Friday, March 2, 2018


I published an FB NOTE entitled,

This is a very long document (19,395 words), which will take considerable time to read (97 minutes), therefore I encourage you to view the INTRODUCTION and use the OUTLINE to find a section or specific subject. It is long because I took the time to cover the subject as thoroughly as I could, without being verbose. The subject of "keeping the Sabbath" should not be treated lightly.

This document is not addressing the Biblical concept of, "a day of rest," or the importance of observing, "The Lord's Day." I explain that the Sabbath (Seventh Day) was a specific day set aside, especially for the Jew (Israel) as a covenant, a sign and a memorial. Though The Sabbath is mentioned in the New Testament, it is never presented or represented as a law or practice that was part of the Christian or Church observation.

(the following section is extracted from a discussion I had with someone on whether we keep the Sabbath or not).

This does point up the importance of the document though. Most folks still think in terms of Christians keeping the Sabbath, or at least most people are confused concerning the Biblical position concerning the meaning of the Sabbath and whether the Sabbath should be kept (observed) by Christians.
In fact, spiritual lives have been destroyed by the idea of Sabbath keeping. Cults have flourished (and still do) because of the false notion that Christians are obligated to keep the Sabbath.
Here is the thing. It is not even a Messianic Jewish issue. A truly Messianic Jew trusts in Christ and Christ alone for salvation, whether he/she observes any Jewish practices or not. If a Jew observes certain Jewish celebrations or practices, it is not necessarily wrong (unless it is something they trust in for salvation or for spiritual growth and grace). If a "Messianic Jew" believes that Judaistic practices and/or observances are essential to salvation, they need to turn to Jesus for salvation and repent of their idolatry.

Likewise, those who are part of the Seventh Day Adventist cult, which are the teachings of Ellen G. White, who was a false prophetess,, (claiming she was taught by three angels), are being misled spiritually. SDA has misled many into a life and religion of legalism and anti Christian beliefs. Sabbatarianism is a primary error of the SDA. The SDA teaches that those who do not observe the Old Testament Sabbath are cut off from God and they further teach that those who worship on the first day of the week have taken the Mark of the Beast. Sabbatarianism leads into other legalistic beliefs and practices, making the death of Christ of no effect. The SDA also teach, erroneously, that Satan is the Sin Bearer, instead of Jesus.

It is popular for Christians to think of and speak of "the Christian Sabbath." THERE IS NO SUCH THING in the Old Testament or the New Testament. There is the Lord's Day, there is a day of rest, or a day set aside from other days, but there is no CHRISTIAN SABBATH. Even those who are not led into Sabbatarianism are prone to view "the day of rest" or "the Lord's day" in a legalistic way.

I personally do not care (very much) how strict a person wants be concerning First day observation. However, I am concerned when man made views are used to beat others up spiritually or enslave folks to rules and regulations. Just because certain rules and regulations were good at some point in time, does not mean that they are good today. Just because some rules and regulations are good things, even today, does not mean that they are binding on all believers today. Bondage is the absence of true freedom in Christ.

Christ came to set us free from sin. He id not come to set us free to sin and He did not come to entangle us in a rules and regulations religion.