Wednesday, May 23, 2018



Not a bad little video I did concerning POVERTY, from a Christian perspective. I use the word POVERTY in the sense of not being able to provide for your family in your society. I am not talking about abject poverty. The poverty of starvation. Even so, cultural or societal poverty does impact health and well being and can result in death.

I realize poverty is somewhat relative to current standards and local conditions, but there is such a thing as being poor. Unable to meet our needs, even when we are hard working, good stewards.
Poverty is a reality around the world, in America, in our own neighborhoods.
Not only children, but adults suffer poverty. Hard working, respectable people are sometimes unable to pay their bills.
Sometimes a person's poverty is linked to the fact that they are Christians. Financial persecution is a real form of persecution. People are not allowed to make a living wage because of their relationship to Jesus.
This is also true in our own country. Liberals, anti-Bible people want to make Christians do things (at the expense of their own relationship with God)in order to meet the DEMANDS of other people. They say that our FAITH is subordinate to the DEMANDS of other people.

Some people do not have an income, even though they are doing the best they can. They do not deserve poverty. They are a victim to a certain extent.
Some people have a job, but their income is so low, so limited that they are not able to pay their bills or buy the things they need. It is not their fault.

A lot of things enter into the poverty issue. Poverty is both objective and subjective.

I don't put much focus on poverty.
(Of course, folks think that if you are rich you don't care much about, or understand poverty.)
I realize I am rich, compared to a lot of people. That is not even debatable. I am not as rich as some people (smile). But on the world scene, I am like the Rothschild s or the Rockefeller's. In my own society I don't rank with the richest (laughter).
A KING on the world scene may be a poor man in his own society. Living in some parts of the world makes life easier or gives a higher standard of living, but poverty is relative to location and/or relative to the time in which a person lives.

A westerner may not understand the poverty of a street person in Haiti or India or North Korea, but that does not mean that the westerner is not poor in his own society, and poor to such an extent that his family actually does suffer because of it.

Suffering is not always due to a person's failure to do right. Job suffered several problems in life, because he was righteous. God did not afflict Job, but God allowed Satan to afflict Job, to prove Job's faith.

If we focus on our wealth and poverty, we are not focusing on God. When you focus on your status, your condition, you are not focusing on God.

I know people who seem to have a money gene. They seem to get money without even trying. Money comes to some people and not to other people, who are just as deserving. BUT THAT IS OK.

Paul said,
Philippians 4:11-13
11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Paul also suffered and affliction, which caused him to seek God's deliverance three times. However, God told him,
2 Corinthians 12:7-9
7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Some people do not want to settle for God's grace. Some people do not want to settle for God's provision that make them content. Sometimes it is the false teaching of "health and wealth" or "name it claim it" that robs people of the true riches of God and His grace.

I have had this as a motto.
"I have done so much, with so little, for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing now." hehehe, is sounds strange, but there is great truth in it.

God has stepped into my life and other people, providing miraculously for our needs. I have done all I can, and still came up short, then God did the impossible. I have lost things from time to time, either because of creditors or the State. I have lost.

But when you get down to it, if you lose a car, you lose a car. If you lose a house, you lose a house. I am not saying it is inconsequential, I am saying it is not worthy of our focus.

People in our society are afraid of poverty. Not real poverty or abject poverty, but "poverty" that keeps them from having the extras in life, the non essentials in life.
People are so afraid because they live for stuff and things of this world. They see their extras in life as essentials. They see their blessings as their their birthright.

It is not just a matter of making enough to live. People often complain because they do not make what they want or feel like they deserve. That may be true, but there is a problem when people start evaluating their lives by the accumulation of stuff.

Teachers complain about not making enough. I am not saying that things are equitable. I agree, that there is something wrong with a society that pays BALL PLAYERS millions and then the person who has a real job, a people serving job, a job that makes society better, is only given a small income. People who work hard, sacrificially; people who have invested time and money and hard work (not hard play), in their education, training, preparation are worthy of their hire.

HOWEVER (uh oh, here it comes). However, Christians who are teaching in the public schools should be seeking placement in Christian schooling, where the need is greater and the returns are much more productive. We need people, even if it is at a great personal sacrifice, who are pouring their lives into work and ministry that does the greater good and serves a more essential ministry.

People need to determine the direction of their lives based on the real needs rather than the supposed needs, because some things are more important than making money.

The prevalent thought is that it is alright for a missionary to serve God by going to some primitive part of the world and giving up the advantages of the modern, western world. BUT NO WAY are those same people going to sacrifice accordingly and do without in this world in order to serve God here.

Where does the Bible say that we should serve God sacrificially in other parts of the world, but NOT HERE?

If God blesses us with material wealth, financial success, Praise His Name. But if that is what we align our lives for... if that is what we are pursuing, THEN WE HAVE GOT A PROBLEM.

Preachers come out of schools today (whatever that means) and they are looking for the best housing and a good, "financial package." A FINANCIAL PACKAGE. You do remember that Scripture that tells ministers to pursue holiness, live righteously, lead faithfully and "get a good financial package."

It does not say that.

Preachers should be cared for and the church should be supported in ministry, Pastors ought to be well provided for. The Bible teaches this clearly. But a preacher how is seeking the things of this world, isn't worth much. You ain't worth much if you are seeking riches, when you ought to be seeking the Lord and seeking the lost, when you ought to be doing the work of ministry.

This principle is true for pulpit AND PEW. People ought not to be living their lives in pursuit of money, the easy life, big bank accounts, secure futures, university educations for children. They ought to be seeking God and seeking how to serve God.

Education is important, but high dollar education often benefits the education industry more than it benefits the student. I want my doctor to have a really good education, but not everyone needs a university degree to do the work they need to do.

To set desire on money, stuff, status, comfort, prestige IS TO NOT FOCUS ON THE REAL NEEDS OF PEOPLE, the needs of the church and ministry. This is more than financial support of the church. I am referring to personal commitment of time and talents to the work of reaching and teaching and leading the needy.

The youth and children of the whole world and America in particular are being siphoned off and sucked out of the faith and church today. The children and youth need to see adults that are fully committed to the ministry of reconciliation. They need to see adults with their focus on God and His will.

Poverty? I don't like it. I don't pursue it. I don't want others to be plagued by it. But if money, material wealth, temporal blessings are your focus, then you have your eyes in the wrong direction. TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS.

Another thing is, if you do have plenty of money, if you keep hoarding it, accumulating it, building your account, padding your own nest, while people around you, the church, the ministry, are going without, then you have a real problem. You have a bigger problem than the poor man.

If it is going to cost you you to serve God fully, then you need to make the break from your current direction. This includes more that money. Standing with and for the truth can cost you friends, family, position, finances. But you need to stand for the truth and stand with the body of believers.

Hear the call of God and heed His call to salvation and service.