In my posts, I recently pointed out that Christians should not move toward the Libertarian Party in reaction to the negative condition of the major political parties. The Democrat Party has gone so far left (Liberal) that it is Socialistic/Communistic and hard core in its anti-Bible, anti-Christian views, to the point that it is leading a massively large portion of our society in destroying this country.
The Democrat leadership finds it easy to lead its following to destruction because the underlying principles of Liberalism have been taught, promoted and forced on the minds of the population since the days of John Dewey and the inflamed instigation of Liberal/Public Education in this country. Remember, Dewey was a raving anti-Bible, anti-Christian, and in fact, anti-God person, who intended to mislead the American people through schooling. As a result, the "institutes of higher learning" (colleges) started to train the educators (public school teachers) and the rising politicians and law makers, and the medical community and the social engineers and the rest of pseudo intelligentsia in Humanism, Materialism, Pseudo-Science. By the 1970, the rising teachers, social workers, government leaders and medical people had been poisoned against Biblical Christianity and had taken charge of the minds of hundreds of millions of Americans, turning them away from truth and morality and freedom.
Those who wanted to make a positive contribution to society, through schooling and therapy and government actually became the change agents for the very evils that were destroying our society. Modern education became the tool to create a nation of Liberals (Socialists).
Through Humanistic schooling (per John Dewey's agenda) the basics of Biblical truth and teaching are not only resisted, but rejected, refuted and RIDICULED in the name of PROGRESS and EDUCATION.
The Republican Party has also betrayed its own agenda and our country, causing people to look for a new Party to lead us into another Golden Age. But deliverance is not to be found in political parties or agendas. Any and all Humanistic, Liberal, Socialistic, anti-Bible hope is a false hope that will lead us further from freedom and morality. Our HOPE and HELP is in the Lord, period. America's hope is not in the Libertarians or any other party, but only in the family of God.
Libertarianism was born in a pursuit of godlessness and it grew in an atmosphere of selfishness. The revolution in France was not built on Biblical, Judaeo/Christian principles (as was America), but rather on liberal, Libertarian ideas. Remember, Libertarian was understood to be anarchy. "Anarchy" means, against or without rule. Libertarian basically means, "without rule." The words, Liberty, Liberal, Libertarian and Libertine have a common origin, but they do not always mean what they are purported to mean. Most of what is meant in today's use of Liberal and Libertarian has to do with Libertinism rather than the Liberty, which was associated with the founding of the USA. This is not a claim that the USA was without flaw, but being a nation built on Christian morality and the rule of law allowed for this country to correct it's misdirections. This was not the case with France or any nation founded upon Anarchy. In fact, anarchy is still a valid description of Libertarian. Keep in mind, Libertarians (in principle) believe in a society that allows free speech for any and all speech, allows for individuals to do as they please concerning pleasure (such as drug use), marriage, sexual activity and reproduction standards. Libertarian is not the friend of moral, lawful behavior. Libertarian is being without rule, being against rule, is basically being antinomian (without law). True Libertarianism rejects the government having control over private and even societal life. This will show up in the area of pedophilia.
The beliefs, values, commitments and agenda of John Dewey and Humanism has been the charted course for America for a century and a half. This is diametrically opposed to the revelation of God through His word.
In the beginning God told Adam and Eve, "Thou shalt not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is in the midst of the Garden." It was one restriction in the midst of a life of liberty. It was an reasonable restriction and an easy restriction. However, Satan (who does not believe in restrictions) asked Eve the misleading question, "has God really said..." Satan put the rule of God in a bad light. Even apparently fell into Satan's trap and added her own twist on the rule of God. It has always been about the rule of God. Libertarianism is against the rule of any kind, except, "self rule." From that point on, Satan has been trying to get man to be free from all rule (which actually makes man a slave to Satan's rule).
Submission to authority begins when children are required to obey parents, grandparents, other adults (family and friends), pastors, teachers, policemen, government. Submission to these authorities leads to submission to God's authority. Disobedience to these legitimate authorities leads to disobedience to God.
Since Satan cannot destroy God, he will destroy the relationship of trust and obedience that men have with God. Do not put your hope in any form of anarchy, rule, the law of God. When we get our relationship with God aligned, then we are aligned for a right relationship with any and all other legitimate authority.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
12/28/18 FAITH FACES FACTS Faith does not sugar coat lies, ignore tragedy, rename sin, deceive itself, excuse wickedness. FAITH CONFRONTS E...