During service last evening, I mentioned that I had engaged a group of young men (Mormons) in a discussion. When I said something to those men about Adam's sin, they balked and tried to correct me. THEY BOLDLY told me that Adam did not sin when he ate of the forbidden fruit. Of course, I knew better, because GOD SAID SO. They then proceeded to tell me that Adam's eating of the forbidden fruit was an act of REDEMPTION.
I know, I know, that is so totally absurd it is unthinkable. But here is the thing. The devil lied to Eve, saying that eating the fruit would not kill them, but it would actually make their lives better. Through this lie, he ensnared Eve and then Adam. It was such a deceptive thing Paul would warn Christians, thousands of years later, not to be deceived by the Serpent, as was Eve, in the Garden. As I mentioned this during the service, the pastor spoke up and pointed out that for Adam's action he and Eve were expelled from the Garden. GOD KICKED THEM OUT OF THE GARDEN, not because Adam was being redemptive but because he was being REBELLIOUS. This is a HUGE reality. Adam polluted the entire human race with his rebellion, and the Mormon's laud him and twist the history.
Here is part of what we should learn from such a false representation and twisting of Scripture. FALSE RELIGIONS say they believe the Bible, but then they claim to have another book (or more), which explains why the Bible is WRONG.
The Mormons do the same. They say they believe the Bible, but then they make Adam a redemptive, rather than a rebellious person, and they offer another book to explain the errors of the Holy Bible. Of course the error is in not believing what the Bible says.
If a person or a group cannot even get the first pages of the Bible right, then how corrupt are they going to make the rest of the Bible.
Don't forget, God did not kick them out of the Garden because Adam tried to save Eve. IT WAS BECAUSE OF ADAM'S OVERT WICKEDNESS and disobedience to the known will of God.
Salvation would require Jesus (not Adam), the true Son of God, to come in the flesh and die for the sins of the world and to raise Himself from the dead, physically.
Do you realize how blind a person has to be, in order to believe such a gigantic lie as the Redemptive Adam in the Garden of Eden? This is what happens when we allow something else to become more authoritative than the Bible. If we don't know and understand the basics, we won't understand the deeper things.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
12/26/18 SELFISHNESS OR SELFLESNSESS A great deal of our suffering is because other people choose SELFISHness rather than SELFLESSness.
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