Tuesday, May 29, 2018



Concerning the ISSUE (as some folks would call it),

THE enemy will use any excuse, to empower a God hating government to rule over the work of God. Spiritually speaking, citizens are blind, deaf, mindless, heartless, gutless and useless when they go along with this. Either that, OR THEY DO NOT KNOW THE BIBLICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST OVER HIS CHURCH.

So, a State government (Pennsylvania) hired a homosexual child molester (Jerry Sandusky) to work in one of the most prestigious universities in the nation (Penn State University), to work under one of the most revered coaches in America (Joe Paterno). During his time working for the State of Pennsylvania, Sandusky sexually raped little boys though contacts made possible by "football camps" (contacts made through his relationship with the State) and when his superiors (head coach and two university administrators, for starters) found out about it they turned away, thereby enabling and excusing Sandusky.

However, when it got to the point it could not be ignored, then investigations and legal action imprisoned Sandusky and subsequently opened the door for State intrusion, which would enslave Bible believing, God fearing, honorable and moral men and women across the State. It opened the door for the State of Pennsylvania to usurp the authority of Jesus Christ over His church and thereby undermine the Divine Lordship of Christ over His church in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania used this gross misconduct, by State workers on State property, under State scrutiny and responsible to State laws and accountability, as an excuse to bring every youth and child worker, Christian day school worker, Christian School worker, Home Schooling parent, athletic worker in the State of Pennsylvania under the authority of the State that had already proved itself incompetent to vet or manage anyone.

The Penn State, Jerry Sandusky affair became the excuse for the State to take control of Christian ministries and Christian workers. This perverted, violent, violation of children, preformed by a State employee and working under other State employees became the tipping point that allowed the State of Pennsylvania (which had failed and had betrayed the citizens of the state and had ENABLED and ALLOWED the raping of countless other children to take place) to become the ultimate authority over Christian churches and ministries in Pennsylvania.

But it was not just the power grabbing demigods of the State government that were responsible for the overthrow of the church in Pennsylvania. It was also the fault of the people who called themselves Christian leaders in Pennsylvania, who complied with the CLEARANCE code.

This law made it obligatory for ANYONE (including church workers) who would work with children to get approved clearance from the State of Pennsylvania, including Pastors, Sunday School workers, kitchen workers, vacation Bible school workers, youth and children and infant workers, church school and home school workers. This control of churches and Christians workers included background checks on the people who worked with or near children and also included the workers to submit names of family members for investigation.

I am fairly aware of conditions and I am fairly well read in current events and certainly in State - Church relationships. HOWEVER, this caught me totally off guard. I could not believe that such an horrendous overstepping of government could take place, and also if such a travesty did happen, that it I would not have known about it. WOW, was I wrong.

This blatant misuse of power resulted in the most conscientious Christian workers withdrawing from service. This left the subservient and State minded workers in charge of ministries that should be under the Lordship of Christ.

Seeing the direction of the State usurping the authority of Christ, over His Church, during the seventies and eighties I took whatever steps I could to honor the will of God and to train and lead my people in being BIBLICAL in their service to God. Churches and individuals that compromise the Lordship, the Headship of Christ over His Church will compromise away the doctrines of the Church as well.

The fact that Jesus is the only Head of the Church may have lost significance with some people, but the destructive impact it has on the work of the Church is not lost. Those who trade away His Lordship for ease or pleasure or gain or social acceptance are betraying the One Who bought them.

The State wants to control the work of the Church. The State wants to control the workers of the Church. But the State cannot even protect the citizens against the STATE. The State cannot even police its own wickedness.

The State wants to be head of the Church but the State does not rule, discipline, or judge its own wickedness. However, things change when the State chooses and approves the workers in the church.

If there is a moral and legal breakdown in a church that has been vetted and endorsed by the State, who will take the blame for moral or legal failure in that church. THAT CHURCH WILL ANSWER FOR IT. Even when the State has done the background check and chosen the workers and denied those who do not meet the criteria, when a breakdown takes place, it will not be the State that faces the music, but rather it will be the church. The State wants the power, but not the accountability.

When you stop to think of it, allowing the wicked, worldly State to monitor or police the church is like allowing the fox to guard the hen house. The godless State wants the Church to fail. The godless State stands in stark contrast to, and deadly conflict with the Church. The godless State is ruled by Satan, and his goal is to usurp the rule of Christ in His Church.

Some folks would mistakenly argue that it is the States job to control such activity. Actually, the State often is a major contributor to the problem rather than a healer of the problems.

However, there are already laws against abuse of people, including children. If a person is responsible, deal with that person.
If an organization or system is responsible, DEAL WITH THAT ORGANIZATION OR SYSTEM.
By the way, the State is virtually UNTOUCHABLE in these situations.
On the other hand, when an individual is guilty, the State wants to punish and label the entire organization EVEN WHEN IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE ORGANIZATION.
Obviously, if it is systemic or inherent to a system, then the system should be held accountable. (Still, the State is exempt to such accountability).

Sadly, the situation in Pennsylvania is representative of State overthrow of churches around the world and is indicative of the direction that other State governments want to go in reducing the dignity, uniqueness, and Divine authority of the Church. The State wants to control (actually remake or destroy) the churches that are strong ministries of the Word of God. When Christians submit to the usurpation of their church, by the State, then those people are complicit with denying that Christ is Lord of His Church.