IT AIN'T FAIR. Sometimes my congestion and coughing racks and rattles my body through the day and keeps me from sleeping at night.
BUT DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME. The unfairness is not in my trouble. Rather IT IS NOT FAIR THAT I GET THE BLESSING. I get really tired (since I contracted West Nile Virus in 2005), which interferes with my extended time in studying and writing), therefore I sometimes just watch or listen to videos which allow me to drink in the information. I often call up songs which underscore my recent meditations and studying.
I have a lot of PERSONAL CAMP MEETING TIME. I cry, I laugh, I raise my hands, I shout (when it is just me and Jesus in the house), I reflect and I give thanks. I remember as a young person (mostly during my college years) having long nights that I could not sleep (having nothing to do with sickness), and just enjoying wave after wave of His overwhelming presence.
NEITHER IS IT FAIR THAT I HAVE HAD THE ADVANTAGE OF KNOWING THAT IT IS GOOD TO THROW YOURSELF INTO YOUR WORSHIP AND PRAISE. I know so many people who have never been swept away in pure emotion of love, praise, thanksgiving, joy, amazement, humility, exaltation. They know the natural joy of excitement; celebration at concerts, ball games, rallies of various kinds, but they have never been caught up in the pure joy and love and thanksgiving of total surrender, total awareness of His presence, total awareness of His mercy and grace and deliverance. They have known the exhilaration of receiving good news about a loved one or being reunited with a loved one or healed from a sickness or delivered from an impending disaster, but never so awestruck by being allowed private audience with the King of the Universe, with the God Man, with the Lover of their soul, with the Spirit of light, life, truth, holiness, power.
As I enjoy my Personal Camp Meeting times with the Lord, I think about others who are overburdened, overshadowed, overspent on the troubles and trials of this world, instead of overcome by the Overcomer and over-blessed by the Blesser. I think about those who are building their ark according to faulty plans of the blind, who are setting their course according to carnal directives of those who are lost.
I realize there are demonstrative people who appear to be BLESSED, but in reality they are carnal, or shallow; they are people who build walls of separation with others, people who bring divisiveness rather than unity, hurt rather than healing. IT AIN'T FAIR FOR THEM EITHER. They are being robbed and they are robbing others.
Whatever the reason, IT AIN'T FAIR that some folks just don't draw close to God (I mean life changing close to God). The UNFAIRNESS is not God's fault. I don't know where all of the UNFAIRNESS COMES FROM. But I do know, that the person who surrenders and trusts in the Lord with his whole heart will find the greatest of blessings in the midst of their greatest trials and difficulties.
I hurt when I see people either drifting or deliberately sailing off into uncharted and unsafe waters. I cry some more, when I realize that their failure to draw near to God is going to end everlastingly bad for them. You see, IT AIN'T FAIR. God has given so much for all of us to draw near, and yet people turn from God's offer of gold and silver and precious stone in order to grasp wood, straw and stubble.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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