see men in ministry who were apparently called of God, but then they go back on their walk with God, their walking in the light, they no longer live according to the word. Sometimes they back away from ministry for a short time, but often they just continue in ministry after they have committed open and vile sins. Some of them go on to have "success" in their work. They even preach false doctrines along with truth. HOW CAN THAT HAPPEN. Because God honors His word, rather than honoring the word bearer.
God also tells us that we should not quickly put our approval on a man for ministry. He needs to be proven and approved. God gives gifts and calling to ministry, which a person may use either for the glory of God or for their own purposes. When ministry people choose to sin they still have the ability to sing, preach, teach, influence people. They choose whether to use it for good or evil.
Some men's sins are evident beforehand. In that case a church can, and must refuse to let that man serve in ministry, in leadership. Remember, God's standard is to call men to be pastor, not women. If a person is in sin, then he should not even be allowed to start in leadership.
But some people's sins follow afterward. Either the sins come along later or the awareness of the sins surface at a later time. Those sins must be addressed and dealt with in order to keep the ministry from being a reproach.
Still, no double standard. This is true for all Christians.
Their sins go before them as a herald, announcing their anger, proud, lustful, adulterous, hateful, deceitful, greedy, divisive, partisan boastful.
The answer to failed ministry lives is to deal with them and for men to determine to live above reproach. We cannot trust others to make these decisions for a local church. Denominations fail, many local congregations fail to hold the line. To often we have seen good men turn from God and then they are not held accountable by the local body. Or they are involved in large public ministries that have authority to exercise discipline, and as a result the sinning leader continues to hold a position of authority. People continued to profess salvation and possess positions of leadership or service, even though they have disqualified themselves according to the word of God
This is true for those in leadership and for those who are the lay ministers as well. Everyone is answerable according to God, but seldom is discipline handed down. Instead, these people continue to call themselves Christians. However we are responsible to hold the standard of God. We personally, we as Christians, we as a local church must remain faithful to the revelation of God's word. It is not wrong, hateful, it is not mean spirited it is not unforgiving to hold people to a Biblical standard, whether they are pastors or parishioners.
Some people sins go before them. Some people hide them. Secret sins, hidden sins.
Secret sins are not sins that people have in their own life, but they are unaware of the sins. Secret sins are sins that the sinners knows about but hides from everyone else. We know when we have sin, because the Holy Spirit is faithful to tell us we have sin. If we don't know it is not because God has not told us, it is because we have added to our sin by rejecting the witness of God.
God holds us accountable for our sins. Christians do not have the right to gloss over sins or ignore sins. In fact the follower of Christ takes the hard road of correction because it is redemptive rather than condemning.
Be careful that you do not deny your sin. If you deny your sins, you will eventually believe that you have no sin. You will be a deceiver and deceived.
The best thing to do is give your life and your sins to Jesus and be done with them forever.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
It really doesn't matter how much we "love" our enemies,
When we are hateful to our loved ones.
God has given us another day, another opportunity.
Whatever your trials, God is able to deliver you.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
04/24/18 DASH-CAM MESSAGE... Don't Take It With You
OK, this takes a little while, so you might not be interested in watching/listening. I think it is good, but I am not very picky. If you end up with a little time to invest, maybe it will even be an encouragement to you and your service for the Lord.
Intro words concerning the rainy day.
When we die, we don't really leave it all.
Along with our material goods, we leave behind true treasures, such as loved ones, family church, ministry. These are invaluable. But there is still a great treasure that people do take with them.
OUR WORKS FOLLOW US. Good or bad, they follow us beyond the grave. Whatever you sow in this life, you will continue to reap after death. The only way to eliminate negative works is to receive Christ and follow Him fully. Even then our deeds leave a trail of consequences.
A saved person will receive eternal life by placing their faith in Christ, but their works will determine their rewards. Eternal life is a gift from God, and our faithful service is a gift we return to God. For our faithful service we receive rewards
If a person gets saved, as did the thief on the cross, but leaves a history of sinful living, then that person will suffer losses because of their earlier sins. Lives of loved ones taken because of drunk driving will not be restored, even if the driver gets saved.
Likewise, if a person is a believer, who follows Christ faithfully, then that person's good deeds continue to produce fruit after they die. Their good deeds accrue to their rewards. We receive crowns for conquering.
Consider these verses.
1 Timothy 5:24-25
24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.
25 Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.
This passage from 1 Timothy tells us that a a man's sins will follow him after death, and also that a man's righteous deeds will follow him. nor will they be hidden.
Revelation 14:13
13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
A lot of people are taking the best with them. They, are not leaving a redemptive witness or ministry behind. They are taking their TESTIMONY with them, instead of making sure that it continues after their death.
People have great things to share beyond this present life, even though we don't all have the same gifts, abilities, talents, skills.
We need to know what our own ministries are. When you see what you are "good at doing," then give it your best here and now and prepare for it to continue later.
I know my strengths, such as they are, and I want to exploit them fully for Christ. I want my God given abilities to continue to work even after I am gone.
Our success for Him is not by our own power or might, but by His Spirit.
Music ability is a GREAT ministry.
People will want to hear singing and playing more than they will want to listen to preaching and teaching.
Instead of going to the grave and taking our ministry with us, why not leave some of our ministry behind.
The work of ministry (whether preaching or singing) is WORK but it is special work. I want to give my grandchildren and others my witness, my service, my ministry, even when I am gone. This is why I write, why I do videos, why I teach or even sing once in a while. I want to pass on to them the things that they will not be hearing from others in the future.
Some of y'all have the ability to play music, sing songs, do art work, tell stories, testify, exhort, make people laugh and cry, to understand spiritual truths through personal witness.
You have descendants who will never hear you, or they will only hear a small part of what you have to offer them.
Musicians and singers have much more than the limited numbers of songs they sing publicly. They have songs that they sing while alone with God, They have prayers that are not offered in public worship.
I want to think that someday someone will say, "I want to listen to pastor David again." This is why I am making my ministry available to future hearers through video and articles. And as much as people may be interested in my preaching and teaching, most people would much sooner listen to a person play and sing.
Most believers do not leave anything for future hearers. Take advantage of your opportunities today, to use FB and YouTube and other digital media, which makes it possible to minister far beyond our own geographical arena and time limitations.
Maybe those who don't listen to us today will listen to us in the future. Maybe they will listen and be blessed, listen and be saved.
Liberal politicians in California are...
Censoring, Censuring, Usurping and Violating Christians.
And so, the plot sickens.
I posted a video clip from an old TV western show, where on of the hard case characters was a Bible thumper. The clip showed the old hypocrite threatening violence. His words were the point of my post. He said,
"I'm a God fearing man and I don't use violence unless I'm forced to."
This is ridiculous, because a true follower of Christ does not use violence. PERIOD. If a person is "forced to," then he is not looking to Jesus and trusting in Him for deliverance.
Nothing like being a New Testament believer. Really, this video clip is NOTHING LIKE BEING A NEW TESTAMENT BELIEVER. HEHEHE.
(please read this and my comment, which follows).
The New Testament teaches that God gave the sword of steel to the State to protect the righteous and punish the wicked, but God gave the Sword of the Spirit (the word of God) to Christians in order to rescue the perishing and set the prisoner of sin free. God calls His people to be willing to shed their own blood in service to God, but forbids believers from killing others, either for personal reasons or to fight for an earthly kingdom. Not my opinion. It is the word of God.
After I posted this I watched it again. It is soooooo funny. (it is also sad because it is the voice of Romanism and corrupted Christianity), but still, just to hear it said out loud in this format is hilarious.
Really, think about it.
When did Jesus direct Christians to respond like this?
When did anyone in the New Testament respond like this and get God's approval?
When did a New Testament follower of Christ in the Church ever respond like this?
When did the New Testament ever direct a believer to respond like this?
Where in the New Testament are Christians ever told to shed the blood of anyone?
Where does the New Testament ever tell believers that it is permissible to shed the blood of anyone?
In fact, there are plenty of passages that actually forbid this viewpoint.
How many anti Trump folks would choose to be murdered rather than rescued by an unsaved cop?
A welcomed change: a President who sides with Americans against murderers, domestic and foreign.
(Yes, I still want him saved).
TRANSPORTED into His presence through the preaching of His word
TRANSFORMED into His likeness by the power of His Spirit.
Praise the LORD
04/24/18 DON'T MISS THIS
I hope you will read/heed my Post and Comment,
"RECORD YOUR WITNESS" (2 posts earlier).
God did not gift me with music.
If He had I would wear it out.
That is why I preach, teach, write.
'Cause it's the best I can do.
Ecclesiastes 9:10
10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
Colossians 3:17
17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Colossians 3:23
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
An old joke goes...
We take the best,
When we bid adieu.
FACE IT, YOU COULD BE GONE TONIGHT. How about leaving something of yourself that could really make a difference?
If you are saved, you can record your witness, your testimony, your song, your music, your art, your humor, your love, your insights, your prayers, your experiences, your victories with family (MAYBE THEY WILL FINALLY LISTEN WHEN YOUR GONE), through a video or audio recording. We have Facebook, YouTube, disks, sticks, other digital devices.
We all have family, friends, loved ones, even enemies that might watch or listen as we share eternal truths through our own special way of witnessing. You don't have to make it intimate or person specific. Just leave your witness to anyone who is interested. This post is not about a list of rules and regulations or a sermon on right and wrong. I am talking about giving your heart to heart witness concerning the blessings of God in you life.
This is why songs are such a good way to share. Songs touch a wide range of subjects (praise, salvation, love, faith, faithfulness, heaven, etc.) and those of you who sing already have songs to sing.
If you have a pleasant voice, you can share through singing. It does not have to be professional grade (the recording or the singing). Sing a song as you would if you were just sitting around with your good friends. Play that piano, guitar (or whatever instrument you are able to play) and leave your witness for others to watch and listen, whenever they want. Maybe in their personal time, when they want to enjoy your memory, maybe when they sit and share with their loved ones or friends. Maybe at a time when they take the time to finally hear what you wanted them to hear.
Monday, April 23, 2018
The Rainbow is God's sign of grace, mercy, redemption.
Bible rejecting society uses it as a symbol of rejecting God's authority.
04/23/18 IT IS NOW CLEAR
(with rainbow flags as a backdrop, I posted)
I often wondered how the greatest country in history could be quickly reduced to insignificance in the end times.
It is now clear.
(the rainbow flags represent Amerca's rejection of Divine authority)
Sunday, April 22, 2018
04/22/18 Jeremiah 17:1-13
This is primarily a prophecy to Judah, but the principles communicated by the Old Testament prophet are applicable to all who have known God and then turn from God.
Take heed
To what you read.
(also see my notes on this passage, in the following comment).
Jeremiah 17:1-13 (I have replaced the "th" suffixes for easier reading)
1 The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the horns of your altars;
2 Whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon the high hills.
3 O my mountain in the field, I will give thy substance and all thy treasures to the spoil, and thy high places for sin, throughout all thy borders.
4 And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee; and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou know not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever.
5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the LORD.
6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good comes; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.
7 Blessed is the man that trusts in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.
8 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreads out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat comes, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
11 As the partridge sits on eggs, and hatches them not; so he that gets riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.
12 A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary.
13 O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.
DLG notes
It is enough that we doodle evil thoughts and sketch wicked deeds into our lives. But sin is never satisfied with a little intrusion into our lives. It wants to occupy the whole of our existence and brand us forever. How tragic when sin has been carved deeply into our stony heart with an iron pen and engraved on our brassy soul with the the point of a diamond, and when we have tied our faith to an altar of rebellion (vs. 1)
God curses the man who trusts in men, the man who trusts his own strength, the man who departs from God (vs. 5).
This rebellious person will be dried up and lifeless and worthless, as a section of salted land produces nothing (vs. 6).
But the man who trusts in the Lord and hopes in Him will be blessed (vs7).
The person who surrenders to God will be like a tree, whose roots are intertwined with the life giving waters of a living river, resilient in extreme heat, resistant to drought, producing green leaves of life, and fruit when death is all around (vs. 8).
Don't trust your own heart, your own thoughts. They are deceitful and will lie to you (vs. 9).
You must look beyond yourself and you must look to the revelation of God. Only He is true and only He is trustworthy. God rules by truth and God rewards according to truth. The only preparation for the future is life lived in submission and trust in God, here and now (vs. 10).
Our plans will fail our work will be nullified, our successes will rot. Only a fool counts on his own accomplishments (vs. 11).
The beginning and the ending of our hope and life is in the God of Heaven. To have hope in this life only leads to an eternity of disappointment, loss and suffering (vs. 12).
Everyone who forsakes the true and living God will be destitute and ashamed. Those who trust in Him will be sustained and refreshed and revitalized as they drink from His fountain of living waters (vs. 13).
Saturday, April 21, 2018
The generation that does not know if it is male of female will soon be in charge of the USA.
Throughout history folks thought it was normal to be born either male of female.
Glad society finally got smart.
RECENTLY I mentioned THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD. As it turns out, I posted this article a year ago, addressing this subject. It is just a quick blurb, but I hope it is helpful.
Paul said, and so should all pastors,
Acts 20:27
(27) For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
"The whole counsel of God," or "all the counsel of God," communicates to the hearers everything that pertains to godliness and success in the Christian walk.
2 Peter 1:3
(3) According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
The preaching of the whole counsel of God...
leads the lost to salvation and...
leads the saved to holiness of heart and life and...
leads the faithful follower to successful Christian living.
The wisdom, the counsel of God is the key that unlocks the mysteries and the doors of life.
The counsel of God puts the pieces of "life's puzzle" together, when all of human wisdom and energy and knowledge and understanding and commitment fails.
The counsel of God is found in the Scriptures, received from the Holy Spirit, and proclaimed through men of God.
Inherent intelligence, personal experience, academic accomplishments are good, but they are totally inadequate for living the life that God wants us to live.
Yes, God allows people to choose their own course, to set their own goals, to live by their own wits, but it is impossible to please God and fulfill His will until we humble ourselves, recognize the need for Divine leading and empowering in every area o f life. We may succeed in the eyes of the world, but true success, true victory only comes to those who saturate their entire life with the influence of God's counsel.
Water is readily available and plenteous (in the right environment), and it is necessary for life.
Oxygen is readily available and plenteous (in the right environment), and it is necessary for life.
The counsel of God is readily available and plenteous (in the right environment), and it is necessary for life, but people opt out of God's will, thinking that they only need Him in "spiritual" needs, rather than in daily living. Such living is living in the flesh and not living by faith.
04/21/18 PRIDE-ILITY
Pride is more attractive than humility, civility.
It robs you of nobility, sensibility.
It leaves you in hostility and futility.
Friday, April 20, 2018
(I have actually taught and preached this since the 1970s)
As a very small child (and unaware of the implications) I sometimes chimed into a conversation with, "I went with mama and daddy on their honeymoon."
Obviously this statement got everyone's attention. Everyone would laugh, and either mama or daddy would tell me that I had not. I was fully convinced of my statement, and therefore I would recount the evidence. I would tell how we went away in a camper and a little information concerning the area and some of the events that took place.
Then, without explaining everything, they would tell me that I had memories of things I had heard, but I was not with them on the honeymoon.
I am not saying that it couldn't have been true, BUT IT WAS NOT. It was not long before I came to understand this as I got a little older, and eventually the facts were evident because of actual information.
This is not an article about my parents, either good or bad. I am addressing the problem of FALSE MEMORIES. As a child, I remembered something that never happened. I probably heard the story so many times that I began to think I was there. After all, little children have a hard time understanding that they have not always been part of mom and dad's life. I probably recounted things I heard my parents say, and things I may have heard about other situations, and things I just dreamed up. In the mind of a little child, especially a child with a strong imagination, things become more vivid and "true."
This does not take into consideration the misunderstandings that come from a broken home, where one parent bad mouths the other parent or where the child is poisoned against other people because of the false accusations, which were made by angry parents or family members.
There have been occasions when people recounted events from previous centuries, feeding the false notion of reincarnation. There have been legal cases in America where children remembered abuses and devil worship by teachers, pastors and parents, only to be proved wrong, after those adults had lost years in prison, lost their families, their reputations and their livelihoods.
But is not only the people that have been falsely accused who suffer from the false memories. It is the person who has believed their own lies. Personal anger, resentment, self orientation and misinformation has ruined many lives. Sometime, even after decades of self deception, the accuser realized he/she has misrepresented another person and they took steps to rectify the problem. However, sometimes it is too late to say they are sorry, or mend and restore the relationship.
Truth can set the records straight. However, truth is not welcomed into the dark. As a result, those who love darkness will continue to be held prisoner to darkness and deceit.
Deceit not only blocks out light, it eventually forgets what light is like. The deceived lies so often that he/she believes his/her own lies. The DECEIVED becomes the DECEIVER. There is deliverance from the bondage of false memories and deception, but it takes humility, trust and love to be set free.
Consider these two passages.
John 3:19-21
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
2 Timothy 3:13
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
On the count of three take a deep breath, think peaceful thoughts, and all brokenness will be mended.
Nope, it won't work. Sorry.
04/18/18 A LEG TO STAND ON
Y'all have seen coins that have the word TUIT imprinted on them. They are called, A ROUND TUIT, which you give to people who procrastinate and then say they will do it when they get "around to it."
This toy part in this photo (a toy soldier leg) was left at our house by a grandchild. I thought about getting a box of these and handing them to people who replace Bible truth with errant arguments. Then i would remind them that they don't have a leg to stand on.
Hehehe, ya gotta love me to get to heaven.
(I hope you read the two paragraphs about MY APPROACH)
(some of mine)
I have some doctrinal distinctives (Bible beliefs that are not shared by some other Christians), such as,
Holiness of heart and life in this present evil world,
Christian Peacemaking and State Peace Keeping,
Church Discipline,
Male leadership of families and churches,
We choose to let sin separate us from God or God to separate us from sin,
Christ died for all sinners.
This is just an example.
I am not one sided or lopsided with these beliefs. Each one fits into my wheel of understanding in a balance. I obviously believe other fundamental truths (along with the rest of Bible believing Christianity).
There is only one God but He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Jesus is God and He is Man,
Jesus was virgin born,
The blood of Jesus on the cross provides Biblical atonement,
Jesus died physically for our sins and rose physically for our salvation,
Christ is the Head of the Church.
My Doctrinal Distinctives fit together with my other Bible beliefs. I have a history of preaching all of these distinctives since the 1970s. I preach and teach, "the whole counsel of God" (Ac. 20:27). However, there are occasions that I focus on a particular subject in order to teach those truths through a systematic approach or by building layer upon layer in order to establish the facts of my argument. Normally this would take place as a matter of course in my local church, but sometimes I focus particularly on a doctrine because there is a clear and present danger that my people are facing at the time.
This is the reason for so many FB articles on CHURCH DISCIPLINE recently. Though I teach and preach it to my local church regularly as part of my Ecclesiology, I thought this to be a good time to address this Biblical position for other friends who might be interested. One reason is that very few people even know that Church Discipline is a Biblical standard for all churches and also because Christians need to know the Biblical directives concerning how to deal with blasphemous attacks on God, the Bible, the local church, pastors and other believers.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
The Christian life is staged on a battlefield, not an amusement park.
Christians must be trained in spiritual warfare.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
2 Timothy 2:3-4
3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
Ephesians 6:10-17
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
1 Timothy 1:18-20
18 This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
19 Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:
20 Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.
Church Discipline is God's provision for a healthy local church.
Without it human wisdom replaces Divine revelation.
FYI, my posts on CHURCH DISCIPLINE are NOT related to The Net House.
Praise the LORD.
I am dealing with ongoing attacks from blasphemers who have never repented and have continued to attack our church through the years. I have watched as these blasphemers have ruined lives, destroyed families and slandered the ministry for the past 30 years. Sadly, their venom still poisons people today, including people we have loved deeply and people who use to know the truth.
Church discipline is for the purpose of restoring the backslider and maintaining the integrity of the church.
Because we love the backslider, it is not pleasant to discipline the disobedient, yet the blasphemer attacks the church.
Parents do not want other people to interfere or undermine disciplining of their children.
Neither does God.
A GREAT BIBLICAL PARADOX. Christian love practices church discipline. Church discipline is powered by Christian love.
OKAY, FIRST, I will say this just because some people are not happy unless the word of God gets qualified by the wickedness of Satan. In other words, Bible believers don't need for me to give this qualifier, but to those who are confused about Biblical order and authority,
Okay, I hope those folks are happy that Satan got mentioned.
Biblical church discipline is not a new thing or a strange thing. It has been around since before the Church came into existence. Remember, Jesus addressed this subject in Matthew 18, which predates the birth or beginning of the Church, in the book of Acts.
Modern Christianity, especially snow flake western Christianity and new age oriented and Emergent Christianity (which are Christian movements in NAME ONLY), have resisted, rejected, reinterpreted and rebelled against God's directives for dealing with sin in the church.
The lack of Biblical church discipline has contributed greatly to a spineless, loveless, sinning religion that masquerades as true Christianity and churchmanship.
There are great numbers of very good articles available on BIBLICAL CHURCH DISCIPLINE. Yes, there are areas of concern and there have been un-Biblical practices, but that does not change the fact that CHURCH DISCIPLINE IS TRUE.
I have watched as blasphemers and home wreckers and liars have attacked churches and individuals because they did not want to be answerable for their anti-Christian and church splitting behavior.
My observation and experience indicates that those who refuse to be answerable and disciplined by loving churches are the ones who raise an attack against Bible preachers and parishioners, as did Alexander the Coppersmith (or maybe copperhead or rattlesnake) did with Paul, causing Paul's fellow believers and workers to turn against him (2 Timothy 4:14-16).
A church that does not obey and follow God in loving and uncompromising discipline does not accept Jesus as Lord and does not practice New Testament love.
Jesus gave His life to purify His bride. The local church must follow God's directive in keeping separate from the world.
Ephesians 5:25-27
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
We only seek forgiveness when we understand we have done wrong. God wants us to have a broken and contrite heart
In seeking the way to God, Jesus said
Mt. 5:3-10,
vs 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit (those who humble themselves in seeking reconciliation),
vs. 4 Blessed are those who mourn (weep for their own sinful, lost condition),
vs. 5 Blessed are the meek (those who quietly receive reproof, correction, chastisement, discipline),
vs. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (those who seek righteousness rather than claiming rightness),
vs 7 Blessed are the merciful (those who show favor to the needy),
vs. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart (those without hidden or self serving agenda),
vs. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers (those who seek to make peace with those who create strife and division),
vs. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake (those who are despised and rejected and maligned for doing that which is pleasing to God).
04/16/18 JUST AS I AM
"JUST AS I AM" does not mean, "What you see is what you get." It means, "Forgive me for I have sinned, I have nothing to offer."
(in response to a friend's comment, I said)
You are right. We come to Him as we are, but we come to be transformed by Him conformed to Him and empowered by Him and to live in the way that is pleasing to Him.
04/15/18 WHERE AM I
(once you see where you are, set your course for where you should be)
Here is a chart I developed, which might help you find your spiritual status and relationship with God. It is not a perfect chart, however it depicts the spiritual background and current status that identifies the experience of most people.
If we understand our background and present status, it may help us see our need and our possibilities for the future. If we think of our past as the point of spiritual beginning and we see heaven as our destination, maybe we can begin to see the steps we need to take in order to follow the path of spiritual life and maturity.
The basic breakdown is simply UNSAVED and SAVED. However, background, personal experience and understanding are components in reaching people. It is the difference between writing on a clean sheet of paper or having to correct misinformation, false doctrine, experiences. Double-speak, as used by the cults, requires clarification. The same terms may mean completely different things to different people, because of their training. False religions and cults use the same words, but they mean different things.
UNSAVED, in this article, refers to people who have not acknowledged that they have sinned against God, and that they stand condemned, and they have not believed on Christ death and resurrection, confessed their sin, confessed their faith in Christ and turned from sin to follow Jesus by faith.
SAVED, in this article, refers to people who are born again, by the Spirit of God and are living their lives in faithful submission to Christ.
BACKSLIDER, in this article, refers to people who had a personal, life changing, salvation experience through faith in Christ, but are not living in submission to the Lordship of Christ at the present.
Unsaved - No Gospel connection from past (totally without Gospel in past).
Unsaved - No former contact with Gospel message.
Unsaved - Erroneous contact with Gospel (i.e. Roman Catholicism, Liberalism, Mormonism, Tribal Christianity).
Unsaved - Mixed contact with Gospel message (Legalism, Formalism or Ritualism, Sacramentalism).
Unsaved - Former contact with Gospel message, but no personal salvation through faith in Christ..
Backslider - Previously converted but uncommitted.
Backslider - Previously converted and committed.
Restored backslider but inconsistent.
Restored backslider and consistent.
Saved - Uncommitted, Church goer.
Saved - Committed but carnal, Church goer.
Saved - Committed but inconsistent, Church goer.
Saved - Hungering for deeper life.
Not many people will fit into the last category. But if you do, then there is good news for you. God wants you to hunger and thirst, because He will answer that desire. If you have questions for me, please let me know.
Looking at FB friends posts, including memories of deceased loved ones, from children to the aged.
Share your love while you can.
(transcript for this video)
This passage gets little attention today, because
people today think that our modern church, our western church has
"advanced in grace," and it no longer believes in CHURCH DISCIPLINE:
does not believe in the church bringing people to accountability for
bringing division, for speaking against the work and the workers of God.
The Bible teaches us that we should hold people accountable.
We should not be resentful.
We should not be revengeful.
We should bring redemption, reconciliation, restoration to the offender.
Let's consider a particular passage, addressing the problem of blasphemy, speaking against the work, nature, Person, people of God.
In 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy Paul pointed out that a particular person had blasphemed and Paul told us how he dealt with that problem and warned us about the dangers of blasphemers.
In 2 Timothy 3 Paul spoke about the end times and gives a "rogues gallery" of evil people. As we look at that list of sins, it seems to be a character profile for Alexander the Coppersmith, the individual that was blaspheming Paul.
These are also characteristics of people who bring division to the church, people who speak against the body, speak against the word of God, speak against God and speak against the children of God.
God gives us steps of reconciliation, directives for discipline, for correcting and perfecting believers. God gives direction and He expects us
to follow His directives, in the spirit of love and truth; not for the
purpose of personal, vindictive reason. These directives are given to
restore those who have gone astray.
We don't see much church discipline taking place today.
Usually if someone is being divisive or slanderous, modern, western,
gracious "advanced" believers don't address sin in the church. However,
the Bible tells us that we are to rebuke openly (1 Tm. 5:20).
We should not be looking for the opportunity to hurt someone or embarrass someone or to name their sins.
When a person sins privately, we might be able to deal with that sin on a private basis.
When it becomes known openly then our discipline and correction becomes more open and public.
Let's look at 2 Timothy 4:14-16
2 Timothy 4:14-16
14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:
15 Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words.
16 At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.
Verse 14 is very pointed, though it may not sound like it when we read it. This is a very strong statement.
Remember, in 1 Timothy Paul had said that he had turned Alexander over to the devil, so that he would learn not to blaspheme.
Turning someone over to the devil does not happen lightly or quickly.
It happens because a person will not yield to the authority of God, the
authority of the church, will not humble himself and be reconciled.
They want others to accept them as they are, which means they want
others to destroy the people they are attacking, which is what blasphemy
Paul explains how Alexander the Coppersmith was blaspheming.
14 Alexander the Coppersmith did me much evil:
We are not talking about people who have minor disagreements, or people who do not get along or have personality conflicts.
We are talking about people who have set their course to do much evil, to hurt other people, to slander other people, to liable other people, to ruin other people.
We are not talking about hurting just anyone, but
hurting, destroying those who love and preach the word of God, and are
reaching out to the very people who are living in conflict with
themselves; attacking a Christian because he is doing the work of God.
Paul turned Alexander over to the devil. God still
loved Alexander, God wanted to restore Alexander, but Alexander WOULD
NOT fit into the body, but rather, Alexander wanted the body to fit into
his will, his way of thinking and doing. Paul turned Alexander over to
or against the church, or against me (Paul) in particularly, because
Alexander "did me much evil."
Most people do not know how much damage a blasphemer can do.
Most people have little squabbles, arguments, disagreements, and then
they go on with life. But those who are resisting and rejecting the
Spirit of God during a real spiritual struggle, are determined to hurt
those who are holding firmly and steadfastly to the word of God.
Paul explained what kind of evil Alexander did in his blasphemous attacks, still, Paul cared about Alexander being restored. This is the reason for church discipline:
To restore by confronting a person one on one.
If that does not accomplish restoration then,
The leadership of the church confronts them, and the offender is brought before the entire church, if that step can be taken.
If the offender does not repent then he or she is turned over to the devil; they are cut off from the body, and they are "shunned."
This does not mean you treat them unkindly or you
don't feed them if they are hungry or give them drink or help them with
emergency care. The Biblical "cutting off" means that you do
not fellowship with them or treat them as though they are believes; you
do not call them "believers" because they are a misrepresentation, a
negative representation of being a Christian. The offender is a
backslider and not in a right relationship with either God or His
Though Paul cared about Alexander, Paul wanted God to reward him
"according to his works." Whatever that meant, good or bad. Paul wanted
good things for Alexander, but he wanted God to reward Alexander
according to his works.
Paul continued in this passage, to warn Timothy that Alexander was a
danger to him, because Alexander "has greatly withstood our words." This
was the same as withstanding, standing against the word of God, because
Paul was speaking the word of God. Whenever anyone withstands the word
of God, they are standing against God.
Offenders do not like to be recognized as standing against God, so they
frame the situation as if the faithful person is the one who is actually
the offender.
Timothy could have taken the attitude,
"I can handle this. I don't need you to tell me what to do."
I realize it was Paul, and Paul was the apostle of God.
I realize we are not apostles.
But Paul was giving God's word and whenever anyone, any pastor gives the
word of God, and exposes the rebellion and exposes the blasphemy, and
then the word of God is rejected, and the person is bringing division in
the body and slandering believers, lying about believers, destroying
families, then the offender is rejecting God.
You do not have the right to reject God's way of dealing with a blasphemous person.
You do not have the right to say you will handle the problem in your own way.
You can't handle it in your own way.
We must do what God says and do it God's way if we care about the lost person.
We must do what God says if we care about the church.
We must do what God says if we care about our fellow believer.
We must do what God says if we care about GOD.
Paul warned Timothy that Alexander had greatly withstood his words. It
was not just a matter of slipping or sliding off course. It was a matter
of deliberate choice to take steps to hurt someone, in open rejection
to Biblical counsel.
Some people separate verse 16 from the context of this
passage. People say that this verse is referring to Paul's defense
before the court in Rome. (be that as it may) It may apply to that
situation, but I believe verse 16 fits naturally and essentially with
this context. Let's look at it.
2 Timothy 4:14-16
14 (point 1) Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: (point 2) the Lord reward him according to his works:
15 (point 3) Of whom be thou ware also; (point 4) for he hath greatly withstood our words.
16 (point 5) At my first answer no man stood with me, (point 6) but all
men forsook me: (point 7) I pray God that it may not be laid to their
Paul clearly said that people left him because of Alexander's blasphemy.
At this point, Paul expresses his concern for those who had abandoned
him because they gave heed to Alexander's attack on Paul.
LOOK AT THE DIVISION brought into the
body by an angry, vindictive blasphemer. It happened with Paul and it
still happens with those who are doing the work of God. It does not
happen often, because very few churches are advanced enough that the
devil has to use this tactic.
How many churches do you know, which take a stand on church discipline?
I am not referring to the errant use of authority, such as the Roman
position concerning excommunication, or the practice of ultra, extreme,
narrow, legalistic groups who use shunning as a form of punishment
because people do not fit their errant view of dress code or demeanor or
speech. Remember, discipline is for restoration of the offender and
protection of the body.
How many churches that love God, love the lost, love the brethren, love the word of God, love fellowship...
how many of them are taking a stand against those who are bringing division in the body?
how many of them are taking a stand against those who are are speaking against leadership?
how many of them are taking a stand against those who are speaking against other believers?
how many of them are taking a stand against the word of God?
DISCIPLINE is something we don't see very often.
AND, how many of those who practice church discipline go as far as Biblically "cutting off" the blasphemer?
God wants the church to cut off those who will not turn from bringing division, speaking blasphemously.
God wants us to turn some people over to the devil, so that they will learn not to blaspheme.
If they do not want to be a responsible, submissive part of the body of
Christ then they need to go out and see what life is like without the
body, see what the devil has for them.
Paul said, "at first, no man stood with me." How sad is that. Alexander
brought so much and such horrendous division that NO MAN STOOD WITH
PAUL. Division in family, division with converts, division with
co-workers in the ministry.
Paul responded to the blasphemy, Paul addressed the errors and accusations, STILL, NO MAN STOOD WITH HIM. ALL MEN FORSOOK HIM.
This is what blasphemers do.
This is what people do, who do not yield to authority.
That is what people do, who will not yield to Biblical directives.
THAT IS WHAT THEY DO. They speak against, they bring division, the cause others to forsake the truth and the body of Christ.
The lies of Alexander led others to think of Paul as the bad guy: Paul
was the trouble maker: Paul was the problem child. I am sure that some
folks thought of Alexander as the good guy.
Alexander probably had doctrinal differences with Paul. But he spoke
against Paul's teachings and against Paul. He would not yield to the
authority of the word of God or the apostle Paul.
No matter how much I have tried to reach out and help those who have
gone astray, there are some who have persisted in their rebellion and
become antagonistic to me and my ministry.
They have taken steps to destroy me, my family, my ministry.
They have also tried to, and have sometimes succeeded in destroying
families of people, simply because those people were friends with me.
Those victims were not even part of our church. But Satan and his
blasphemers are false accusers and they destroy whatever is good.
I have cried for the many victims of the blasphemers, for
those who have followed the blasphemers in targeting me as an evil
person. I have known them, loved them, led them to Christ, joined them
in marriage, dedicated their children, discipled them, trained them in
ministry, prayed with them in their times of need, AND NOW I AM THE BAD
GUY and MY MESSAGE IS REJECTED, because of blasphemers.
God has never forsaken me. God has used me in ministry. God has
delivered me. But that does not change the evil or the damage associated
with evil workers, blasphemers.
Look at what Paul said in the previous chapter.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Read each phrase slowly, thoughtfully, carefully. Most of these traits are related to blasphemy.
It is not easy.
It is not fun.
It is obligatory.
It is mandatory.
If we want to restore the lost, restore the blasphemer, restore the
divisive person, restore the one who brings confusion to the local body
or to individual families, WE MUST FOLLOW BIBLICAL DIRECTIVES.
If we do not follow God's rule, then we cut those evil workers off from God forever.
The only way to reach and retain the errant one is to deal with them according to Divine Discipline.
It is not easy, but if we want to be Biblical we need to love God more than we love the friendships of this world.
Monday, April 16, 2018
(comment notes from Dash-cam video)
A Dash-cam Message concerning Church Discipline. The violators have resentment and eventually regret, yet not always with repentance.
God disciplines His people individually and corporately.
The purpose of God's discipline is to produce godliness, God likeness.
To produce Reconciliation, Restoration
Discipline, Chastisement, Training of God is to leave us without resentment or regret.
Chastisement, Discipline is often through the body of Christ. It actually starts through parents.
Parents who allow open rebellion in the home are asking for open rebellion in life.
Likewise, God gives to church, His local family, the responsibilities of nurturing, chastising, discipline and sometimes cutting off.
This is hard, it is difficult. People don't understand or agree with the Biblical concept of cutting off and they even fault the believers who follow God's directives.
Cutting people of for their own good. Sometimes a child must be cut off from the advantages of home in order to learn discipline.
Sometimes people in the church need to be cut off from the advantages of the church so that they will learn to come to God and learn not to blaspheme, to speak against God, to speak against His word, to speak against His Church, to speak against His people.
Discipline, chastisement, training in righteousness even to the point of cutting off is not easy for people who love God and love their brothers and sisters.
The easy way out is to sidestep, to excuse the concept, to remover the responsibility of chastising someone, of correcting someone of actually cutting someone off.
Excusing, sidestepping it, people and churches condemn other people to a life of separation from God, an eternity of separation from God.
It is interesting to me. People who live in such a way as to deserve correction, chastisement, discipline, cutting off, are the ones who harbor resentment toward others.
The one who does the discipline, who does the cutting off, because of love, because of Biblical revelation, Biblical directives, is not resentful toward the one who is guilty of blasphemy, who is guilty of bringing division in the body.
The regrets are not for their own obedience to God, but for the disobedience of the other person toward God.
No chastisement seems good or pleasurable at the moment, but it is necessary. Cutting off is not pleasurable, though some find pleasure in attacking those who follow God's word.
Live in such a way that you do not need to be disciplined, to be cut off. Live in submission to the word of God, which leads us to submission to legitimate authority, which leads to love and acceptance and support of others. Rather than the promotion of self, which leads to a definite separation between sin and righteousness, which leads to coming out from, and being separate from the world.
Being separate from the world, being separate from the lost does not mean hating the lost. It does not mean resenting the lost. I means loving God, with the whole heart, which means hating sin. We can hate sin and love the sinner.
Live in such a way that there no regret, that you come short of obeying God, that you regret that you failed those who disobey God by giving them a pass, or giving them and that it was alright that, that they had done everything necessary, even though they had not.
Love them enough to do the right thing, otherwise, you are going to love them to hell, which is no love at all.
12/28/18 FAITH FACES FACTS Faith does not sugar coat lies, ignore tragedy, rename sin, deceive itself, excuse wickedness. FAITH CONFRONTS E...