Not many folks will be interested in this post. I understand that. But it should be a good post. I am going to recount something I have learned from my ministry, which is actually beneficial to pastors and parishioners. I also realize that some people will not even agree with my point of view. Still, it might be a help to someone.
As you know, I have been addressing the subject of Church Discipline on FB lately. This is not a new subject to me. I have taught it and lived by it to the best of my ability for over 40 years in my pastoral ministry. In fact, I have studied it for close to 50 years.
When I first started teaching and preaching the Biblical view of Church Discipline, it was not because of church problems. I simply wanted to know and communicate God's view of dealing with sin in the church. As I studied, I became aware that it was a subject, with which most pastors and parishioners are unfamiliar, and too often they are antagonistic to what God says on the subject.
Here is the strange twist
During most of the times that I taught and preached this, early in my ministry, I very seldom had to practice or engage those principles.
I have to admit that after a few years as pastor I actually had a congregation that was eager to become all that God wanted them to become. This made it possible for God to work in our midst, in a way that was beyond our greatest expectations. The power, love, self sacrifice, unity, tireless service, and abundant generosity, plus an unimaginable support and encouragement for me, the pastor, was almost dreamlike. In fact, it was unheard of and people outside of our church were often amazed or incredulous when they saw the joy, peace, love and same mindedness of our church.
As I said, I taught the Biblical view of church discipline during those years, and seldom had to exercise my authority in that fashion. I think that when the people understood that there would be loving, yet unflinching commitment to the principles of God, and people would be accountable for their sins, it helped some people avoid any kind of self centered controversy and it was a warning to the typical "malcontents," who plague most churches. We did not live in fear of church discipline. We lived with the assurance that we were all protected from evil doers who often infiltrate churches for the purpose of bringing division and destruction. Whenever we had sin in the church, which was not settled at an altar of prayer, we followed Biblical directives in dealing with sin and usually sin was addressed and sinners were reconciled and restored without church upheaval and suspicion. LOVE and TRUTH gave us PEACE and JOY and UNITY.
Children were being brought up in a church atmosphere that was something sent from heaven. They were not exposed to the selfishness of church bosses or trouble makers. The reality of Christ in our lives led us into worship services that were indescribable, sometimes lasting two, three and occasionally four hours long. I remember times when I would dismiss the service several times before folks finally would leave. It really was like, "Heaven came down and glory filled our souls," because we "sat together in heavenly places."
To know, to believe, to teach, to preach, to practice Biblical discipline, builds churches and edifies believers.
Not all problems turn out right for churches that embrace church discipline. Whenever some people are determined to undermine a ministry, they will poison the hearts and lives of other weak and worldly people. Remember the apostle Paul was attacked by a blasphemer that divided the church, led all of Paul's friends and fellow workers to forsake him, and ruined the lives of other believers.
I have seen the same thing. But if I lose all my friends, all of my family, I will not deny the glorious revelation of God concerning church discipline. Just because there are naysayers and enemies of Biblical reconciliation, there is no reason to deny God and abandon His will. After all, if I let the blasphemers cause me to deny Christ and reject His word, I would be as much of a loser as they are.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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