The God of Old Testament did name the stars, though experts e.g., Neil deGrasse Tyson, accept revisionist history and err in their deductions and bold assertions.
Experts can be in error, either because they have been misled or they have chosen to believe error and reject facts. In either case, their errant foundation leads to a shaky superstructure of ideas, beliefs, assertions.
As a result, anyone who follows the errors and the errant logic of the "expert" will also believe error, or more specifically, a lie. I call it a lie because there is enough evidence concerning the truth to refute the error, but those who know the evidence choose not to accept the evidence. This happens largely in religion, science, history, politics.
I mentioned the well known astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson as an example. There is no question that Tyson has great intellectual capability and has applied himself admirably. However, I have watched him several times, and caught him in various and obvious errors. I will give an Explanation, concerning why such errors are dangerous, in the next paragraph, and give an Example of this problem in the following paragraph.
When an error or a deliberate misrepresentation is accepted as being true, factual, accurate, then any findings built upon those errors are subject to error. When a thought process is led away from facts then the end of the thought process is probably going to be flawed. Even if most of the foundation is solid and trustworthy, the superstructure is still weakened. For instance, the Space Shuttle project cost 196 BILLION DOLLARS, but the Challenger failed because an error was made in the use of a small, inexpensive O-Ring. The O-Ring seemed to be a minor part of the great project, but the project's success depended on each part being trustworthy.
In a presentation, concerning the contribution that Muslims (or Islam) has made to science, modern society, academics and culture, Tyson cited a comment by President George W. Bush immediately after the Muslim attack on 9/11/01.
Tyson mocked Bush's comment that the terrorists had attacked the people, whose God "named the stars." Tyson pointed out that the stars actually were named by Muslims and that he (Tyson) could have helped Bush not make this false statement, if only he had asked Tyson. YES, we refer to the stars by Arabic names.
Islam did not come into existence until approximately 610 A.D. Muhammad (born 570 A.D.) formed his own man made religion, based on the foundation of some Jewish beliefs, some Christian beliefs and then adjusted to his own pagan beliefs.
the Old Testament clearly tells us that the God of the Bible created the stars (at least 4600 years before Islam was devised),
God's servant, Job (in the time of Abraham, approximately 2500 years before Islam), referred to the stars and constellations by names. This is because he had been taught the names that God had given them from the beginning.
King David (approximately 1600 years before Islam), said that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel, the God of the Old Testament, determines the number of stars and calls them by name.
Therefore, it is accurate to say that the God of the Old Testament Jews, the same God of the New Testament NAMED THE STARS, rather than Muslims or the god of Islam.
This might seem small, insignificant, but IT IS NOT. It is far more important than a faulty or misused 0-Ring, which cost the life of seven heroic people. As soon as a person veers from historic facts and truth, they are headed toward error, deception, misunderstanding. Regardless of how much truth the person says after they lay a foundation of error, the end result is not trustworthy.
I tell this to point out that we must base all of our beliefs on facts, truth, if we want to have accurate understanding. The Bible is infallible, never been proved wrong, Divine revelation. If something contradicts the clear revelation of God, it is wrong. If something is based on something that contradicts the Bible, it is not trustworthy.
BTW, it is the collateral damage of crediting Islam with false accomplishments in academics and science that I am actually addressing. But my point is, if people cannot get the basics, which are clearly evident, then it is no wonder they are confused about the rest of revisionist history.
Islam, as a religion, DID NOT CONTRIBUTE SIGNIFICANTLY TO culture or science. They destroyed the accomplishments of thousands of years. There were a few Muslims between the 9th and 12th centuries that went against Islamic worldview and used western foundations of science and philosophy (which Islam sought to destroy completely, and still seek to destroy today). As Islam swept across the world it erased culture, science, philosophy and burned the world's great libraries, and destroyed the historic markers of western civilization.
If you want to know truth, I suggest you read a book, before the truths are burned in sacrifice to the gods of darkness and ignorance. READ AND HEED THE BIBLE.
God named the stars and constellations, and then they were renamed by various tribes and peoples, including the Arabic people. Just because the stars were renamed by the Arabs does not mean that the Arabs or any other CULTure actually NAMED THEM. Likewise, just because the Romans and Greeks, along with every other CULTure in the world, renamed the constellations, it does not mean that they NAMED THE CONSTELLATIONS.
Created the stars and constellations,
HE Placed them specifically where they would do the job He prescribed for them,
HE Holds them in place,
HE Numbered and,
HE Named them and
HE Uses the stars and constellation for His purposes (lights, holding the universe in place, signs, and seasons, and revealing Himself and His plan through natural theology.
This is the problem with Humanism, Liberalism, Naturalism, Materialism, Secularism and other isms. The steal from God and claim it as their own. The lost and pagan world is made of up IDENTITY THIEVES.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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