Thursday, January 4, 2018



I remember years ago when people tried to justify their immoral sexual behavior by saying that God forbids adultery, but they went on to say that adultery is the sexual infidelity of a married person and not the sexual activity of a single person. They said that the Ten Commandments condemned ADULTERY but it did not condemn FORNICATION, which is "sexual relations between unmarried people."

Needless to say, those folks were so far out that they could not get their picture taken by the Hubble space probe. The same thing happens with other sins. People are all the time trying to make God complicit in their failure to live by the law of love.

We have lived to see a President of the USA commit all kinds of sexual wickedness in the White House and then claim that he could not define it as such. He would not admit to having sex, even though the whole world knew that he did.

Today people do every sexual activity imaginable, but claim that they have not disobeyed God because they did not "go all the way." Well, they went farther than all the way, and they are only fooling themselves.

But see, people think that living as close to the edge of sin as they can will keep them from looking like religious fanatics to their friends.
Or, they just want to excuse their own behavior by blaming God for not making His will clear. WELL, HE HAS MADE THINGS CLEAR. People just don't like it.

I don't see anything in the Bible that encourages us to live close to sin or allows us to sin in any capacity or to argue for the right to live selfishly.
The presence and the purity and the power of Jesus sets us free from that which is polluted and corrupted. We are called unto HOLINESS of heart and life and we are called to live under the LAW OF LOVE.

This is the advantage of being justified (made righteous), crucified with Christ (dead to self and dead to the world) and entirely sanctified (purified, and filled with the Holy Spirit). Love rules in the heart of the sanctified, Spirit filled, Spirit led believer.