Monday, May 7, 2018

05/07/18 "WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

05/07/18 "WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

After making crude comments about some nasty graphite, a 9 year old boy was confronted by a Christian young person who told the boy that such talk was wrong and is offensive to Christians. The boy indignantly responded that he was a Christian also, and was then told that he should tell Jesus he was sorry for his speech. The boy became belligerent, based on having already gotten saved in the past and seeing no reason to repeat his repentance. He asked his mother if he needed to tell Jesus he was sorry again. His mother told him, "no."

And there you have the end result of teaching ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED. This little boy has been deceived into thinking that his sins are covered, even if he does not "tell Jesus he is sorry." He certainly sees no reason to repent. His mother confirms him in his sin and his "church" is damning him to eternity with false doctrine.

And some folks, even those who say they do not believe in sinning religion, will arrogantly say that the only difference between Calvinism and Arminianism is "SEMANTICS."

So, in hell they lifted up their eyes and saw each other. Since they were going to spend eternity together, they asked each other, "Why are you here?"
One said, "murder."
Another said, "adultery."
Another said, "lying."
Another said, "blasphemy."
Another said, "SEMANTICS."

I constantly run into the same kind of scenario that I posted. People are being taught (regardless of what someone may have said 500 years ago) that a person is saved from all of his/her sins, past, present and future, by one initial act of faith, and repentance may be a good idea, but it is not essential, according to once saved, always saved. And in fact, repentance is not just saying that we are sorry, but turning from sin, changing direction and changing our mind concerning sinning. These people are led to believe that anyone who believes that repentance is essential and that holiness of heart and life is essential (or even possible) are following a lie, though it is clearly taught in the Scriptures. Sinning religion is a damnable doctrine and enslaves people, even well intentioned people who have turned to Christ at some point in their lives.

This little boy in the post is the outcome of teaching that we cannot turn from sin, that it is not essential to turn from sin and that it is not essential for a believer to repent, when and if he does sin after salvation

(A friend commented that repentance is part of the teaching about OSAS).
As far as my post, the end result of OSAS is sinning religion. Whether all Calvinists state it the same or not, the point is, ACCORDING TO THE DOCTRINE, if a person is a Christian, and then he sins, he will still go to heaven, even if he does not repent of that sin, because all of his sins, past, present AND FUTURE are PAID FOR in the theory of PENAL ATONEMENT. Accordingly, it may be stated by some Calvinists that a Christian should repent, but it is not for the purpose of being saved, because OSAS teaches that if they are saved, then their sins will not cause them to be, "unsaved."

And this has been my observation, and my point for decades. OSAS gives the false hope of salvation to those who have repented once. Whether or not that person was ever saved does not matter. They are convinced (because of OSAS) that their sin does not cause them to be separated from God for eternity. Though it is erroneous, OSAS means what it says, "Once Saved, Always Saved," and subsequent sins cannot change that. Though there are some who espouse OSAS (also the false doctrine of Eternal Security or Perseverance of the Saints), and they seek to live a godly life, the principle is that sin in a "Christian's" life will not take them to hell.

As you know, I do not post in order to argue the point. I realize that there are all kinds of arguments people will raise, but that is not what I am going to do or have Even if I ask a Calvinist if he believes that he should repent of sin, subsequent to his own conversion, and that person says, "yes," that person will still believe that his sins will not separate him from God for all eternity.

Not all Calvinists state their position as boldly or offensively as this little boy stated his understanding, but the end result is the same. OSAS is a false hope, whether a person has ever been saved or not. Sadly, their hope is in a false doctrine rather than in a Savior, Who saves His people from their sins; a Savior who enables His people to walk in holiness, rather than sin; a Savior who said that His people will keep His commandments.

As I just said, and as you know, I am not going to let my Timeline become a place to argue back and forth about OSAS. When I post my beliefs, I am fully aware that there are people who do not agree. If someone wants to get together personally, that is great, but this is not the forum for such a discussion. I don't even like posting this reply.

(A friend commented that he did not understand the point of the post, since it seemed to be just a case of a stubborn and clueless parent and child.)

the sin he demonstrated was carnality, which is common to all people, since we are all born with Adamic nature. I would also agree that the mother has her values askew, regardless of her religious training. Once the child told her what he had said, basic decency should have caused her to reprove and admonish the child and demand an apology to the other children he had offended.

I don't know what her preacher tells her. I even find it difficult to believe that he would condone such behavior and such a remorseless response from the son and the mother. But I don't know what the preacher believes or teaches. In fact, if the boy and his mother believe their sins are covered, then they ought to be grateful for forgiveness and all the more humbled and penitent.

HERE IS THE POINT THOUGH. Regardless of what the preacher has taught them, this boy and his mom are relying on a false hope that makes them believe that being Once Saved, Always Saved is true, and to such a degree that repentance for current sin is not necessary. I run into this view all the time. God does require godly sorrow and confession and repentance. God does require a current and living faith that leads into light and righteousness and humility. As the Scripture says, "We are children of God by faith." It is a current faith, not a yesterday faith.

Those two people are in error by thinking that salvation covers sins that are committed subsequent to justification or conversion. We are not saved by a yesterday's faith if that same faith is not saving us from sin today. God does not save us so that we can sin again, with immunity to eternal judgment. The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins shall die. God saves us from our sins and God saves us to love Him and follow Him and to obey Him. At least that is what Jesus said, as well as John and Paul and James and Peter. My point is that the end result of believing in OSAS gives a false security.

I am fairly certain that an actual conversation with the woman and her son would have quickly produced another lie of the devil and that is that we all sin, all Christians sin. Maybe they would even say it like I hear so many say it, that we all sin, "every day, in word, thought and deed." This makes us devils in the flesh, not saints. It is true that many who claim to believe in a salvation that saves from sin, are also guilty of sinning and refuse to repent. Giving lip service does not save anyone. But from my interaction with people, this boy and his mom are not atypical concerning their cavalier attitude toward sin, based on their false hope of OSAS. I have seen and confronted it in people who attend OSAS churches since I was a teenager, and it is getting to be more prevalent.

I hope this explains the point of the post.