Folks may laugh off the idea that the USA might be headed for civil war, but I don't find it unthinkable. (Actually, I have thought that such a terrible event could play into the end times scenario for the USA, removing our country as a player in end times world events).
The upheaval of the 1960's was overwhelmingly aimed at principles and policies and not nearly as much at the grassroots personalities on either side. Today it is different. Today there are people who will strike out violently against anyone who does not subscribe to their ideology.
There are lots of other thoughts I have concerning this issue, but I will mention this one.
Once the government sided with the "LIBERAL" agenda to condemn and misrepresent everything that they did not like, which led to physical attacks on monuments, historical icons, actual history, regional culture, heritage, then the door to total overthrow was opened to anyone (who was vicious enough) to use force, anger, violence, destruction against those who disagree with them. When this hate and destruction movement began during the Obama days, I (along with many others) said that our whole society was going to be pillaged and left in rubble. Basically, that was a major step in FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING AMERICA.
Even if the warped ideas of the anti-South crowd (concerning historical facts about the South and the North through the 1870's, the causes of the War Between the States, the Constitution of the USA, the facts of slavery), were true and accurate (WHICH THEY ARE NOT), there was still NO REASON TO DESTROY THE HISTORICAL RECORD, and make an entire region and culture the enemy of America. The anti-South crowd (Liberals for the most part and misinformed Blacks in America) have fueled the bitterness against whites, conservatives, Christians, to such an extent that they are ready and willing and eager to use violence to get their way, and to silence anyone by any means, who disagrees with them. If our country was comprised of reasonable people we could work through these problems. But reason and tolerance have been destroyed with history and facts. Now it is the loud crowd that takes control by mob force rather than a free political process.
I don't write this in hopes of actually stopping the rising anarchy. I write this to awaken folks to the fact that the rising tide of rebellion can and will destroy everything good, for which this country ever stood. And don't forget (in spite of the false propaganda), Biblical, Christ centered Christianity has never been the violent participant in upheaval. You can thank the people who stole the Christian BRAND (including so-called Christian Socialists and Liberation Theology and Social Justice groups).
It is not enough to want the Christian outcome or wear the Christian name or claim the Christian heritage. If we want to please God, if we want eternal life, we must trust, surrender to and unflinchingly follow Jesus Christ as Lord.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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