I am a Bible believing, White Southerner, who stands against Liberals, Socialists. I voted for Trump.
AND I am not a racist.
I am not ashamed of my American heritage or my Southern heritage, in spite of the false accusations that Liberal, self righteous, self appointed Social Justice Warriors, who see themselves as intellectually and spiritually superior elitist, having the responsibility to suppress and erase any cultural differences that offend them.
As a Christian, I base my values and my judgements on Biblical revelation. When I a stand against a person or a movement it is because of their resistance to the revealed word of God, either through their personal declarations or their actions.
These are the kinds of things that have cost people throughout history to lose their lives to the mob mentality which is more at home in a Fascist or Socialist or Communist or Anarchist system than in the America, in which I grew up.
When mob rule destroys culture, dictates religious and political views, overthrows civil freedom, then it won't be long before the Christ followers will become more acceptable as the targets of hatred, discrimination, oppression and persecution.
The very thing that lifted this country above every other country in the history of the world is about to be destroyed by people who want to have their way, at all costs.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
06/30/18 NOT TOO LATE
06/30/18 NOT TOO LATE
I know it is Saturday evening, STILL, why don't you call someone and invite them to church tomorrow?
I know it is Saturday evening, STILL, why don't you call someone and invite them to church tomorrow?
Knowing God's law shows sinners their need for God.
Thus people hate the Bible.
It shows us we are sinners needing salvation.
This is why Satan has fought so hard against the Bible, against the preaching of the Bible, against holiness of heart and life, against obedience to God. He wants to keep them unaware of their plight and their pending rescue.
As long as sinful people do not know that their desires, their actions, their relationships are sinful, they do not know that they are separated from God, they do not know that they need to be saved from their sins and the consequences of their sins.
YES, everyone knows that he/she has done something that they should not have done, but NO, they have not understood the exceeding wickedness of their sins, until they hear the word of God.
God's word reveals the sinfulness of sin. God's word reveals the corruption and cost of disobedience to the law, the nature, the rule of God in their lives.
It is not that people are safe or excused by being unaware of God's law. They are still guilty before God, but they become deaf and blind to the fact of their guilt. They do not realize they are guilty and and bound for eternal judgment. Therefore they do not realize God's merciful and loving provision to save them from their sins.
John 3:19-21
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Romans 7:7
7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
Romans 6:23
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Knowing God's law shows sinners their need for God.
Thus people hate the Bible.
It shows us we are sinners needing salvation.
This is why Satan has fought so hard against the Bible, against the preaching of the Bible, against holiness of heart and life, against obedience to God. He wants to keep them unaware of their plight and their pending rescue.
As long as sinful people do not know that their desires, their actions, their relationships are sinful, they do not know that they are separated from God, they do not know that they need to be saved from their sins and the consequences of their sins.
YES, everyone knows that he/she has done something that they should not have done, but NO, they have not understood the exceeding wickedness of their sins, until they hear the word of God.
God's word reveals the sinfulness of sin. God's word reveals the corruption and cost of disobedience to the law, the nature, the rule of God in their lives.
It is not that people are safe or excused by being unaware of God's law. They are still guilty before God, but they become deaf and blind to the fact of their guilt. They do not realize they are guilty and and bound for eternal judgment. Therefore they do not realize God's merciful and loving provision to save them from their sins.
John 3:19-21
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Romans 7:7
7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
Romans 6:23
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Glories in shame.
Unabashedly spews filth.
Misrepresents the Bible.
Distorts Christ.
Hates Christians.
Grows more vile.
Glories in shame.
Unabashedly spews filth.
Misrepresents the Bible.
Distorts Christ.
Hates Christians.
Grows more vile.
06/30/ 18 POPULAR LIES
06/30/ 18 POPULAR LIES
Popular lies: Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa, Islam is peaceful, Socialism is just, Liberals are liberal, Humanism is Christian.
(it was pointed out that I did not mention something, and I responded)
YOU ARE RIGHT about Transgenders and others, (not that I forgot... smile). And there are others.
I try to make my posts short in order to get the colorful backgrounds, and as a result, I often leave out other obvious observations. Sometimes I use the background as a comment. I have often done that with the rainbow backgrounds.
Popular lies: Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa, Islam is peaceful, Socialism is just, Liberals are liberal, Humanism is Christian.
(it was pointed out that I did not mention something, and I responded)
YOU ARE RIGHT about Transgenders and others, (not that I forgot... smile). And there are others.
I try to make my posts short in order to get the colorful backgrounds, and as a result, I often leave out other obvious observations. Sometimes I use the background as a comment. I have often done that with the rainbow backgrounds.
Friday, June 29, 2018
Some "Christians" are so focused on being RELEVANT to society that they do not have a REVELATORY message from God.
Some "Christians" are so focused on being RELEVANT to society that they do not have a REVELATORY message from God.
America is not responsible for 1400 YEARS and OVER 250 MILLION victims of Islamic violence, mostly by the SWORD.
I say this because Liberal's want to blame America for the attacks on the WTC and the other brutish attacks here and around the world.
You better read the history of Islam before the self righteous, self appointed, "HISTORY POLICE" destroys all the evidence and rewrites history to their liking.
This use to be what they did in Socialistic, Communistic, Fascists, and other godless regimes. One day it will come here. SCRATCH WHAT I JUST SAID, it has already come here to revise history and blot out truth.
America is not responsible for 1400 YEARS and OVER 250 MILLION victims of Islamic violence, mostly by the SWORD.
I say this because Liberal's want to blame America for the attacks on the WTC and the other brutish attacks here and around the world.
You better read the history of Islam before the self righteous, self appointed, "HISTORY POLICE" destroys all the evidence and rewrites history to their liking.
This use to be what they did in Socialistic, Communistic, Fascists, and other godless regimes. One day it will come here. SCRATCH WHAT I JUST SAID, it has already come here to revise history and blot out truth.
Don't trade Biblical truth for politics, ideologies, or "Christian causes".
You will lose everything and benefit no one.
Don't trade Biblical truth for politics, ideologies, or "Christian causes".
You will lose everything and benefit no one.
Well meaning people (EVEN CHRISTIANS) have often been sucked into darkness by un-Biblical "Social Justice" views and actions.
Well meaning people (EVEN CHRISTIANS) have often been sucked into darkness by un-Biblical "Social Justice" views and actions.
Destroying and rewriting history leads the self righteous to publicly shame, oppress, persecute and execute those who disagree.
Destroying and rewriting history leads the self righteous to publicly shame, oppress, persecute and execute those who disagree.
The YELLOW STAR idea, used by Hitler to identify Jews, was a Muslim idea dating back to 717 as part of Muslims oppressing Jews.
When you look online for "YELLOW JEWISH STAR" you will EVENTUALLY find the truth of the origin. Muslims used this required "badge" to identify Jews as Muslim slaves, garbage, filth, thus it has been called, "a BADGE OF SHAME." (It is also true that Islam applied the same practice to Christians). This form of identifying Jews was used at various times in history, and in various regions of Islamic control by Muslims (when they were not busy killing the Jews and Christians). The Roman Catholics also utilized this method of identification, control, oppression and persecution of Jews. And then the Nazi party and Adolph Hitler applied the practice in Germany in the 1930s.
The YELLOW STAR idea, used by Hitler to identify Jews, was a Muslim idea dating back to 717 as part of Muslims oppressing Jews.
When you look online for "YELLOW JEWISH STAR" you will EVENTUALLY find the truth of the origin. Muslims used this required "badge" to identify Jews as Muslim slaves, garbage, filth, thus it has been called, "a BADGE OF SHAME." (It is also true that Islam applied the same practice to Christians). This form of identifying Jews was used at various times in history, and in various regions of Islamic control by Muslims (when they were not busy killing the Jews and Christians). The Roman Catholics also utilized this method of identification, control, oppression and persecution of Jews. And then the Nazi party and Adolph Hitler applied the practice in Germany in the 1930s.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
John 8:31-32
31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
This explains why people have fallen victim to Liberalism and Socialism.
This explains why entire groups and classes have fallen victim to Liberalism and Socialism.
When a person or a group or a class of people fall victim to the enemies of Christ, there is no deliverance for them until thy boldly renounce the enemy and honor and follow Jesus out of the bondage of slavery.
John 8:31-32
31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
This explains why people have fallen victim to Liberalism and Socialism.
This explains why entire groups and classes have fallen victim to Liberalism and Socialism.
When a person or a group or a class of people fall victim to the enemies of Christ, there is no deliverance for them until thy boldly renounce the enemy and honor and follow Jesus out of the bondage of slavery.
At our conversion GOD forgives, regenerates, reconciles, AND CLEANSES us by His Blood, His Spirit, His Word.
At our conversion GOD forgives, regenerates, reconciles, AND CLEANSES us by His Blood, His Spirit, His Word.
When we get saved, we are cleansed from:
1. Sins committed in the past.
2. A defiled conscience.
3. Living in sin at the present.
When we get saved, we are cleansed from:
1. Sins committed in the past.
2. A defiled conscience.
3. Living in sin at the present.
Vulgar, perverse, threatening speech is called "adult talk" by fallen, polluted & shameless people, who brag about being "NASTY."
Vulgar, perverse, threatening speech is called "adult talk" by fallen, polluted & shameless people, who brag about being "NASTY."
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Folks may laugh off the idea that the USA might be headed for civil war, but I don't find it unthinkable. (Actually, I have thought that such a terrible event could play into the end times scenario for the USA, removing our country as a player in end times world events).
The upheaval of the 1960's was overwhelmingly aimed at principles and policies and not nearly as much at the grassroots personalities on either side. Today it is different. Today there are people who will strike out violently against anyone who does not subscribe to their ideology.
There are lots of other thoughts I have concerning this issue, but I will mention this one.
Once the government sided with the "LIBERAL" agenda to condemn and misrepresent everything that they did not like, which led to physical attacks on monuments, historical icons, actual history, regional culture, heritage, then the door to total overthrow was opened to anyone (who was vicious enough) to use force, anger, violence, destruction against those who disagree with them. When this hate and destruction movement began during the Obama days, I (along with many others) said that our whole society was going to be pillaged and left in rubble. Basically, that was a major step in FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING AMERICA.
Even if the warped ideas of the anti-South crowd (concerning historical facts about the South and the North through the 1870's, the causes of the War Between the States, the Constitution of the USA, the facts of slavery), were true and accurate (WHICH THEY ARE NOT), there was still NO REASON TO DESTROY THE HISTORICAL RECORD, and make an entire region and culture the enemy of America. The anti-South crowd (Liberals for the most part and misinformed Blacks in America) have fueled the bitterness against whites, conservatives, Christians, to such an extent that they are ready and willing and eager to use violence to get their way, and to silence anyone by any means, who disagrees with them. If our country was comprised of reasonable people we could work through these problems. But reason and tolerance have been destroyed with history and facts. Now it is the loud crowd that takes control by mob force rather than a free political process.
I don't write this in hopes of actually stopping the rising anarchy. I write this to awaken folks to the fact that the rising tide of rebellion can and will destroy everything good, for which this country ever stood. And don't forget (in spite of the false propaganda), Biblical, Christ centered Christianity has never been the violent participant in upheaval. You can thank the people who stole the Christian BRAND (including so-called Christian Socialists and Liberation Theology and Social Justice groups).
It is not enough to want the Christian outcome or wear the Christian name or claim the Christian heritage. If we want to please God, if we want eternal life, we must trust, surrender to and unflinchingly follow Jesus Christ as Lord.
Folks may laugh off the idea that the USA might be headed for civil war, but I don't find it unthinkable. (Actually, I have thought that such a terrible event could play into the end times scenario for the USA, removing our country as a player in end times world events).
The upheaval of the 1960's was overwhelmingly aimed at principles and policies and not nearly as much at the grassroots personalities on either side. Today it is different. Today there are people who will strike out violently against anyone who does not subscribe to their ideology.
There are lots of other thoughts I have concerning this issue, but I will mention this one.
Once the government sided with the "LIBERAL" agenda to condemn and misrepresent everything that they did not like, which led to physical attacks on monuments, historical icons, actual history, regional culture, heritage, then the door to total overthrow was opened to anyone (who was vicious enough) to use force, anger, violence, destruction against those who disagree with them. When this hate and destruction movement began during the Obama days, I (along with many others) said that our whole society was going to be pillaged and left in rubble. Basically, that was a major step in FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING AMERICA.
Even if the warped ideas of the anti-South crowd (concerning historical facts about the South and the North through the 1870's, the causes of the War Between the States, the Constitution of the USA, the facts of slavery), were true and accurate (WHICH THEY ARE NOT), there was still NO REASON TO DESTROY THE HISTORICAL RECORD, and make an entire region and culture the enemy of America. The anti-South crowd (Liberals for the most part and misinformed Blacks in America) have fueled the bitterness against whites, conservatives, Christians, to such an extent that they are ready and willing and eager to use violence to get their way, and to silence anyone by any means, who disagrees with them. If our country was comprised of reasonable people we could work through these problems. But reason and tolerance have been destroyed with history and facts. Now it is the loud crowd that takes control by mob force rather than a free political process.
I don't write this in hopes of actually stopping the rising anarchy. I write this to awaken folks to the fact that the rising tide of rebellion can and will destroy everything good, for which this country ever stood. And don't forget (in spite of the false propaganda), Biblical, Christ centered Christianity has never been the violent participant in upheaval. You can thank the people who stole the Christian BRAND (including so-called Christian Socialists and Liberation Theology and Social Justice groups).
It is not enough to want the Christian outcome or wear the Christian name or claim the Christian heritage. If we want to please God, if we want eternal life, we must trust, surrender to and unflinchingly follow Jesus Christ as Lord.
Monday, June 25, 2018
I have written and deleted SO many posts. Our society is in REAL trouble and it might be too late to help it.
Christ is only hope.
Our world is beyond the ability to hear and reason. I saw this really taking hold during the Obama administration, with the Democrats. But it has been going on for a long time. We are just seeing it escalate exponentially.
This is why I almost deal with spiritual, Biblical concepts only. The other stuff cannot save us anyway, and the time spent trying to convince folks probably should be spent on eternal matters only.
I have written and deleted SO many posts. Our society is in REAL trouble and it might be too late to help it.
Christ is only hope.
Our world is beyond the ability to hear and reason. I saw this really taking hold during the Obama administration, with the Democrats. But it has been going on for a long time. We are just seeing it escalate exponentially.
This is why I almost deal with spiritual, Biblical concepts only. The other stuff cannot save us anyway, and the time spent trying to convince folks probably should be spent on eternal matters only.
People mistakenly or deceptively try to use Romans chapter seven to prove that the Christian cannot be delivered from the sinful nature, the Old Man, the Evil Heart of Unbelief, the Root of Bitterness, the Double Mind, the Flesh, the Carnal Mind.
HOWEVER, this chapter shows that the new convert still needs deliverance, cleansing, from the remains of sin and that God DOES deliver the Christian from the sinful nature.
(DLG notes to follow)
People mistakenly or deceptively try to use Romans chapter seven to prove that the Christian cannot be delivered from the sinful nature, the Old Man, the Evil Heart of Unbelief, the Root of Bitterness, the Double Mind, the Flesh, the Carnal Mind.
HOWEVER, this chapter shows that the new convert still needs deliverance, cleansing, from the remains of sin and that God DOES deliver the Christian from the sinful nature.
(DLG notes to follow)
You often see me post about the good fellowship my church folks (The NET HOUSE) have with Pastor Clint Nelson, his sweet wife and his wonderful folks at Free Grace Wesleyan in Harkers Island. Though I have less opportunity to fellowship with Pastor Curtis Going of Grace Holiness Church in Harkers Island, I want to express my appreciation for his strong and loving stand for Christ and His truth. We love brother and sister Going (and of course there son, Jamison). If everyone had as much love as these folks have we would see a lot more of God than we see.
Thank you pastors for loving me and my folks.
You often see me post about the good fellowship my church folks (The NET HOUSE) have with Pastor Clint Nelson, his sweet wife and his wonderful folks at Free Grace Wesleyan in Harkers Island. Though I have less opportunity to fellowship with Pastor Curtis Going of Grace Holiness Church in Harkers Island, I want to express my appreciation for his strong and loving stand for Christ and His truth. We love brother and sister Going (and of course there son, Jamison). If everyone had as much love as these folks have we would see a lot more of God than we see.
Thank you pastors for loving me and my folks.
Women looking like "PILGRIMS," and
Men looking like WALL STREET
Are not Biblical requirements.
Being godly is Biblical.
Martha and I attended a so-called "Interchurch" service, which supposedly was dedicated to the glorious Biblical truth of HOLINESS. Before the service we realized we would not "look" like everyone in attendance, since some of them follow a more restrictive heritage than we do. I have no problem with other people following stricter rules (or slacker rules) than I do, provided the path they follow is Biblical and they are walking in the light they have. If it is contrary to written revelation, then there is reason for concern, otherwise it is not a point of contention. Even if folks are at different places in their journey, I am not going to try to shame them or hustle them into the light I have attained. I am going to preach the word of God, not the word of man.
As I said, we expected to look a little different from some of the folks. However, it did not take the "preacher" long to make it clear that we were not one of them, because we did not look like them. WOW. He not only made it evident, but he made it a point of separation, that godly women look like PILGRIMS. NO, HE REALLY SAID THAT. I actually laughed when he said it because I thought he was trying to make a point by making an absurd joke. BUT, NOPE, he was serious. There were probably a half dozen ladies in the congregation that did not meet the kind of dress code this "preacher" was touting for Christian women. Regardless of anyone's relationship to Jesus, that mortal and errant man in the pulpit drew a line in the sand, built a wall of separation, and the wall was not Biblical. (I know it was not Biblical, because the next morning I looked in the Bible for the Divine revelation that says "Christian women look like Pilgrim women." Hold tight now, I don't want to shock anyone, but the Bible does not say any such thing. (and yes, I did look for it, though I already knew the answer).
I wasn't worried about what he said since I know there are legalists and divisive people who go about in sheep's clothing. But it may be that some of those poor ladies in the congregation who did not fit the "preacher's" standards were not yet saved. It could be that some of them will get saved through such misrepresentation of the gospel and they will soon be squeezed into the mold of legalism. Again, if a person chooses a stricter lifestyle because they find those directives in the Bible, praise the Lord. But if they fall in line behind someone focused on externalism, they are not likely to ever really reach HOLINESS, because HOLINESS is purity of heart (rather than looking like someone from 400 years ago). That's right. The PILGRIMS referred to are the PILGRIMS of recent history rather than the Biblical models of modesty and godliness. But more than likely, most people who hear such "preaching" will mistakenly believe that it represents God's revelation and they will not want anything to do with that kind "salvation." This is not, "the foolishness of preaching," spoken of by Paul. This is FOOLISH PREACHING.
I have lost really good friends to this kind of falsification of the gospel. I have watched loving, compassionate, tender, self denying Christians exchange the glorious message of deliverance from sin, for the bondage of self righteousness and judgmentalism. I have seen people that I led to Christ, led into Entire Sanctification, discipled, trained for ministry, joined them to their spouse, dedicated their children, pastored, counseled and loved, become judgmental, self righteous and condemning robots.
As I said, this "preacher" referred to Christian women looking like, "PILGRIMS." But what about the men who are part of this mentality? They don't dress like "Pilgrim" men. They dress like Wall Street, Madison Avenue, GQ Magazine models (which are the most fashionable and worldly images of worldly success). They often have fashionable hairstyles, really nice or expensive watches, while the wives are not allowed "worldly jewelry" including wedding bands (which they are often encouraged to put in the offering). YES. REALLY.
Personally, I don't care any more about the way the men look than I care about the way the women look. But something is wrong with a man or a system that insists on a strict dress code, which keeps the women in some historic period of time (reminiscent of the way "granny" dressed), while the men adorn and preen themselves like the "cock of the walk." This attitude genders "male superiority." UNDERSTAND THIS, the Bible does teach that the male is the head of the household and pastors should be males, not females, but the Bible does not teach suppression of women or superiority of men. I cannot imagine standing before a congregation and referring to the ladies as "Pilgrims," while I strut around like BEAU BRUMMELL.
Another thing I cannot imagine is hiding behind a pulpit in order to insult and ridicule visitors (saved or unsaved) because their external appearance is different from the folks in my church. Even if the visitor or congregant needs to make changes in their outer man, I would rather focus on the grace that saves the inner man and then let God work in the individual's life, through preaching, teaching, counsel and example. We all need light, grace, truth, love, teaching, encouragement. That is what the work of the ministry does. God does not call us to divide and embarrass people, just because they don't look like we do.
A lot of the separation that people BOAST in is superficial, imaginary, man-made, time specific and NOT BIBLICAL. There is something wrong when we are proud of our godliness, especially when it is an outward show of rules and regulations rather than love, understanding, humility. It is a mockery to claim holiness, while sacrificing the souls of other people, just because the other people don't have the same appearance that we have.
Martha and I attended the service, hoping to hear a good message or teaching concerning HOLINESS (the work of grace that purifies the believer and empowers him/her for daily victory over sin). Sadly, holiness of heart or life was not the subject. It was the same old fake "holiness" that has produced spiritual pride and exclusivity, and has built a man made wall, shutting out the unsaved from the BEAUTY OF HOLINESS. We heard rules and regulation religion preached, but nothing about how God saves us from all sin.
We did not go back for any other services, although I was still thinking about attending, even after that first service. There were some really fine believers there that night. I hope that something good was done in the next couple of days. I did not go back, because I chose not to be a distraction to whatever work God wanted to do. We sat their and after the service we greeted folks, shook hands, and left quietly. In fact, these thought I am sharing with you now did not really hit me until the next day.
Basically, I am saying that everything that calls itself HOLINESS is not HOLINESS. Read the word of God. Attend a church where perfect love is seen in the lives of pastor and parishioners, because the Bible says, WITHOUT HOLINESS, NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD.
Women looking like "PILGRIMS," and
Men looking like WALL STREET
Are not Biblical requirements.
Being godly is Biblical.
Martha and I attended a so-called "Interchurch" service, which supposedly was dedicated to the glorious Biblical truth of HOLINESS. Before the service we realized we would not "look" like everyone in attendance, since some of them follow a more restrictive heritage than we do. I have no problem with other people following stricter rules (or slacker rules) than I do, provided the path they follow is Biblical and they are walking in the light they have. If it is contrary to written revelation, then there is reason for concern, otherwise it is not a point of contention. Even if folks are at different places in their journey, I am not going to try to shame them or hustle them into the light I have attained. I am going to preach the word of God, not the word of man.
As I said, we expected to look a little different from some of the folks. However, it did not take the "preacher" long to make it clear that we were not one of them, because we did not look like them. WOW. He not only made it evident, but he made it a point of separation, that godly women look like PILGRIMS. NO, HE REALLY SAID THAT. I actually laughed when he said it because I thought he was trying to make a point by making an absurd joke. BUT, NOPE, he was serious. There were probably a half dozen ladies in the congregation that did not meet the kind of dress code this "preacher" was touting for Christian women. Regardless of anyone's relationship to Jesus, that mortal and errant man in the pulpit drew a line in the sand, built a wall of separation, and the wall was not Biblical. (I know it was not Biblical, because the next morning I looked in the Bible for the Divine revelation that says "Christian women look like Pilgrim women." Hold tight now, I don't want to shock anyone, but the Bible does not say any such thing. (and yes, I did look for it, though I already knew the answer).
I wasn't worried about what he said since I know there are legalists and divisive people who go about in sheep's clothing. But it may be that some of those poor ladies in the congregation who did not fit the "preacher's" standards were not yet saved. It could be that some of them will get saved through such misrepresentation of the gospel and they will soon be squeezed into the mold of legalism. Again, if a person chooses a stricter lifestyle because they find those directives in the Bible, praise the Lord. But if they fall in line behind someone focused on externalism, they are not likely to ever really reach HOLINESS, because HOLINESS is purity of heart (rather than looking like someone from 400 years ago). That's right. The PILGRIMS referred to are the PILGRIMS of recent history rather than the Biblical models of modesty and godliness. But more than likely, most people who hear such "preaching" will mistakenly believe that it represents God's revelation and they will not want anything to do with that kind "salvation." This is not, "the foolishness of preaching," spoken of by Paul. This is FOOLISH PREACHING.
I have lost really good friends to this kind of falsification of the gospel. I have watched loving, compassionate, tender, self denying Christians exchange the glorious message of deliverance from sin, for the bondage of self righteousness and judgmentalism. I have seen people that I led to Christ, led into Entire Sanctification, discipled, trained for ministry, joined them to their spouse, dedicated their children, pastored, counseled and loved, become judgmental, self righteous and condemning robots.
As I said, this "preacher" referred to Christian women looking like, "PILGRIMS." But what about the men who are part of this mentality? They don't dress like "Pilgrim" men. They dress like Wall Street, Madison Avenue, GQ Magazine models (which are the most fashionable and worldly images of worldly success). They often have fashionable hairstyles, really nice or expensive watches, while the wives are not allowed "worldly jewelry" including wedding bands (which they are often encouraged to put in the offering). YES. REALLY.
Personally, I don't care any more about the way the men look than I care about the way the women look. But something is wrong with a man or a system that insists on a strict dress code, which keeps the women in some historic period of time (reminiscent of the way "granny" dressed), while the men adorn and preen themselves like the "cock of the walk." This attitude genders "male superiority." UNDERSTAND THIS, the Bible does teach that the male is the head of the household and pastors should be males, not females, but the Bible does not teach suppression of women or superiority of men. I cannot imagine standing before a congregation and referring to the ladies as "Pilgrims," while I strut around like BEAU BRUMMELL.
Another thing I cannot imagine is hiding behind a pulpit in order to insult and ridicule visitors (saved or unsaved) because their external appearance is different from the folks in my church. Even if the visitor or congregant needs to make changes in their outer man, I would rather focus on the grace that saves the inner man and then let God work in the individual's life, through preaching, teaching, counsel and example. We all need light, grace, truth, love, teaching, encouragement. That is what the work of the ministry does. God does not call us to divide and embarrass people, just because they don't look like we do.
A lot of the separation that people BOAST in is superficial, imaginary, man-made, time specific and NOT BIBLICAL. There is something wrong when we are proud of our godliness, especially when it is an outward show of rules and regulations rather than love, understanding, humility. It is a mockery to claim holiness, while sacrificing the souls of other people, just because the other people don't have the same appearance that we have.
Martha and I attended the service, hoping to hear a good message or teaching concerning HOLINESS (the work of grace that purifies the believer and empowers him/her for daily victory over sin). Sadly, holiness of heart or life was not the subject. It was the same old fake "holiness" that has produced spiritual pride and exclusivity, and has built a man made wall, shutting out the unsaved from the BEAUTY OF HOLINESS. We heard rules and regulation religion preached, but nothing about how God saves us from all sin.
We did not go back for any other services, although I was still thinking about attending, even after that first service. There were some really fine believers there that night. I hope that something good was done in the next couple of days. I did not go back, because I chose not to be a distraction to whatever work God wanted to do. We sat their and after the service we greeted folks, shook hands, and left quietly. In fact, these thought I am sharing with you now did not really hit me until the next day.
Basically, I am saying that everything that calls itself HOLINESS is not HOLINESS. Read the word of God. Attend a church where perfect love is seen in the lives of pastor and parishioners, because the Bible says, WITHOUT HOLINESS, NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
YOU might want to skip this because it could be really boring. On the other hand, it could be really helpful (maybe even disturbing). The next three sentences indicate the direction of this post.
I posted, "It is essential to know the word of God in order to believe the word of God.
Do not confuse simple faith with simple believe-ism."
This is how we come to KNOW the word of God.
God had always planned to reveal His word to mankind.
God revealed His nature and His power through the natural, created world and universe.
God spoke to human beings personally, through nature and through His Holy Spirit, explaining Himself and His will, His plan.
God called and equipped men (prophets) to be His instruments of revelation, and He spoke to them and guided them in recording His revelation so that the Old Testament was without error.
God's chosen prophets recorded the inerrant, infallible word of God.
God enlightened people, by His Holy Spirit, to understand the meaning of His revelation.
God sent His Son to reveal the will and nature of God.
God called and equipped men (prophets and apostles) to be His instruments of revelation, so that the New Testament was without error.
God has imparted His Holy Spirit to every believer, in order for them to understand the word of God, based on their own relationship with Him, concerning their personal state of grace, enablement, calling, gifts, ministry.
God enables believers, through His Holy Spirit and in accordance with their own faith, to attain to greater levels of Bible knowledge and spiritual growth. The closer we are to Him, the better we know and understand Him. Remember, we grow in grace and knowledge.
God not only imparts life to us by His Holy Spirit, which empowers us to follow Him, He also gives us His grace through the Fruit of the Spirit, so that we will be conformed to His image.
God also imparts to certain men and to each believer, special abilities and skills, to forward the work of ministry and to edify other believers in the faith of Christ.
Some of those gifts are specifically related to knowing, understanding and communicating the word of God. These "Gifts of the Spirit" are not to be confused with infallibility or new revelation. These gifts are tools to help other believers come to a better knowledge of God's word.
As believers, we are responsible to use every spiritual advantage to know, understand, follow and communicate the word of God to others.
God gave His word miraculously and infallibly in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, to be recorded for His people.
God enabled men to copy, transmit His word in the original languages.
God has enabled men to translate and communicate His Divine revelation to various languages.
God provides the resources for men of many languages to read, study, research the revelation of God.
This ability to translate is the link we now have with the infallible and inerrant, inspired word of God.
Preachers and teachers may or may not teach the truth of God's word.
Translations may or may not communicate the truth of God's word.
This is why Christians must find godly, honest, informed, gifted and Spirit anointed pastors and teachers.
This is why Christians must study the word of God, beyond the say so of any one version or translation.
This is why Christians must search the Scriptures (which may or may not be found in any given translation) and compare Scripture with Scripture.
Christians should take advantage of the spiritual and scholarly work that has been done to preserve and present the revelation of God.
I do not expect anyone to swallow my teaching, without examining the evidence. I always refer folks (especially if they have doubts or questions about what I say) to the Bible (especially KJV, NASB 1971 to 1977), and to research Concordances, Lexicons, Word Studies, Evangelical Commentaries, Church and Bible History.
As I said, "It is essential to know the word of God in order to believe the word of God.
Do not confuse simple faith with simple believe-ism."
YOU might want to skip this because it could be really boring. On the other hand, it could be really helpful (maybe even disturbing). The next three sentences indicate the direction of this post.
I posted, "It is essential to know the word of God in order to believe the word of God.
Do not confuse simple faith with simple believe-ism."
This is how we come to KNOW the word of God.
God had always planned to reveal His word to mankind.
God revealed His nature and His power through the natural, created world and universe.
God spoke to human beings personally, through nature and through His Holy Spirit, explaining Himself and His will, His plan.
God called and equipped men (prophets) to be His instruments of revelation, and He spoke to them and guided them in recording His revelation so that the Old Testament was without error.
God's chosen prophets recorded the inerrant, infallible word of God.
God enlightened people, by His Holy Spirit, to understand the meaning of His revelation.
God sent His Son to reveal the will and nature of God.
God called and equipped men (prophets and apostles) to be His instruments of revelation, so that the New Testament was without error.
God has imparted His Holy Spirit to every believer, in order for them to understand the word of God, based on their own relationship with Him, concerning their personal state of grace, enablement, calling, gifts, ministry.
God enables believers, through His Holy Spirit and in accordance with their own faith, to attain to greater levels of Bible knowledge and spiritual growth. The closer we are to Him, the better we know and understand Him. Remember, we grow in grace and knowledge.
God not only imparts life to us by His Holy Spirit, which empowers us to follow Him, He also gives us His grace through the Fruit of the Spirit, so that we will be conformed to His image.
God also imparts to certain men and to each believer, special abilities and skills, to forward the work of ministry and to edify other believers in the faith of Christ.
Some of those gifts are specifically related to knowing, understanding and communicating the word of God. These "Gifts of the Spirit" are not to be confused with infallibility or new revelation. These gifts are tools to help other believers come to a better knowledge of God's word.
As believers, we are responsible to use every spiritual advantage to know, understand, follow and communicate the word of God to others.
God gave His word miraculously and infallibly in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, to be recorded for His people.
God enabled men to copy, transmit His word in the original languages.
God has enabled men to translate and communicate His Divine revelation to various languages.
God provides the resources for men of many languages to read, study, research the revelation of God.
This ability to translate is the link we now have with the infallible and inerrant, inspired word of God.
Preachers and teachers may or may not teach the truth of God's word.
Translations may or may not communicate the truth of God's word.
This is why Christians must find godly, honest, informed, gifted and Spirit anointed pastors and teachers.
This is why Christians must study the word of God, beyond the say so of any one version or translation.
This is why Christians must search the Scriptures (which may or may not be found in any given translation) and compare Scripture with Scripture.
Christians should take advantage of the spiritual and scholarly work that has been done to preserve and present the revelation of God.
I do not expect anyone to swallow my teaching, without examining the evidence. I always refer folks (especially if they have doubts or questions about what I say) to the Bible (especially KJV, NASB 1971 to 1977), and to research Concordances, Lexicons, Word Studies, Evangelical Commentaries, Church and Bible History.
As I said, "It is essential to know the word of God in order to believe the word of God.
Do not confuse simple faith with simple believe-ism."
Thursday, June 21, 2018
It is essential to know the word of God in order to believe the word of God.
Do not confuse simple faith with simple believe-ism.
It is essential to know the word of God in order to believe the word of God.
Do not confuse simple faith with simple believe-ism.
06/21/18 THE NARROW WAY IS...
06/21/18 THE NARROW WAY IS...
Walking the narrow way, with dangers on both sides, can be a lonely journey (man or church), but it won't be boring.
Matthew 7:12-14
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Joshua 1:5-9
5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.
7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.
8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Walking the narrow way, with dangers on both sides, can be a lonely journey (man or church), but it won't be boring.
Matthew 7:12-14
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Joshua 1:5-9
5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.
7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.
8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
06/21/18 Metaphor Alert
06/21/18 Metaphor Alert
Beware oyster beds if you kayak fish the salt marshes of N.C.
Dangers await and upkeep is required.
Beware oyster beds if you kayak fish the salt marshes of N.C.
Dangers await and upkeep is required.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
ADDING to, and SUBTRACTING from God's word, (aka legalism and lawlessness)
EQUALS disaster for the perpetrators and the hearers.
LOVE: not Legalism or Lawlessness
If you know me, you know that I often address the false doctrines of sinning religion (lawlessness) and very seldom deal with the problems of legalism. Actually, early in my ministry (50 years ago) I was more often dealing with the lies of legalism, because that was the more popular aberrant misrepresentation of Christianity (along with Liberalism) in those days. Recent years have produced more lawlessness. The form of opposition raised against Biblical holiness depends on the religious leanings of a given community. Another supposed Christian movement today is the Emergent group (which is basically Liberalism with a mask). Of course, the rise of the false cults and the more recent threat of violent world religions are present day concerns as well.
Years ago I constantly ran into the false notion that HOLINESS was a matter of rules and regulations religion or supposedly speaking in tongues or snake handling (reptilian not spiritual), as well as the idea that HOLINESS is evidenced by dressing in uniformity or period garb, and laced with judgmental-ism. The word and the reality and the experience and the life of HOLINESS was taken over by false religion. This was Satan's way of turning people away from the full salvation of God. Satan is the master deceiver. Adding man-made rules to salvation closes the door to salvation and misrepresents what it means to be set free from sin, and fosters a self righteous attitude.
I have friends that are held captive by the darkness of both, legalism and lawlessness. I love my friends, but I am aghast at the dangers they face and they foist on other people.
I am sadly aware that my message of perfect love, pure heart, spiritual unity, holy living, and a victorious-joyous life is rejected because people have a false notion about HOLINESS.
It is hard enough fighting the good fight of faith against the powers that openly reject God's rule in our lives, but then it is aided and abetted by so-called "holiness folks" who add man-made rules and obstacles to a life of total surrender to Jesus.
I personally think if folks are going to err concerning the problem of external-ism and morality, it is better to do that which we believe is pleasing to God than to live in presumption of God and His grace. BUT THERE IS NO ROOM FOR EITHER LEGALISM OR LAWLESSNESS.
Between Legalism and Lawlessness is Love (perfect love for God and man). There is no reason to break the known law of God, but there is no excuse for requiring folks to conform to human standards rather than clear teaching of Scripture.
Revelation 22:18-19
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
ADDING to, and SUBTRACTING from God's word, (aka legalism and lawlessness)
EQUALS disaster for the perpetrators and the hearers.
LOVE: not Legalism or Lawlessness
If you know me, you know that I often address the false doctrines of sinning religion (lawlessness) and very seldom deal with the problems of legalism. Actually, early in my ministry (50 years ago) I was more often dealing with the lies of legalism, because that was the more popular aberrant misrepresentation of Christianity (along with Liberalism) in those days. Recent years have produced more lawlessness. The form of opposition raised against Biblical holiness depends on the religious leanings of a given community. Another supposed Christian movement today is the Emergent group (which is basically Liberalism with a mask). Of course, the rise of the false cults and the more recent threat of violent world religions are present day concerns as well.
Years ago I constantly ran into the false notion that HOLINESS was a matter of rules and regulations religion or supposedly speaking in tongues or snake handling (reptilian not spiritual), as well as the idea that HOLINESS is evidenced by dressing in uniformity or period garb, and laced with judgmental-ism. The word and the reality and the experience and the life of HOLINESS was taken over by false religion. This was Satan's way of turning people away from the full salvation of God. Satan is the master deceiver. Adding man-made rules to salvation closes the door to salvation and misrepresents what it means to be set free from sin, and fosters a self righteous attitude.
I have friends that are held captive by the darkness of both, legalism and lawlessness. I love my friends, but I am aghast at the dangers they face and they foist on other people.
I am sadly aware that my message of perfect love, pure heart, spiritual unity, holy living, and a victorious-joyous life is rejected because people have a false notion about HOLINESS.
It is hard enough fighting the good fight of faith against the powers that openly reject God's rule in our lives, but then it is aided and abetted by so-called "holiness folks" who add man-made rules and obstacles to a life of total surrender to Jesus.
I personally think if folks are going to err concerning the problem of external-ism and morality, it is better to do that which we believe is pleasing to God than to live in presumption of God and His grace. BUT THERE IS NO ROOM FOR EITHER LEGALISM OR LAWLESSNESS.
Between Legalism and Lawlessness is Love (perfect love for God and man). There is no reason to break the known law of God, but there is no excuse for requiring folks to conform to human standards rather than clear teaching of Scripture.
Revelation 22:18-19
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
06/20/18 GRACE and NAIVETY
06/20/18 GRACE and NAIVETY
Two ways to avoid being hurt by unjust criticism:
Grace (focused on Jesus);
Naivety (not realizing you are the goat). hehe
I have sometimes been so naive that I did not realize I was being criticized. hehehe. Probably a lot more often than I realize. I guess you could say, "Naivete is the simple response." hehehe
I have also realized when being targeted by unkind attacks, but responded in the Christlike way of grace (which some people mistake as naivete or weakness).
Responding with grace does not mean that we are spineless or that grace never stands up or speaks up. This simply points out that grace is not reactionary in the same spirit as the unjust and unkind critics
Two ways to avoid being hurt by unjust criticism:
Grace (focused on Jesus);
Naivety (not realizing you are the goat). hehe
I have sometimes been so naive that I did not realize I was being criticized. hehehe. Probably a lot more often than I realize. I guess you could say, "Naivete is the simple response." hehehe
I have also realized when being targeted by unkind attacks, but responded in the Christlike way of grace (which some people mistake as naivete or weakness).
Responding with grace does not mean that we are spineless or that grace never stands up or speaks up. This simply points out that grace is not reactionary in the same spirit as the unjust and unkind critics
06/20/18 "T'aint funny McGee."
06/20/18 "T'aint funny McGee."
Remember Western movies, when Christians were regularly in the cast?
You know, "Stranger" and "Pilgrim."
"T'aint funny McGee."
Just my own take on bad exegesis. In fact, I don't like jokes about the Bible, since they often diminish the dignity that the Bible deserves. Then again, some exegesis is a joke (but not the funny kind).
So, if I don't like those kinds of jokes, there must be more to the post than the the obvious. Thus the guy listening to a "radio," and the famous phrase from the old radio program, "Fibber McGee and Molly."
If you are really curious, just cogitate on it. I think I have given a good "puzzle." Of course, realizing my convoluted thinking will help you decipher.
Actually, I often think about Peter calling us "strangers and pilgrims." It is a great truth. I prefer "alien" and "sojourner" or "foreigner" instead of the word, "pilgrim," since they are better translations. In fact, even the KJV translates the same word differently in other passages.
Anyway, I try to understand God's word from God's perspective, and I try to present God's word lovingly, honestly, correctly. I have been preaching Biblical holiness (not the store bought kind) for 53 years and have found that LOVE (for God and others) is the narrow way between looseness and legalism. It ain't easy, but it is essential. I have lost people I love to both sides, either making them slaves of sin or blind followers of blind guides.
Remember Western movies, when Christians were regularly in the cast?
You know, "Stranger" and "Pilgrim."
"T'aint funny McGee."
Just my own take on bad exegesis. In fact, I don't like jokes about the Bible, since they often diminish the dignity that the Bible deserves. Then again, some exegesis is a joke (but not the funny kind).
So, if I don't like those kinds of jokes, there must be more to the post than the the obvious. Thus the guy listening to a "radio," and the famous phrase from the old radio program, "Fibber McGee and Molly."
If you are really curious, just cogitate on it. I think I have given a good "puzzle." Of course, realizing my convoluted thinking will help you decipher.
Actually, I often think about Peter calling us "strangers and pilgrims." It is a great truth. I prefer "alien" and "sojourner" or "foreigner" instead of the word, "pilgrim," since they are better translations. In fact, even the KJV translates the same word differently in other passages.
Anyway, I try to understand God's word from God's perspective, and I try to present God's word lovingly, honestly, correctly. I have been preaching Biblical holiness (not the store bought kind) for 53 years and have found that LOVE (for God and others) is the narrow way between looseness and legalism. It ain't easy, but it is essential. I have lost people I love to both sides, either making them slaves of sin or blind followers of blind guides.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
God wants to remove the stench of the Old Man from the Christian's life.
This is a video that addresses the problem of the sin nature remaining after conversion, and God's solution to that problem.
Brother Bryan, I thought you would like this, because it is a wonderful truth, and because I use some familiar imagery that you will enjoy.
I went fishing 3 days ago. I caught bait fish and put them in the bait bucket. I thought I had used up all my bait, so when I unloaded my car at the end of the day, I did not remove the bait bucket. hehehe But there were several fish still in the bucket.
Now, three vary hot days later, I got into the car, and did it smell fishy? WOW.
I removed the bucket with the fish and cleaned it out. When I returned to the car, the smell was almost gone and after a short period of time, with the windows and hatch opened, the smell was mostly gone. It did not take long before the care was back to normal.
This is not a perfect example for my message. It is not a Biblical example of my message. But it is a good example.
Sometimes we do something, thinking that we have done everything we are supposed to do, when in fact, we have left something undone. That is what I did. I thought I had taken everything out of the car that needed to be removed. BUT I WAS WRONG. I had left dead fish in my car sitting through two very hot days.
Sometimes we don't realize we have left something undone, until later when the evidence speaks up for itself.
In salvation, when a person comes to Jesus, a believer is not purified completely from all forms of sin. But remember, the Bible does not promise complete cleansing from all sin for the new believer. The Bible does teach that Christ cleanses from all sin, completely.
That sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. Both statements are true, but they are not concurrent. We are not purified at conversion, but we purified from all sin at some point in our obedient Christian walk.
"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place."
"He that hath clean hands and a pure heart." (Psalm 24:3)
Two different things, two separate answers for the two questions.
The Bible teaches that at our conversion, we get the mind of Christ, but we still have the mind of the flesh, the carnal mind, which makes us DOUBLE MINDED. We then have the Carnal Mind and the Spiritual Mind, and they are at odds with one another, they are at war with one another.
Paul addresses this problem by telling us in Romans chapter 7 that I do the things I don't want to do and the things I don't want to do I end up doing.
Then Paul asks, "Who shall deliver me from this body of death?"
That is double mindedness. Christians are plagued with double mindedness after conversion. They have a desire for the things of heaven and of God, but they also have a desire for the things of this world.
In other words, they have cleansed their hands, cleansed their behavior, cleansed their conscience, cleansed from an old way of life, but they are not pure, even as Christ is pure. There is plenty of Scripture that verifies all that I just said. However, the illustration I am about to give you is not a Bible illustration, but it does work.
Sometimes we think we have taken care of all that we need to do. This is true for Christians. When they get saved, they know they have been cleansed, and restored and regenerated and forgiven. They do not realize that they have not been purified. It is not until they come face to face with their carnal self that they realize they need a deeper cleansing than from sins committed, cleansing a defiled conscience, cleansing from sinful living. But the cleansing they have received is not entire cleansing, complete cleansing, purification.
The Bible never promised that kind of cleansing for the new convert. It is not until later in our walk with God that we come to realize our need for purification of the heart.
Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double minded.
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place?
He that has...
Clean hands is related to what you do... your behavior, your actions.
The Bible says that the born again believer CANNOT SIN (1 Jn. 3:9).
This does not mean that a believer is unable to ever disobey God. What it does mean is that a person who is a born again believer cannot sin and still be a born again believer, because being born again saves us from sinning.
He that commits sin is of the devil (1 Jn. 3:8).
He that is born of God does not commit sin (1 Jn. 3:9).
Cleanse your hands, YOU SINNERS.
Unsaved people are sinners.
They are sinning.
They are committing sin.
They are living in sin.
Cleanse your hands you sinners, and PURIFY YOUR HEARTS YOU DOUBLE MINDED.
After two days in the blistering heat, the dead fish were stinking up the car.
I took the bucket to the faucet, dumped the dead fish, washed the bait bucket. There was hardly any smell. I have ridden around with the windows open and I don't know that I have any stench in here at all.
Sometimes we have a problem in life but do not realize it.
Remember, I had the dead fish in the car when I came home from kayak fishing, but did not realize the fish were still in the car.
The fish were starting to smell on Saturday night, and really smelling by Sunday and totally stunk (past and past participle of stink).
But I did not realize it Saturday, Sunday or Monday, because I did not use the car.
However, on Tuesday I found out as soon as I opened the door to my car.
When Jesus was out of town, His friend Lazarus got sick and his sisters wanted Jesus to come back to their home to heal him. But Jesus did not get back until after Lazarus was dead for a few days. (God was in control, in spite of the apparent schedule mix up.) They thought His "late arrival" meant doom and gloom for the family because Lazarus had been dead several days and someone said, "Surely he stinketh." (hehehe, that is KJV).
I am sure he did stink. He was dead and starting to decompose. STILL, Jesus raised him from the dead.
Jesus stood outside of the tomb and said,
Then He said,
WOOOOO. Loose him and let him go.
This is a picture of salvation.
First there is the removing of the stone.
Then the call of Jesus to those who are dead in sins and trespasses.
Then the dead answer the call of God.
Then the resurrected are loosed and let go.
In salvation there is an initial work of regeneration, symbolized in resurrection of Lazarus.
To be alive in Christ we must be born again. If we are not born of the Spirit, we are not God's children.
First Lazarus was raised from the dead.
But that was not all.
Lazarus needed to be loosed from his grave clothes.
Lazarus was bound; hands, arms, legs, feet, head in grave clothes.
He was all dressed up and nowhere to go.
As a dead man, he smelled bad.
But Jesus said, "roll the stone away."
When we preach the gospel, we are rolling the stone away. We are opening the words of life. When we tell other people about Jesus, we are rolling the stone away.
Then the dead hear the voice of God calling them by name, calling them to life.
When he was called, Lazarus came forth, came out of the tomb. He was still bound in those grave clothes, and Jesus said, Loose him and let him go.
When they loosed Lazarus, I am sure he took off, walking and leaping and praising God. I know that is a different passage, but I have no problem seeing Lazarus celebrating his new life, his new freedom. I imagine he ran over to loved ones, hugging them, kissing them, laughing, crying. I'M ALIVE AND I AM SET FREE.
First, in our salvation, we are made alive, regenerated, born again.
But that does not make us pure.
We are still bound by the grave clothes of the Old Man, the Law of Sin and Death. We still have a stench of death clinging to us. This old life continues until God delivers us from the Old Man.
We are delivered from the Old Man when he (it) is crucified with Christ.
Conversion includes life through regeneration.
Purification comes about through death.
Being dead to the Satan's system, the world and the world dead to us.
Being dead to sin.
Being dead to self.
I got in the car and I could smell the dead and rotting dead fish. Up to that moment I though everything was fine.
As you are going along in your Christian life, things go along fine until you run into a snag, then something begins to stink. Something makes it evident that there is a problem.
Yes, you are born again, you have a new direction in life, you have power to live victoriously, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO COMMIT SIN, YOU WALK IN NEWNESS OF LIFE, but there is an internal rebellious streak of nastiness.
You can get the boy out of the country.
In salvation you can get the boy out of sin.
Listen, if you don't get out of sin, then you ain't saved, 'cause that is what salvation does.
The old saying goes on to say, "But you can't get the country out of the boy."
In keeping with that analogy, some people would then say, BUT YOU CAN'T get the sin our of the boy.
Because Jesus sanctifies ENTIRELY, He cleanses ENTIRELY.
Paul said,
"And may the God of peace SANCTIFY YOU ENTIRELY. And I pray God that your whole body, soul, and spirit be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Faithful is He Who calls you Who will also do it." (1 Th. 5:23-24).
He has called us to purity of heart and life, having called us He will sanctify us completely.
After you are saved and begin to realize that there is something wrong down inside, then God is calling you to be pure, even as He is pure.
"Well, why didn't God cleanse me of my sinful nature at conversion," you may ask.
Because justification and regeneration had to do with your lost condition due to your rebellion, due to your sins.
Your sinful nature, your Old Man had to do with your inheritance from Adam. You were not guilty of having received a sinful nature, therefore you could not be forgiven. We can only be forgiven for our own guilt. Our inherited evil disposition was not of our own doing.
STILL, God has a deliverance for the Christian soul that seeks purity.
At salvation our sins are forgiven and our guilt is removed.
Forgiveness for repented sins. Any future sins still need the blood of Christ.
When you begin to notice something in your life that should not be there, it is not because you are not saved or you are not regenerated or our are not forgiven, or your have not been cleansed, but because you still carry about in you the old nature of sin.
We all need to be entirely sanctified
We all need the power and purity that comes from the fullness of the Holy Spirit in us.
Who shall deliver me from this body of death. Who is going to set me free from this internal bucket of death and corruption. This is what Paul cried out at the end of Romans chapter 7. But he answered that question with,
Defeated, even sinning people who call themselves Christians take comfort in erroneously believing that we are stuck on a road to failure and sin, but staying in the middle of Romans 7. But God showed us at the end of 7 and into Romans 8 that the Spirit filled life is the life of victory and purity.
People sin and repent, sin and repent, and eventually get tired and quit. The devil wants people to not worry about it by lying to them by telling them that their sins will not separate between them and God and the wages of sin is not death.
Salvation enables us to quit sinning and to keep on, "quit sinning" (hehehe).
God's plan of salvation includes cleansing from sins committed, polluted conscience, corrupt living, AND CLEANSING FROM ALL SIN, INCLUDING THE Old Man, aka the Carnal Mind, the Double Mind, the Law of Sin and Death, the Flesh, the Evil Heart of Unbelief, the Root of Bitterness.
God's provision makes us pure, even as He is pure; righteous, even as He is righteous; Holy, even as He is holy.
We get this purification through faith, just like we got forgiveness. It is not a self made purity, but a gift of God, as part of our salvation.
We realize when that old corruption rises up. It may be the stench of anger, lust, greed, envy, jealousy, deceit, hatred, pride. All sin stinks to God and we need His cleansing from all sin.
We must die to sin and be alive to God.
God wants to remove the stench of the Old Man from the Christian's life.
This is a video that addresses the problem of the sin nature remaining after conversion, and God's solution to that problem.
Brother Bryan, I thought you would like this, because it is a wonderful truth, and because I use some familiar imagery that you will enjoy.
I went fishing 3 days ago. I caught bait fish and put them in the bait bucket. I thought I had used up all my bait, so when I unloaded my car at the end of the day, I did not remove the bait bucket. hehehe But there were several fish still in the bucket.
Now, three vary hot days later, I got into the car, and did it smell fishy? WOW.
I removed the bucket with the fish and cleaned it out. When I returned to the car, the smell was almost gone and after a short period of time, with the windows and hatch opened, the smell was mostly gone. It did not take long before the care was back to normal.
This is not a perfect example for my message. It is not a Biblical example of my message. But it is a good example.
Sometimes we do something, thinking that we have done everything we are supposed to do, when in fact, we have left something undone. That is what I did. I thought I had taken everything out of the car that needed to be removed. BUT I WAS WRONG. I had left dead fish in my car sitting through two very hot days.
Sometimes we don't realize we have left something undone, until later when the evidence speaks up for itself.
In salvation, when a person comes to Jesus, a believer is not purified completely from all forms of sin. But remember, the Bible does not promise complete cleansing from all sin for the new believer. The Bible does teach that Christ cleanses from all sin, completely.
That sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. Both statements are true, but they are not concurrent. We are not purified at conversion, but we purified from all sin at some point in our obedient Christian walk.
"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place."
"He that hath clean hands and a pure heart." (Psalm 24:3)
Two different things, two separate answers for the two questions.
The Bible teaches that at our conversion, we get the mind of Christ, but we still have the mind of the flesh, the carnal mind, which makes us DOUBLE MINDED. We then have the Carnal Mind and the Spiritual Mind, and they are at odds with one another, they are at war with one another.
Paul addresses this problem by telling us in Romans chapter 7 that I do the things I don't want to do and the things I don't want to do I end up doing.
Then Paul asks, "Who shall deliver me from this body of death?"
That is double mindedness. Christians are plagued with double mindedness after conversion. They have a desire for the things of heaven and of God, but they also have a desire for the things of this world.
In other words, they have cleansed their hands, cleansed their behavior, cleansed their conscience, cleansed from an old way of life, but they are not pure, even as Christ is pure. There is plenty of Scripture that verifies all that I just said. However, the illustration I am about to give you is not a Bible illustration, but it does work.
Sometimes we think we have taken care of all that we need to do. This is true for Christians. When they get saved, they know they have been cleansed, and restored and regenerated and forgiven. They do not realize that they have not been purified. It is not until they come face to face with their carnal self that they realize they need a deeper cleansing than from sins committed, cleansing a defiled conscience, cleansing from sinful living. But the cleansing they have received is not entire cleansing, complete cleansing, purification.
The Bible never promised that kind of cleansing for the new convert. It is not until later in our walk with God that we come to realize our need for purification of the heart.
Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double minded.
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place?
He that has...
Clean hands is related to what you do... your behavior, your actions.
The Bible says that the born again believer CANNOT SIN (1 Jn. 3:9).
This does not mean that a believer is unable to ever disobey God. What it does mean is that a person who is a born again believer cannot sin and still be a born again believer, because being born again saves us from sinning.
He that commits sin is of the devil (1 Jn. 3:8).
He that is born of God does not commit sin (1 Jn. 3:9).
Cleanse your hands, YOU SINNERS.
Unsaved people are sinners.
They are sinning.
They are committing sin.
They are living in sin.
Cleanse your hands you sinners, and PURIFY YOUR HEARTS YOU DOUBLE MINDED.
After two days in the blistering heat, the dead fish were stinking up the car.
I took the bucket to the faucet, dumped the dead fish, washed the bait bucket. There was hardly any smell. I have ridden around with the windows open and I don't know that I have any stench in here at all.
Sometimes we have a problem in life but do not realize it.
Remember, I had the dead fish in the car when I came home from kayak fishing, but did not realize the fish were still in the car.
The fish were starting to smell on Saturday night, and really smelling by Sunday and totally stunk (past and past participle of stink).
But I did not realize it Saturday, Sunday or Monday, because I did not use the car.
However, on Tuesday I found out as soon as I opened the door to my car.
When Jesus was out of town, His friend Lazarus got sick and his sisters wanted Jesus to come back to their home to heal him. But Jesus did not get back until after Lazarus was dead for a few days. (God was in control, in spite of the apparent schedule mix up.) They thought His "late arrival" meant doom and gloom for the family because Lazarus had been dead several days and someone said, "Surely he stinketh." (hehehe, that is KJV).
I am sure he did stink. He was dead and starting to decompose. STILL, Jesus raised him from the dead.
Jesus stood outside of the tomb and said,
Then He said,
WOOOOO. Loose him and let him go.
This is a picture of salvation.
First there is the removing of the stone.
Then the call of Jesus to those who are dead in sins and trespasses.
Then the dead answer the call of God.
Then the resurrected are loosed and let go.
In salvation there is an initial work of regeneration, symbolized in resurrection of Lazarus.
To be alive in Christ we must be born again. If we are not born of the Spirit, we are not God's children.
First Lazarus was raised from the dead.
But that was not all.
Lazarus needed to be loosed from his grave clothes.
Lazarus was bound; hands, arms, legs, feet, head in grave clothes.
He was all dressed up and nowhere to go.
As a dead man, he smelled bad.
But Jesus said, "roll the stone away."
When we preach the gospel, we are rolling the stone away. We are opening the words of life. When we tell other people about Jesus, we are rolling the stone away.
Then the dead hear the voice of God calling them by name, calling them to life.
When he was called, Lazarus came forth, came out of the tomb. He was still bound in those grave clothes, and Jesus said, Loose him and let him go.
When they loosed Lazarus, I am sure he took off, walking and leaping and praising God. I know that is a different passage, but I have no problem seeing Lazarus celebrating his new life, his new freedom. I imagine he ran over to loved ones, hugging them, kissing them, laughing, crying. I'M ALIVE AND I AM SET FREE.
First, in our salvation, we are made alive, regenerated, born again.
But that does not make us pure.
We are still bound by the grave clothes of the Old Man, the Law of Sin and Death. We still have a stench of death clinging to us. This old life continues until God delivers us from the Old Man.
We are delivered from the Old Man when he (it) is crucified with Christ.
Conversion includes life through regeneration.
Purification comes about through death.
Being dead to the Satan's system, the world and the world dead to us.
Being dead to sin.
Being dead to self.
I got in the car and I could smell the dead and rotting dead fish. Up to that moment I though everything was fine.
As you are going along in your Christian life, things go along fine until you run into a snag, then something begins to stink. Something makes it evident that there is a problem.
Yes, you are born again, you have a new direction in life, you have power to live victoriously, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO COMMIT SIN, YOU WALK IN NEWNESS OF LIFE, but there is an internal rebellious streak of nastiness.
You can get the boy out of the country.
In salvation you can get the boy out of sin.
Listen, if you don't get out of sin, then you ain't saved, 'cause that is what salvation does.
The old saying goes on to say, "But you can't get the country out of the boy."
In keeping with that analogy, some people would then say, BUT YOU CAN'T get the sin our of the boy.
Because Jesus sanctifies ENTIRELY, He cleanses ENTIRELY.
Paul said,
"And may the God of peace SANCTIFY YOU ENTIRELY. And I pray God that your whole body, soul, and spirit be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Faithful is He Who calls you Who will also do it." (1 Th. 5:23-24).
He has called us to purity of heart and life, having called us He will sanctify us completely.
After you are saved and begin to realize that there is something wrong down inside, then God is calling you to be pure, even as He is pure.
"Well, why didn't God cleanse me of my sinful nature at conversion," you may ask.
Because justification and regeneration had to do with your lost condition due to your rebellion, due to your sins.
Your sinful nature, your Old Man had to do with your inheritance from Adam. You were not guilty of having received a sinful nature, therefore you could not be forgiven. We can only be forgiven for our own guilt. Our inherited evil disposition was not of our own doing.
STILL, God has a deliverance for the Christian soul that seeks purity.
At salvation our sins are forgiven and our guilt is removed.
Forgiveness for repented sins. Any future sins still need the blood of Christ.
When you begin to notice something in your life that should not be there, it is not because you are not saved or you are not regenerated or our are not forgiven, or your have not been cleansed, but because you still carry about in you the old nature of sin.
We all need to be entirely sanctified
We all need the power and purity that comes from the fullness of the Holy Spirit in us.
Who shall deliver me from this body of death. Who is going to set me free from this internal bucket of death and corruption. This is what Paul cried out at the end of Romans chapter 7. But he answered that question with,
Defeated, even sinning people who call themselves Christians take comfort in erroneously believing that we are stuck on a road to failure and sin, but staying in the middle of Romans 7. But God showed us at the end of 7 and into Romans 8 that the Spirit filled life is the life of victory and purity.
People sin and repent, sin and repent, and eventually get tired and quit. The devil wants people to not worry about it by lying to them by telling them that their sins will not separate between them and God and the wages of sin is not death.
Salvation enables us to quit sinning and to keep on, "quit sinning" (hehehe).
God's plan of salvation includes cleansing from sins committed, polluted conscience, corrupt living, AND CLEANSING FROM ALL SIN, INCLUDING THE Old Man, aka the Carnal Mind, the Double Mind, the Law of Sin and Death, the Flesh, the Evil Heart of Unbelief, the Root of Bitterness.
God's provision makes us pure, even as He is pure; righteous, even as He is righteous; Holy, even as He is holy.
We get this purification through faith, just like we got forgiveness. It is not a self made purity, but a gift of God, as part of our salvation.
We realize when that old corruption rises up. It may be the stench of anger, lust, greed, envy, jealousy, deceit, hatred, pride. All sin stinks to God and we need His cleansing from all sin.
We must die to sin and be alive to God.
Sometimes I choose to communicate using colloquialisms and cultural idioms.
I don't let "proper" get in the way of communicating.
Sometimes I choose to communicate using colloquialisms and cultural idioms.
I don't let "proper" get in the way of communicating.
Willfully rejecting the LIGHT of salvation,
Is due to choosing the DARKNESS of deception and sin.
To "hear the truth" is actually grasping, understanding, rather than simply having sound vibrations activate the eardrum. Grasping and understanding does not require an expert comprehension of the message or the Bible or Theology. It is simply realizing that sin separates from God, realizing that God provides the answer to the sin problem, and realizing that God's provision is offered to "me."
Deception is a factor in rejecting truth. We saw this in Eve, and Paul was concerned (2 Co. 11:2-3) that New Testament believers could be deceived in the same way. But when we walk in whatever light God gives, it will lead to more light. It is either walk in light or darkness and whichever we choose will have consequences.
Willfully rejecting the LIGHT of salvation,
Is due to choosing the DARKNESS of deception and sin.
To "hear the truth" is actually grasping, understanding, rather than simply having sound vibrations activate the eardrum. Grasping and understanding does not require an expert comprehension of the message or the Bible or Theology. It is simply realizing that sin separates from God, realizing that God provides the answer to the sin problem, and realizing that God's provision is offered to "me."
Deception is a factor in rejecting truth. We saw this in Eve, and Paul was concerned (2 Co. 11:2-3) that New Testament believers could be deceived in the same way. But when we walk in whatever light God gives, it will lead to more light. It is either walk in light or darkness and whichever we choose will have consequences.
Monday, June 18, 2018
The only way to continue in sin,
Once you hear the truth of Divine deliverance,
Is to willfully reject God's offer.
The only way to continue in sin,
Once you hear the truth of Divine deliverance,
Is to willfully reject God's offer.
06/18/18/ YOUR OWN FAULT
06/18/18/ YOUR OWN FAULT
If you:
Reject the life ring,
Turn from the life boat,
Try to drown the lifeguard,
Don't complain when you drown.
If you:
Reject the life ring,
Turn from the life boat,
Try to drown the lifeguard,
Don't complain when you drown.
Nobody should hate anybody so much that they lie to everybody about somebody.
(hint hint Liberals hate Trump).
But the very things, about which Liberals claim to be irate are often the very things that either Clinton or Obama did while in office. Other things that Liberals get all hot and bothered about are the same things that are done by their fellow Liberal on Madison Avenue or Hollywood and Vine comrades. I read the whining and crying and I would be moved except it is virtue signaling at least and total fabrication at best. Liberals love their Christ-less philosophy and godless party so much that they hold to the old adage, "my party, right or wrong." This is not a promotion of any other political party, but it seems the Liberal community is out to prove the recent accusation about them is true, which says, "Liberalism is a form of mental illness."
THINK ABOUT IT. They don't know if they are male of female, they think that their gender is different from their sex, they think that there are dozens (if not hundreds) of genders, they think that a person's race is a matter of personal opinion or desire, they think that Socialism is better than Free Enterprise of Capitalism, they deny American exceptionalism, they think that the morality of the New Testament faith is outdated, they think that Biblical Christianity (not to be confused with warped Christendom) is the violent religion and Islam is the loving religion, they support Homosexuality and Islam at the same time, they support women's rights and Islam at the same time, they want to take away free speech except for their prurient and profane spewing, they blame Trump for taking care of the children of law breakers (which Clinton and Obama did). And the list goes on and on and on...
Nobody should hate anybody so much that they lie to everybody about somebody.
(hint hint Liberals hate Trump).
But the very things, about which Liberals claim to be irate are often the very things that either Clinton or Obama did while in office. Other things that Liberals get all hot and bothered about are the same things that are done by their fellow Liberal on Madison Avenue or Hollywood and Vine comrades. I read the whining and crying and I would be moved except it is virtue signaling at least and total fabrication at best. Liberals love their Christ-less philosophy and godless party so much that they hold to the old adage, "my party, right or wrong." This is not a promotion of any other political party, but it seems the Liberal community is out to prove the recent accusation about them is true, which says, "Liberalism is a form of mental illness."
THINK ABOUT IT. They don't know if they are male of female, they think that their gender is different from their sex, they think that there are dozens (if not hundreds) of genders, they think that a person's race is a matter of personal opinion or desire, they think that Socialism is better than Free Enterprise of Capitalism, they deny American exceptionalism, they think that the morality of the New Testament faith is outdated, they think that Biblical Christianity (not to be confused with warped Christendom) is the violent religion and Islam is the loving religion, they support Homosexuality and Islam at the same time, they support women's rights and Islam at the same time, they want to take away free speech except for their prurient and profane spewing, they blame Trump for taking care of the children of law breakers (which Clinton and Obama did). And the list goes on and on and on...
Biblical counsel is a Spirit filled believer
Leading an honest seeker
In understanding and applying Biblical life principles.
Biblical counsel is not simply giving good "advice."
Biblical counsel is not simply making strong suggestions.
Biblical counsel is not just one among many ideas available.
Biblical counsel is seeking God's leading, by His word, through His Spirit, from a Christian who is anointed and gifted with spiritual wisdom and knowledge.
Biblical counsel should be desired and treasured.
Biblical counsel should be followed, once it is established to be Biblical.
Just as a map leads a person to a prize, the Bible also leads the seeker to the answers of God for the questions they have.
Biblical counsel is a Divine act of deliverance.
Too many times people waste time and energy by hesitating or by seeking other paths. It takes faith and commitment to receive and then act on Biblical counsel. But Biblical counsel is God's method of giving faith, courage and leading to the person who truly wants to know and do God's will.
Biblical counsel is a Spirit filled believer
Leading an honest seeker
In understanding and applying Biblical life principles.
Biblical counsel is not simply giving good "advice."
Biblical counsel is not simply making strong suggestions.
Biblical counsel is not just one among many ideas available.
Biblical counsel is seeking God's leading, by His word, through His Spirit, from a Christian who is anointed and gifted with spiritual wisdom and knowledge.
Biblical counsel should be desired and treasured.
Biblical counsel should be followed, once it is established to be Biblical.
Just as a map leads a person to a prize, the Bible also leads the seeker to the answers of God for the questions they have.
Biblical counsel is a Divine act of deliverance.
Too many times people waste time and energy by hesitating or by seeking other paths. It takes faith and commitment to receive and then act on Biblical counsel. But Biblical counsel is God's method of giving faith, courage and leading to the person who truly wants to know and do God's will.
06/18/18 YES, LORD, YES
06/18/18 YES, LORD, YES
The Christian life is a life of saying, "Yes Lord," to all that GOD reveals.
The joy intensifies as the numbers in increase.
The Christian life is a life of saying, "Yes Lord," to all that GOD reveals.
The joy intensifies as the numbers in increase.
GOD'S has blessings for the individual, family, church (as well as community, nation and world).
FIND and FOLLOW His plan.
His plan does not exempt us from trial, suffering, disappointment, loss.
It enables us to overcome the attacks we encounter.
We can live in the light of His truth, in the protection of His cover, in obedience to His will.
If we are going to follow Him we will be tried, persecuted, despised and rejected by this world. BUT THIS LIFE IS ONLY A VAPOR, A MOMENT.
(DLG note) I understand the Old Testament background, context of this passage, but the principles are still true for believers in Christ.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
(DLG note ) The first step in finding and following His will.
1 Timothy 2:3-8
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
(DLG notes) His plan is always through Christ.
Hebrews 13:20-21
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
THERE IS MORE: MUCH MORE. but the journey begins with a good start. Get set, Go.
GOD'S has blessings for the individual, family, church (as well as community, nation and world).
FIND and FOLLOW His plan.
His plan does not exempt us from trial, suffering, disappointment, loss.
It enables us to overcome the attacks we encounter.
We can live in the light of His truth, in the protection of His cover, in obedience to His will.
If we are going to follow Him we will be tried, persecuted, despised and rejected by this world. BUT THIS LIFE IS ONLY A VAPOR, A MOMENT.
(DLG note) I understand the Old Testament background, context of this passage, but the principles are still true for believers in Christ.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
(DLG note ) The first step in finding and following His will.
1 Timothy 2:3-8
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
(DLG notes) His plan is always through Christ.
Hebrews 13:20-21
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
THERE IS MORE: MUCH MORE. but the journey begins with a good start. Get set, Go.
06-18-18 NOT HOME YET
06-18-18 NOT HOME YET
We ain't home yet, with plenty of obstacles ahead.
Cast every care upon Him and let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.
We ain't home yet, with plenty of obstacles ahead.
Cast every care upon Him and let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.
The song says,
"I don't wanna walk like the world,
I don't wanna talk like the world
I don't wanna be like the world
I wanna be like You"
God says we should be dead to the world and the world to us and that we should not love the world or the things in the world.
Galatians 6:14
14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
1 John 2:15-17
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
Not only is this material, cosmic, temporal, broken world passing, so is also this evil world system, ruled by the Prince of Darkness, the Prince of the power of the Air, the god of this world.
Our attachment should not be put into the transient or the evil. We should not love these things. In fact, we should be dead to them.
Playing with the world is playing with fire, playing with a venomous snake, playing with a raging lion.
The song says,
"I don't wanna walk like the world,
I don't wanna talk like the world
I don't wanna be like the world
I wanna be like You"
God says we should be dead to the world and the world to us and that we should not love the world or the things in the world.
Galatians 6:14
14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
1 John 2:15-17
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
Not only is this material, cosmic, temporal, broken world passing, so is also this evil world system, ruled by the Prince of Darkness, the Prince of the power of the Air, the god of this world.
Our attachment should not be put into the transient or the evil. We should not love these things. In fact, we should be dead to them.
Playing with the world is playing with fire, playing with a venomous snake, playing with a raging lion.
Praise the Lord for a really good day. Of course we had a wonderful service as we celebrated Father's Day. (I often give time when we first gather, for sharing and interaction. I have my message in mind, but I am amazed at the significant thoughts and concerns brought up during the casual time of discussion.) We reflected and conversed about the changing direction, morals, status of America, the Church and the family and then I preached on the plan of God to conform His people to His image. With the anti-Bible and anti-Christian mood of our world, it is getting more difficult for followers of Christ to obey God. God's plan involves everyone, from the INDIVIDUAL, the FAMILY (beginning with the FATHER), the CHURCH. The nature, revelation and authority of God demands submission and alignment, through faith and love. We were also favored with a song from the Ladies Trio, "I WANNA BE LIKE YOU." We were also blessed to have brother James (Jim) with us, celebrating Father's Day.
All of my children, and most of my grand children wished me a Happy Father's Day. I had the great privilege to be with Mark and his family, as well as Lydia and her family. Joanna and the girls had been visiting with us for a few weeks, but they returned home toward the end of last week. I am overwhelming glad to say that this verse represents our family time together.
Psalms 133:1
1 ...Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
Unity is not a one sided reality. Unity is the agreement of a group of people. In fact, Joanna, Lydia and Mark have chosen to be the loving siblings they should be and parents, spouses, children have benefited enormously and God has been glorified. This is what made this Father's day so special.
I heard from Joanna, Jonathan and the girls, David and Becky and Anna as they wished me good day. I wished David, Jonathan, Bill and Mark Gould best wishes also. I have always wanted the best for them and hope that their tomorrows are brighter than they have ever seen.
Since they returned to Pennsylvania. I still miss Julianna and Angelia getting my day started with their smiling faces at breakfast. Also, when Martha and I returned to the house recently, I was expecting to see Joanna's vehicle.
As I said (quoting another David) Behold how good and pleasant...
Praise the Lord for a really good day. Of course we had a wonderful service as we celebrated Father's Day. (I often give time when we first gather, for sharing and interaction. I have my message in mind, but I am amazed at the significant thoughts and concerns brought up during the casual time of discussion.) We reflected and conversed about the changing direction, morals, status of America, the Church and the family and then I preached on the plan of God to conform His people to His image. With the anti-Bible and anti-Christian mood of our world, it is getting more difficult for followers of Christ to obey God. God's plan involves everyone, from the INDIVIDUAL, the FAMILY (beginning with the FATHER), the CHURCH. The nature, revelation and authority of God demands submission and alignment, through faith and love. We were also favored with a song from the Ladies Trio, "I WANNA BE LIKE YOU." We were also blessed to have brother James (Jim) with us, celebrating Father's Day.
All of my children, and most of my grand children wished me a Happy Father's Day. I had the great privilege to be with Mark and his family, as well as Lydia and her family. Joanna and the girls had been visiting with us for a few weeks, but they returned home toward the end of last week. I am overwhelming glad to say that this verse represents our family time together.
Psalms 133:1
1 ...Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
Unity is not a one sided reality. Unity is the agreement of a group of people. In fact, Joanna, Lydia and Mark have chosen to be the loving siblings they should be and parents, spouses, children have benefited enormously and God has been glorified. This is what made this Father's day so special.
I heard from Joanna, Jonathan and the girls, David and Becky and Anna as they wished me good day. I wished David, Jonathan, Bill and Mark Gould best wishes also. I have always wanted the best for them and hope that their tomorrows are brighter than they have ever seen.
Since they returned to Pennsylvania. I still miss Julianna and Angelia getting my day started with their smiling faces at breakfast. Also, when Martha and I returned to the house recently, I was expecting to see Joanna's vehicle.
As I said (quoting another David) Behold how good and pleasant...
06/17/18 HAM'S SIN
06/17/18 HAM'S SIN
Ham Disrespected and Discounted
the Authority and Dignity of Noah,
replacing it with
Self Contentedness and Self Assertion.
Ham Disrespected and Discounted
the Authority and Dignity of Noah,
replacing it with
Self Contentedness and Self Assertion.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
06/17/18 SOME NEVER DO
06/17/18 SOME NEVER DO
No record that Ham ever reconciled with his father (Noah).
Do you need to reconcile with your father?
Luke 15:11-32
11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:
12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.
13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.
14 And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.
15 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.
16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.
17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!
18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,
19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.
20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.
22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:
23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:
24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.
25 Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.
27 And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.
28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
29 And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
30 But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.
No record that Ham ever reconciled with his father (Noah).
Do you need to reconcile with your father?
Luke 15:11-32
11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:
12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.
13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.
14 And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.
15 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.
16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.
17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!
18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,
19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.
20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.
22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:
23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:
24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.
25 Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.
27 And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.
28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
29 And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
30 But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.
PURITY AND MATURITY are not the same.
Purity of heart is an instantaneous work of God.
Spiritual maturity is growth in grace.
PURITY AND MATURITY are not the same.
Purity of heart is an instantaneous work of God.
Spiritual maturity is growth in grace.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
"Entire Sanctification" (as indicated in 1 Th. 5:23), is not "initial" or "progressive" sanctification. It is purity of heart for believers.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This verse, this truth in this verse is directed toward believers.
When a person becomes a BELIEVER, an initial cleansing from sins takes place, so that all sins are forgiven and a person is delivered from all guilt. This is initial sanctification.
"Sanctify" means to set apart and to cleanse.
The cleansing is deliverance from sins and guilt and a life of bondage to unholy living.
The setting apart is twofold.
Set apart from sin.
Set apart to God.
The believer turns from sin and turns to God.
"ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION" is "complete" in two ways.
It is complete, total cleansing from sin (as a practice, and as an inherent disposition toward disobedience to God).
It is complete because it cleanses all of a believer's being (body, soul, spirit). This is not glorification of the body, it is the complete setting apart of the body, soul and spirit from sin and complete setting apart of the body, soul and spirit to God.
We (believers) must make the total consecration, commitment, dedication, surrender, but it takes the grace and work of God to purify us. Notice the next verse. God calls us, we respond in faith, God entirely sanctifies.
1 Thessalonians 5:24
24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
Initial Sanctification (cleansing from sins committed and separation from a life of sinning) takes place at our justification (salvation).
Entire Sanctification takes place, as a crises experience, subsequent to our salvation (regeneration), when we come to a point of total surrender and faith in God's fullness through the Holy Spirit.
Progressive (continuing) Sanctification is the believer walking in the light that God gives him and God's delivering the believer from anything that is corrupting or polluting.
A believer cannot "progress" into purity. We will progress in grace toward being purified, and we will grow in grace after being purified, but being purified is an instantaneous work of grace, obtained by faith.
Wesley said it something like this,
Entire Sanctification is something we,
Approach gradually,
Enter into suddenly, and
Grow in forever.
Regeneration enables us to not sin (1 Jn. 5:18)
Entire Sanctification delivers us from the inner battle concerning sin (Ro. 8:1-4).
"Entire Sanctification" (as indicated in 1 Th. 5:23), is not "initial" or "progressive" sanctification. It is purity of heart for believers.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This verse, this truth in this verse is directed toward believers.
When a person becomes a BELIEVER, an initial cleansing from sins takes place, so that all sins are forgiven and a person is delivered from all guilt. This is initial sanctification.
"Sanctify" means to set apart and to cleanse.
The cleansing is deliverance from sins and guilt and a life of bondage to unholy living.
The setting apart is twofold.
Set apart from sin.
Set apart to God.
The believer turns from sin and turns to God.
"ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION" is "complete" in two ways.
It is complete, total cleansing from sin (as a practice, and as an inherent disposition toward disobedience to God).
It is complete because it cleanses all of a believer's being (body, soul, spirit). This is not glorification of the body, it is the complete setting apart of the body, soul and spirit from sin and complete setting apart of the body, soul and spirit to God.
We (believers) must make the total consecration, commitment, dedication, surrender, but it takes the grace and work of God to purify us. Notice the next verse. God calls us, we respond in faith, God entirely sanctifies.
1 Thessalonians 5:24
24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
Initial Sanctification (cleansing from sins committed and separation from a life of sinning) takes place at our justification (salvation).
Entire Sanctification takes place, as a crises experience, subsequent to our salvation (regeneration), when we come to a point of total surrender and faith in God's fullness through the Holy Spirit.
Progressive (continuing) Sanctification is the believer walking in the light that God gives him and God's delivering the believer from anything that is corrupting or polluting.
A believer cannot "progress" into purity. We will progress in grace toward being purified, and we will grow in grace after being purified, but being purified is an instantaneous work of grace, obtained by faith.
Wesley said it something like this,
Entire Sanctification is something we,
Approach gradually,
Enter into suddenly, and
Grow in forever.
Regeneration enables us to not sin (1 Jn. 5:18)
Entire Sanctification delivers us from the inner battle concerning sin (Ro. 8:1-4).
06/16/18 DON'T, DON'T AND DON'T
06/16/18 DON'T, DON'T AND DON'T
Many (maybe even you) who should know about Entire Sanctification, DON'T KNOW.
But DON'T WORRY. You can find out now.
Many (maybe even you) who should know about Entire Sanctification, DON'T KNOW.
But DON'T WORRY. You can find out now.
Entire Sanctification actuates DEATH TO:
SIN Romans 6:2-11,
SELF Galatians 5:24,
SATAN'S SYSTEM Galatians 6:14.
Entire Sanctification actuates DEATH TO:
SIN Romans 6:2-11,
SELF Galatians 5:24,
SATAN'S SYSTEM Galatians 6:14.
Friday, June 15, 2018
The sooner a person immerses into arrogance, judgmentalism, self righteousness, the less likely he/she will die to self (so sad).
This is why children should be taught submission, humility, respect at an early age. Pride and self serving attitudes are soul destroyers.
The sooner a person immerses into arrogance, judgmentalism, self righteousness, the less likely he/she will die to self (so sad).
This is why children should be taught submission, humility, respect at an early age. Pride and self serving attitudes are soul destroyers.
The further folks move from God, the more resistant and antagonistic they are to His word, His salvation, His Spirit and His people.
The further folks move from God, the more resistant and antagonistic they are to His word, His salvation, His Spirit and His people.
Pastors should know God's word, then lead their parishioners in wisdom.
Parishioners should submit and follow God's chosen man.
(I realize this does not apply to all "ministries" or "churches." This relates to Bible believing folks, which is what everyone should be).
In fact, parishioners should be seeking pastoral, spiritual leadership and counsel in the various areas of their lives. It is not unusual for "team members" to get coaching, leading, help from their mentors. How much more essential for the local body of believers to be actively seeking oneness of mind and the path of victory.
Hebrews 13:7
7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
Hebrews 13:17
17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
Pastors should know God's word, then lead their parishioners in wisdom.
Parishioners should submit and follow God's chosen man.
(I realize this does not apply to all "ministries" or "churches." This relates to Bible believing folks, which is what everyone should be).
In fact, parishioners should be seeking pastoral, spiritual leadership and counsel in the various areas of their lives. It is not unusual for "team members" to get coaching, leading, help from their mentors. How much more essential for the local body of believers to be actively seeking oneness of mind and the path of victory.
Hebrews 13:7
7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
Hebrews 13:17
17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
Humanism's control of "Education" has created greatest confusion and idiocy in the history of the world.
Humanism's control of "Education" has created greatest confusion and idiocy in the history of the world.
Thanks to Evolution, the wisdom of man does not even know...
If he is male or female,
Or what race he is,
Or that God exists.
Thanks to Evolution, the wisdom of man does not even know...
If he is male or female,
Or what race he is,
Or that God exists.
CREATED male and female;
Designed families as father & mother & sons & daughters;
Set moral standards.
Read & Heed Ge.1-4.
CREATED male and female;
Designed families as father & mother & sons & daughters;
Set moral standards.
Read & Heed Ge.1-4.
Rejecting Bible account of creation has produced a totally whacked out society.
Genesis 1-4 shows God's plan and what went wrong.
Rejecting Bible account of creation has produced a totally whacked out society.
Genesis 1-4 shows God's plan and what went wrong.
06/15/18 GOD'S PLAN
06/15/18 GOD'S PLAN
"Pastor and Parishioner" is a God designed, appointed, directed relationship, which is subject to Divine authority and oversight.
"Pastor and Parishioner" is a God designed, appointed, directed relationship, which is subject to Divine authority and oversight.
Rejecting Biblical directives by claiming loyalty to Biblical values is, "Virtue Signaling."
Love does not excuse disobedience.
Rejecting Biblical directives by claiming loyalty to Biblical values is, "Virtue Signaling."
Love does not excuse disobedience.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Liberals oppose Bible Christianity
But they blindly, eagerly usher in destructive "isms."
Sin makes you less than smart.
("less than smart" is my euphemISM for "stupid."
Biblical Christianity calls for morality, law and order, freedom. Bible Christians influence government and society to conform to basic moral values (consistent with New Testament standards), when they can, but they do not force laws or attempt to set up a Theocracy.
America was better off with laws, which were aligned with the moral code of the New Testament. But society wanted to have no restrictions on their moral conduct and began to push Biblical values out of the picture, to the point that Bible Christianity became illegal.
AT THE SAME TIME (go figure), Liberals have championed Islam, the Koran, Socialism, Libertarianism, "Social Justice" (so-called), Secularism, Materialism, Humanism, Relativism, Naturalism, Macro Evolution, Pragmatism, "Tolerance" (so-called), Inclusivism, and a host of other destructive isms.
YES, Biblical Christianity does have limits and restrictions and prescribed legal consequences (to be exercised by a moral State), and there will be eternal consequences meted out by God, BUT Bible Christianity allows man to choose to live a moral, self determined, free, productive life. However, the "isms" are oppressive and destructive, in spite of their surface appearance.
(people seldom read vss. 18-21)
John 3:16-21
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Liberals oppose Bible Christianity
But they blindly, eagerly usher in destructive "isms."
Sin makes you less than smart.
("less than smart" is my euphemISM for "stupid."
Biblical Christianity calls for morality, law and order, freedom. Bible Christians influence government and society to conform to basic moral values (consistent with New Testament standards), when they can, but they do not force laws or attempt to set up a Theocracy.
America was better off with laws, which were aligned with the moral code of the New Testament. But society wanted to have no restrictions on their moral conduct and began to push Biblical values out of the picture, to the point that Bible Christianity became illegal.
AT THE SAME TIME (go figure), Liberals have championed Islam, the Koran, Socialism, Libertarianism, "Social Justice" (so-called), Secularism, Materialism, Humanism, Relativism, Naturalism, Macro Evolution, Pragmatism, "Tolerance" (so-called), Inclusivism, and a host of other destructive isms.
YES, Biblical Christianity does have limits and restrictions and prescribed legal consequences (to be exercised by a moral State), and there will be eternal consequences meted out by God, BUT Bible Christianity allows man to choose to live a moral, self determined, free, productive life. However, the "isms" are oppressive and destructive, in spite of their surface appearance.
(people seldom read vss. 18-21)
John 3:16-21
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Peace and love are
strong and durable,
but they do not coexist with
pride and selfishness.
Peace and love are
strong and durable,
but they do not coexist with
pride and selfishness.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
God condemns adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality, bestiality, polygamy, lewdness, lusting, filthy talk. NOT DEBATABLE.
OUR SOCIETY HAS BEEN CHIPPING AWAY at the rock of sexual morality until there is very little left. Allowing sensuality, sexual laxness is a rejection of God. This has been seen in entertainment, private behavior, societal acceptance of divorce, spread of pornography, approval of openly unbridled sexual behavior, sexual relations outside of marriage, Humanistic overthrow of family values, gender bending and homosexual relationships. Sadly, the rock they have been destroying is the foundation of a moral society.
GOD IS THE ONE WHO DECIDES THE RULES, based on His wisdom and nature and the well being of man.
Romans 6:11-14
11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:
4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;
5 Not in the lust of concupiscence (dlg note... uncleanness, lust, evil passion, evil desires, , even as the Gentiles which know not God:
6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.
7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.
8 He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.
GOD HAS SPECIAL INTEREST AND CONCERN FOR humans practicing (once or a million times) sexual sins, because sins against the body are sins against the temple of God.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
1 Corinthians 6:13-20
13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.
14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.
15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
2 Corinthians 6:16-18
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
AS BAD AS IT HAS GOTTEN, it is going to get worse, much worse, in a much shorter period of time.
The unthinkable became thinkable.
The thinkable became permissible.
The permissible became acceptable.
The acceptable became the standard.
The standard became the law of the land.
God condemns adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality, bestiality, polygamy, lewdness, lusting, filthy talk. NOT DEBATABLE.
OUR SOCIETY HAS BEEN CHIPPING AWAY at the rock of sexual morality until there is very little left. Allowing sensuality, sexual laxness is a rejection of God. This has been seen in entertainment, private behavior, societal acceptance of divorce, spread of pornography, approval of openly unbridled sexual behavior, sexual relations outside of marriage, Humanistic overthrow of family values, gender bending and homosexual relationships. Sadly, the rock they have been destroying is the foundation of a moral society.
GOD IS THE ONE WHO DECIDES THE RULES, based on His wisdom and nature and the well being of man.
Romans 6:11-14
11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:
4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;
5 Not in the lust of concupiscence (dlg note... uncleanness, lust, evil passion, evil desires, , even as the Gentiles which know not God:
6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.
7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.
8 He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.
GOD HAS SPECIAL INTEREST AND CONCERN FOR humans practicing (once or a million times) sexual sins, because sins against the body are sins against the temple of God.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
1 Corinthians 6:13-20
13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.
14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.
15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
2 Corinthians 6:16-18
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
AS BAD AS IT HAS GOTTEN, it is going to get worse, much worse, in a much shorter period of time.
The unthinkable became thinkable.
The thinkable became permissible.
The permissible became acceptable.
The acceptable became the standard.
The standard became the law of the land.
While facing oppression, I have told parishioners to act on their own light. I never jeopardized or shamed their families.
While facing oppression, I have told parishioners to act on their own light. I never jeopardized or shamed their families.
I'm not impressed with folks who sacrifice other people's children in order to highlight their own faith and love.
I'm not impressed with folks who sacrifice other people's children in order to highlight their own faith and love.
The STATE OF THE WORLD is like a Chinese Puzzle Box with a 1,000 moves, but no solution.
Designed Futility, without Christ.
Smoke and Mirrors
This is why Politics, Philosophy, Humanism, Paganism, Hedonism, are all cases of MISDIRECTED ATTENTION AND EXERCISES IN FUTILITY. Even when good things happen, it is short lived because man's rebellion against God nullifies success.
There only one way out of this mess (which is getting messier and messier) is to turn to God and surrender to His will. It will require humility and love and trust in God and His word.
The STATE OF THE WORLD is like a Chinese Puzzle Box with a 1,000 moves, but no solution.
Designed Futility, without Christ.
Smoke and Mirrors
This is why Politics, Philosophy, Humanism, Paganism, Hedonism, are all cases of MISDIRECTED ATTENTION AND EXERCISES IN FUTILITY. Even when good things happen, it is short lived because man's rebellion against God nullifies success.
There only one way out of this mess (which is getting messier and messier) is to turn to God and surrender to His will. It will require humility and love and trust in God and His word.
06/13/18 NO MYSTERY
06/13/18 NO MYSTERY
Ever wonder what's wrong with our children and youth?
Ever wonder what's wrong with our children and youth?
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
06/12/18 IT IS STILL MUD
06/12/18 IT IS STILL MUD
Slinging mud from different mud puddles is still slinging mud. Salvation to nicer sins is not salvation.
An Explanation
My recent posts recognize that there are people who argue against Liberalism, Humanism, Diabolic Political Correctness, Socialism, Hedonism, Blood Thirsty Religion and other wicked systems, which are being foisted on our children and youth and being forced on our Christian communities, but those heroes of traditional values and morality are often champions of some other "ism" rather than servants and solders of Christ and His cross. These guardians risk their own lives in order to resist the spread of filthy and radical philosophies and godless political movements. Yet they are slaves to a less offensive darkness. They are fighting for some of the treasures of Christianity, but denying the Lordship of Christ over their own thoughts, words, deeds. They are offering a "nicer" form of rebellion against God. It is like a person standing in the filth of overflow ditches and throwing mud at those who are standing in a pigsty.
All of this is happening while those who call themselves Bible believing Christians cower in the shadows, watching their children being lured into a life of debauchery and an eternity of torment.
I appreciate the ravens that God sends to feed his servants. I appreciate the Cyrus' who use their political position to promote good things. I appreciate the movements and organizations that do good works in behalf of the needy. BUT WHERE IS THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD, while the powers of Satan are pillaging, spoiling, raping, enslaving and sacrificing our children?
Slinging mud from different mud puddles is still slinging mud. Salvation to nicer sins is not salvation.
An Explanation
My recent posts recognize that there are people who argue against Liberalism, Humanism, Diabolic Political Correctness, Socialism, Hedonism, Blood Thirsty Religion and other wicked systems, which are being foisted on our children and youth and being forced on our Christian communities, but those heroes of traditional values and morality are often champions of some other "ism" rather than servants and solders of Christ and His cross. These guardians risk their own lives in order to resist the spread of filthy and radical philosophies and godless political movements. Yet they are slaves to a less offensive darkness. They are fighting for some of the treasures of Christianity, but denying the Lordship of Christ over their own thoughts, words, deeds. They are offering a "nicer" form of rebellion against God. It is like a person standing in the filth of overflow ditches and throwing mud at those who are standing in a pigsty.
All of this is happening while those who call themselves Bible believing Christians cower in the shadows, watching their children being lured into a life of debauchery and an eternity of torment.
I appreciate the ravens that God sends to feed his servants. I appreciate the Cyrus' who use their political position to promote good things. I appreciate the movements and organizations that do good works in behalf of the needy. BUT WHERE IS THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD, while the powers of Satan are pillaging, spoiling, raping, enslaving and sacrificing our children?
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12/28/18 FAITH FACES FACTS Faith does not sugar coat lies, ignore tragedy, rename sin, deceive itself, excuse wickedness. FAITH CONFRONTS E...