Tuesday, May 15, 2018

05/15/18 A SAD GOODBYE

05/15/18 A SAD GOODBYE

My friend and college classmate posted that John Wesley College (my alma mater) will have its final graduation this coming Saturday. The college proclaimed the message of full salvation and trained men and women for ministry since 1903.

I shared some of my thoughts in a comment. I am sharing that comment with you here.



It wasn't just a name It was a heritage, a message, a family, a fort and training ground for holiness warriors.

I am glad it was there for me, in my shallowness, leading me into holiness, loving me, holding me when I suffered loss, teaching me that the message of holiness was true, showing me that the message of entire sanctification was livable, proving that perfect love was real and active.

I am grateful for having met heroes and heroines of the faith, men and women who sacrificed personal and family advantages so that I could know the truth of Bible holiness (as a work of grace and a way of life).

Great men and women come to mind (in fact, they cross my mind on a regular basis). I won't mention any, for fear of leaving someone out. But they were men and women of valor, compassion, self sacrifice, purpose. They led the school, they fed the school, they cleaned and maintained the school.

They were unique and special in their day, and how much more we need them today.

I sit here with tears, not just for wonderful memories, but because future ministry students will never have the advantages that are made available through a Bible college dedicated to the message of heart purity and victorious living. And there was never a time or society that needed it more.