(based on my message from yesterday)
Abraham was led from Ur to Syria to Canaan, facing various trials, and a period of time in Egypt, God brought him to total dedication and maturity.
Through Abraham and Isaac and Jacob came the Hebrews, the Children of Israel. From the same lineage came families and tribes that joined with other peoples, who sought to destroy the promise of God to send a deliverer through Abraham.
Jacob's sons sold their brother Joseph to a band of Ishmaelites, who in turn sold him into slavery to the Egyptian, Potiphar. Through an injustice, Joseph spent time in prison, but God delivered him and exalted him to Second in Command of Egypt. It was in this position of leadership that Joseph was able to rescue his family of 70 people from a famine, by bringing them to live in Egypt.
Life was easier for the family and they enjoyed special status, being related to Joseph. But as the years passed, so did that generation of Hebrews, along with Joseph. The outsiders fell into disrepute with an Egyptian society that feared the possibility of becoming slaves to the quiet invaders. In reaction, the Egyptians made the Hebrews their slaves.
During the time, since Abraham, Egypt had grown into an empire and had become more pagan, even to the point of Emperor worship.
The Children of Israel cried out to God and God raised one of them up to deliverer them. His name was Moses. A conflict between the God of Israel and the god's of Egypt eventuated in the Pharaoh reluctantly releasing the Hebrews. However, the Egyptian army was sent after them. God intervened by placing a Pillar of Fire between them. However, the Hebrews were caught between the army and the Red Sea. God opened the sea, delivering the Hebrews, then the Pillar of Fire allowed the army to advance into the bed of the Red Sea, only to be drowned by the walls of water crashing in on them.
The Hebrews eventually returned to their homeland (after a 40 year detour). While they were in the Sinai Peninsula and the Wilderness, God instructed them in worship, diet, legality, sacrifices and the building of a Tabernacle. When they finally settled into the Promise Land, they continued to worship and sacrifice through the ministry of the Tabernacle, in Jerusalem.
This continued through the time of the leaders, known as Judges and into the time of the first two kings of Israel (the unified kingdom), Saul and David. It was during the reign of the third king, Solomon, that the Temple was built in Jerusalem.
After the death of Solomon the kingdom was split, north and south. The Northern kingdom was known as Israel and the Southern kingdom was known as Judah. The Temple was in Judah and though the rulers of Judah were not always righteous, they continued for a longer period of time than the Northern kingdom, because the Northern kingdom never had a righteous ruler. Israel was eventually ruled by Assyria and foreigners were brought in to break down the culture, language and religious foundation of Israel. The Northern kingdom built and ran their own "Temple" in Samaria, which was contrary to the will of God.
Eventually Judah (the Southern kingdom) also collapsed. Many of the Jews moved to Egypt to escape oppression. The moved to an area of Egypt that worshiped the sun. The name of the location was ON and called Heliopolis in the Greek. There were a great number of Jews in this location, therefore they built a Temple.
In the midst of adversity and persecution and oppression, the people of God must keep their focus on the true and living God rather than be either drawn away or driven a way from the truth of God. In fact, God told the Jews in Egypt that they must speak the language of Canaan. In other words, they must not lose their spiritual and cultural heritage.
Remember too, after the Magi brought gifts to Baby Jesus in Bethlehem, the Magi and Joseph were warned that the Edomite king, Herod, was going to try to kill the Baby. The Magi returned home by a different route, rather than aid Herod in his dastardly deed. Joseph was also warned by an angel and he fled with his family to Egypt to escape Herod's sword.
Joseph, Mary and Jesus remained in Egypt until Herod died.
Sometimes God takes us to unexpected, dark, dangerous places. We should never forget our relationship with God. We must never change our original course. We must not lose our spiritual "language" or spiritual culture. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that seem as foreign and as frightening as being in pagan Egypt.
We must also remember not to become attached to Egypt. Life for God is tough and our enemies are numerous. We must not compromise our convictions or accommodate to contrary influences. Don't get comfortable in the difficult places God takes you.
Also remember, God takes us to the difficult places so that we will be able to stand strong when we are led into another difficult situation.
Abraham, Joseph, Children of Israel, Jews and Jesus all took their turns traveling to and through pagan Egypt. We as believers are often led in a way that tests our commitment to Christ. We must not allow ourselves to be either driven from the one true faith or drawn to a false hope. The way of God's people is often through the hard places. But remember, God will never leave you or forsake you. He is with you, even to the end of the age.