Climate Change takes place. It has for a long time. Global warming and cooling takes place. But here are three problems with the FALSE NARRATIVE.
1. This false narrative is presented as if modern, western man is the cause. The science does not support this. And even if it could be proved that there would be no problem along these lines if the human element of progress was removed, the fact is that modern western life is not the only contributor, or even the greatest contributor. The drive has been to reduce the western world to the level of the rest of the world rather than raise the rest of the world to the western (American) way of life. To be honest, the honchos of this false narrative live lifestyles that are contradictory to their public outcry. This is called hypocrisy. If they really believed it themselves, they would apply the corrective principles to themselves.
2. The false narrative is more of a political football and a money making industry than a real issue. It is stirring to hear some of these self styled messiahs cry out against certain things and call for certain other things, but then we see them getting filthy rich promoting programs and projects that often are scams more that solutions, while at the same time promoting other issues which are "part of the problem" according their rhetoric.
3. The false narrative is also a RED HERRING, a MISDIRECTION, a SMOKE AND MIRRORS attempt to lead people away from the actual, the real, the vital issues of life.
Christians are the stewards of God's creation.
Some things we cannot change, for several different reasons.
Some things we can change, and should.
Some things we can change, but it is not essential.
Some things are presented as contradictions to Biblical revelation. These are the things that the unregenerate and blinded person commits himself to support and they become the paths that lead the unsuspecting away from the Bible, away from Christ, away from salvation, away from the message and people of God.
These false narrative issues are presented as "social justice," humanitarian, scientific, "Christian concerns," while more weighty and helpful concerns are not only "set on a back burner," they are thrown into the garbage.
Allegiance to a FALSE NARRATIVE is a "noble" way of being a rebel against God. Submission to a FALSE NARRATIVE AGENDA is an excuse for not being submitted to the Revelation and Lordship of Christ. Promotion of a FALSE NARRATIVE is the salvation message of the Liberal. At best they really cannot save anyone.
"SAVE THE PLANET" is the outcry, but the attitude is, "LET THE WORLD GO TO HELL."
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
12/26/18 SELFISHNESS OR SELFLESNSESS A great deal of our suffering is because other people choose SELFISHness rather than SELFLESSness.
12/28/18 FAITH FACES FACTS Faith does not sugar coat lies, ignore tragedy, rename sin, deceive itself, excuse wickedness. FAITH CONFRONTS E...