Accuracy is a different subject. Scripture can either be twisted or honestly applied in a discussion. Sometimes the misuse of Scripture is not due to dishonesty, but rather to lack of knowledge.
Jesus and the Apostles gave Old Testament tests to prove their points. However, as someone has pointed out,
"A text used out of context is a pretext."
In order to properly use a text to prove or support a point, the passage must either address the subject being discussed or there must be Biblical principles in the text, which are applicable to the subject. This indicates that an overall knowledge and understanding of the Bible is necessary for valid proof texting.
Entire libraries are filled with error, based on faulty knowledge, understanding, application of Scripture. I find it interesting that those who complain the most about Christians who Proof Text are the ones who use larger portions as of Scripture as proof text (although inconsistent with the context) as if extended portions of twisted Scripture nullify a single verse that is consistent with the nature of God and the rest of the Bible.