Talked to a man today about fishing, society, world conditions, future.
He is an older man from Winston Salem but likes to fish near Beaufort.
He was soon talking about changes in society and the loss of freedom that we are having in America.
One of the problems is people coming into our communities from "other places." They leave their home area because they don't like the conditions (social, economic, political), and come to our community because it is so much nicer and enjoyable to live.
BUT the first thing they want to do is change OUR COMMUNITY TO BE LIKE THE ONE THEY JUST LEFT.
They come in thinking that they have a better idea of how life ought to be lived, and want to force taxes, codes, laws, restriction on people that were perfectly happy before they showed up with their superior wisdom and insight.
He wants to move to Arizona. He thinks he has found good property at a good price and less government control.
Young people today have no idea what it is like to live in a free society.
Sadly, communities lose their freedoms because they start to impose higher taxes, which actually oppresses the local residents, because they have not lived their lives to become rich. All they wanted to do was have a home and community that was conducive to raising children and being free.
Somehow folks from other places think they are superior to Southerners because of slavery.
NEWS FLASH, I never owned a slave. NEWS UPDATE, slavery was not just a SOUTHERN THING.
You do remember President U.S. Grant, right? He still had a slave AFTER THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES.
Believe it or not, good and evil are not separated by the Mason Dixon line, although those with a Norther mentality often seem to think that morality and education is higher in the North than in the South. Before you start looking at national education rankings, you might want to check out some other cultural facts that determine those rankings. But if you are a Northerner with an inflated cultural self image or a Liberal, you want want to learn the facts.
But in order to avoid this new oppression from outsiders, the old fellow told me he was going to Arizona and wide open spaces.
I told him I was going to move to a place that is going to get better.
He said, "WHERE IS THAT?"
I said, "I am going to heaven."
Heaven, the presence of God is the only place that going to get better.
No sin.
No hatred.
No deceit.
No prejudice.
No greed in heaven.
In our eternity with God our life will get better and then it will get better than that.
But this world will not get better, regardless (or because) of the rules, because the world loves and lives for money.
The love of money sets the standards everywhere (except in the presence of God), because the love of money is the root of all evil.
This world is doomed to sorrow without God.
Plan your future with God, because the hopes and standards are higher than those of he world.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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