Research may indicate that humans have about 24 favorite places at any given time.
What does that say about you?
This research included the info from accumulated data on smartphones. It seems that people have a tendency to frequent about two dozen locations on a regular basis, at any given time in their lives. In other words, for an unspecified period of time (weeks or months) I may have 24 places I visit during that period of time. This is true for folks who are somewhat limited in their travel habits as well as those who are globetrotters. As time passes, a person may find a "new favorite" place to go. It appears that the "new" replaces, rather than is added to the "old" places. I think of this as being similar to the idea that doing something regularly for six weeks (or so) will make it a habit.
My first thought was about the "place" of CHURCH in people's lives. If they do not attend regularly, then it will not be part of their preferred places to be. Or, from a slightly different perspective, it is possible that a person can lose their time spent in worship and study and fellowship by putting something in its place.
My next thought considered the kinds of places a person frequents. See, we set the pattern of...
where we spend our time and,
with whom we spend our time and,
how we spend our time.
These choices have an immeasurable impact on the people we are and the people we become.
Obviously I teach that our spiritual life is a personal choice to either obey or disobey Christ. But our spiritual development is determined by the quality as well as the quantity of spiritual input we have in our lives. An athlete or musician or any other skilled person will become better at their endeavor if they spend time in study, training, practice, socializing with others who know and practice and love and hone themselves concerning a particular discipline. This includes "being where" that discipline or activity is the focus.
Of course I am not encouraging simply "going to church" or going to "any church." I am hoping that you make a habit and that you have a great desire to be in a strong, loving, Bible preaching church with Christ followers.
Make it part of your habit.
Make it one of your favorite places to be.
Make it one of your preferred activities.
The same principles are true concerning the people you choose to be with. Certainly family should be in your "chosen" list of people, places, participation.
In fact, family and "church" (worship, study, fellowship, serving God and others) should definitely be the top two choices and should never be replaced.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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