(a few notes from a video I did, concerning witnessing to a JW)
We are the light of the world and we must shine in the darkness.
Surrounded by false doctrines and false witnesses.
Witnessing to a false witness.
They will not even believe what their own errant "bible" says.
Sharing John 2:17-22 with a door to door distributor of darkness.
He said he would believe whatever the Bible says.
He denied that Jesus said He would raise His own body.
He said that Jesus said, He would rise from the dead. (better re-read that again).
He said that there are many gods. (I understand the concept of false gods, judges, leaders, who are also called "gods" or elohim, but there is only ONE GOD.
He also said that Jesus could not raise Himself from the dead because, being dead, Jesus could not do anything, because the dead are notable to do anything.
I kept asking, did Jesus lie? Was Jesus deceiving us? Was Jesus deceived?
If he shows up, I am going to deal with the actual, phu=ysical resurrection of Jesus, which the JWs also deny.
There are other issues I mention and address in this video. I hope it blesses and informs you.
Love y'all.
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