I saw an article some time ago, that explained "Why there are no Christian children in North Korea." Without retelling the article, the point is that godlessness and empowered resistance make it criminal for Christian parents to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
Not only does, The State police the family, and
Not only does, Society impose godlessness on the citizenry, but it is also true that
The children become agents of the State, resisting and rejecting the message of Christ, and then
They become witnesses against their own parents.
SOOOOO WHAT? Well, the "sooooo what" is that Secular Humanism is taking a stronger hold of our American society, making Christians into outlaws and turning children against family and family values.
DON'T COUNT ON THE 2ND AMENDMENT PEOPLE. THEY HAVE HELD ONTO THEIR GUNS AND SURRENDERED THEIR COUNTRY, THEIR MORALS, THEIR FAMILIES AND THEIR RELIGION. The gun toters are no more effective in securing spiritual victory than a snow flake surviving a blast from hell.
BEFORE YOU GET TOO UPSET WITH ME, you better look at what our country has become and what it is becoming, ALL THE WHILE BOASTING IN THE ARM OF FLESH.
Our faithfulness to God is under attack and our defense is spiritual. READ THE NEW TESTAMENT. Only warriors for Christ will stand in the power of the Spirit.
I am glad for the respite that God has given us under Trump's administration (for however long that may last), but the end is evident in the word of God. Those who are godly WILL suffer persecution, and only the godly will stand in the day of temptation, trial, trouble.
By the way, I am not upset or disappointed in the folks who shoot off their mouths rather than stand for truth. That is just part of their nature. They need to turn to Jesus and follow Him fully. More is accomplished by faith than fury anyway.
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
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