(I have thought about doing this post for a couple of years.)
FIRST let me tell you that my Dash-Cam Videos are basically me just talking about things as if I had a person in the vehicle with me. I am not reading, or trying to remember a script. It is just me, as a driver, talking to my camera.
Also, my first objective is to drive, and to drive safely. If I think that my talking is a distraction to my driving, I don't do the video. There have been times that I either did not start a video or I ended a video because of events taking place while I am driving. In fact, if you watch enough of my videos you will see me stop talking, or see me address traffic problems or comment on traffic situations.
I do not watch videos, text, read, research or play games while I am driving. I obey N.C. driving laws. I choose not to be distracted by my Dash-Cam recording, because the recording is secondary to my driving.
BUT WHY DO I DO IT? There are several factors that caused me to start doing it.
I often have thoughts I want to share with folks while I am either driving to or from an errand. I don't have to write or read in order to share my thoughts, so all I have to do is set up the camera when I first get into the vehicle. This has been my practice for my Dash-Cam Videos for some time. And by the way, these are not done in new or strange or extreme traffic conditions, which require more focused attention, such as storms, traffic jams, altered traffic patterns for emergencies.
After moving to Beaufort I did not have an actual office. I would often do videos by going outside and walking around the yard. I would also go to various locations and either do the video from my parked vehicle or getting out of the vehicle. I would drive to a boat ramp or public parking area near the waterfront or go to Radio Island, or other favorite fishing and recreational locations. Some of my videos were done at night, in very dimly lit areas, such as the Beaufort waterfront, the landing at the Old Beaufort Bridge, the boat ramp near The Boat House in Beaufort. It was not unusual to be interrupted by other people, even though I had chosen areas with very little activity. I still do these kinds of videos, but I also use my Dash-Cam for hands free recording.
I understand people being concerned about safety. I am concerned about safety. Driving distractions are going to take place and we all have to guard against them. However, my Dash-Cam Videos have not been a distraction to me. Setting the cruise control or adjusting the radio volume is more bothersome to me.
Thank you.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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