07/12/18 DON'T WAIT
There are special "days" in the spiritual realm.
Don't miss the Day of God's Visitation.
You may not see another one.
Days and Seasons are marked on God's calendar. They are always determined by God. Sometimes He enables men to pray for those special times of blessing. But regardless of the Divine mechanics involved, remember, the day of God's mercy, kindness, invitation, salvation is not always available, and it is never available at the whim of man. Either we catch the wave of God's moving, when He is moving, or we may never have another opportunity to tie into His out poured blessing.
I remember the mighty moving of God in the 60s and 70s, in our own country and around the world. I remember the spiritual hunger that resulted in many millions coming to Christi, but it also eventuated in the explosive growth of cults, false religions, false Christs, humanism, Satan worship, drug culture, hedonism, Statism and academia. There was a desire for spiritual fulfillment enveloping the globe, but people rushed to accept Satan's offer of "salvation knock offs."
In recent years we have seen a season of coldness, darkness, emptiness. Not only have we seen times of great people movements turning to God in the past, we have also seen times of great people movements turning from God, and unimaginable and blindness to God, and unexpected anger towards God.
The times of God's refreshing come by God grace and by God's choosing. Though there are "spots" of spiritual awareness and restoration, the whole globe is enveloped in chains of bondage, groping in spiritual darkness, following the Pied Pipers of God blasphemers.
You may never see another time when the Spirit of God sweeps in, convicts and convinces large segments of a sinful society to believe, repent, confess and follow Jesus, as we have seen in days past. You are better off if you don't wait for such an outpouring of Divine manifestation (it may never happen). You should walk in the slivers of Light that God sends to show you your lost estate and cry loudly for Him to have mercy on your eternal soul. God owes you nothing. You owe God everything. Be thankful that you still have opportunity, though it be the final gleanings. Be thankful that He still calls at the last minute.
Think about this, there is coming a time when the last conversion, last prayer will take place in this present age. Then the rapture takes place. If you have heard the gospel and chosen not to turn to Christ, then you will never have that opportunity again. God will send you strong delusion because you spent your life insulting the Spirit of grace. Your last chance will have, "come and gone."
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
12/26/18 SELFISHNESS OR SELFLESNSESS A great deal of our suffering is because other people choose SELFISHness rather than SELFLESSness.
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