Tuesday, August 28, 2018



So, it didn't matter as godless Liberals/Socialists attacked the Bible record of Creation over the last century? Look where it led our children, schools, society.

All the macho gun toting, tough talking, self proclaimed champions of freedom and family have fallen in line with the devil and surrendered their children and the future of America into the hands of God hating Secular Humanists (aka Liberals, Socialists, Materialists, Progressives).

You have been sending your children to the Public Indoctrination Centers, to be turned away from God and His word, and away from their families and churches. It should have been enough, as we watched morality and spirituality being undermined, and then as freedom and faith were being maligned. BUT NO. It did not matter. Americans (including "Christians") bowed at the throne of Moloch and Caesar, killing their children, sacrificing their children to the god's of pleasure, prestige and the power of the State).

America's parents and pastors covered their eyes, stopped their ears and shut their mouths as the God hating government and government school system destroyed families, family values, scoffed the viability and sacredness of life in the womb.

We have seen the perverted become the prescribed, the natural become the non acceptable, the historical become the hated, and the boastful guardians of our way of life are still only hollow images of real men, because they talked the talk but have not walked the walk. (BY THE WAY, THE REAL WALK OF MEN OF GOD IS STANDING FOR TRUTH, AND FIGHTING THE FIGHT OF FAITH, NOT TAKING THE SWORD OF STEEL AND KILLING THE godless OPPRESSORS).

NOW our children are being led to believe that human sexuality is a matter of insane whims and public approval. The State has been allowed to violate the safety of children and women by opening the doors of bathrooms to any weirdo who wants to gratify his filthy hungers.

NOW our children are not even allowed to identify themselves or others as male and female, based on natural, factual, biological truth.

NOW our children, grandchildren, all children will be facing the very real possibility that their future relationship will be with someone who denied their own gender (gender and sex are actually the same, in spite of societal "new speak") and have experimented with all manner of immorality and have even taken steps to "change their gender."

NOT only have the God haters promoted the insanity that denies the authority of God and His word, they have taken steps to make Bible believers into criminals.

GOD CAN CHANGE THINGS. But there comes a time when He won't. That time may be now or very soon.

Regardless of what God does, and regardless of what the so-called "real Americans" do, regardless of what the spineless, mindless, Christ-less churches do, Christians must take up the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT and stand for truth and fight the good fight of faith. We must not surrender to darkness and we must not compromise the truth of God and we must not show the treasures of God to the enemy.

But then again, this is just the rantings of a Bible toting, Christ following, Spirit led fanatic. Who cares?

To be part of a small but select force, committed to a worthy, eternal cause, and destined for victory, you need to surrender to Christ and follow Him into spiritual battle.

Though spiritual battle will not fight against flesh and blood (physical enemies) and though our weapons are not carnal (physical), the army of God accomplishes more than all the armies of this world combined.

We must have the Cause of Christ as our own cause and we must be empowered within and we must put on the Full Armor of God, and we must march bravely into the darkness that threatens our very lives. Our victory is not temporal or temporary, but eternal.