This passage of Scripture is used to prove our obligation to obey the State (the Government) more than any other passage. God does tell us in this passage that we are to obey the State, however, He also tells us the principles which guide us in our obedience. Most people believe this is a blank check for the State. They are wrong.
This paper is not a “sound bite” explanation. It is a serious approach to an often misunderstood passage, with my own occasional unconventional (albeit Biblically supported) point of view.
I have used the word, “Authority” instead of “power,” which is used in the KJV. I will explain that later.
Romans 13:1-5
1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he bears not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil.
5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
The book of Romans is actually a letter which the apostle Paul sent to Christians in Rome. The first eleven chapters are doctrinal (beliefs), while chapters twelve through fifteen are practical. While the first eleven chapters basically tell us what to believe, the last chapters tell us how to live by what we believe.
Romans says God has established authority and whoever disobeys God's appointed authority is disobeying God. God appointed authority includes Family, Church and Government. This study focuses on the authority given to the government. l state my position with different words and arguments in order to address the various arguments associated with this subject.
The First Century Church was setting the stage and standard for the rest of the Church to follow. In chapter thirteen we are told the proper place of the State in the world and how the Christian is to relate to the State. In this study I will often use the terms, POWER, AUTHORITY, RULE, RULER, STATE, GOVERNMENT interchangeably. When the term STATE is used, it is in reference to the government, whether local, state or federal, but usually federal.
Romans 13:1 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”
Though the Book of Romans was written to Christians, this verse tells us ALL men are to be subject to the higher authority. That is, all men are obligated to place themselves under the ruling authorities. According to Strong, when this term (to be subject) was used of the military, it meant arranging troops under the command of a leader, but in the non-military usage it meant a "voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden." It does not say all men ARE subject, but that all men are to BE subject to the higher powers. Being subject is an act of our will. Each person decides whether he will obey the higher powers.
Notice that it says, "every soul." In other words, every person is to voluntarily submit himself to the HIGHER AUTHORITIES. Every soul, whether Man, Woman or Child; whether Rich or Poor; whether Slave or Free; whether Christian or Pagan; whether Educated or Ignorant; (don't get tired, I am not just filling space with words, I have a point to all of this); whether Jew or Gentile; whether Black or White or Yellow or Red or Brown; whether Capitalist or Communist; whether King or Peon; whether President or Paper Boy; whether Judge or Junkie. ALL PEOPLE ARE TO BE SUBJECT TO THE HIGHER AUTHORITIES!
Regardless of our station in life, regardless of our rung on the ladder, we are all to be subject to the higher authorities. In life there is an order of hierarchy, a chain of command, whether in family, church, business, military or government. In each there is a final authority. In all of the affairs of life, the final authority is God, whether personal, religious, economic, academic, medical, legal, moral, political or governmental. He is the Final Authority for everything and He is to be the Final Authority for every soul.
You may be saying, "Of course it means “every soul.” Why the redundant explanation?" Because some people think political leaders are exempt from this directive to be subject to the "higher authorities." This group includes people in the Congress, Supreme Court, White House, Palace, Parliament or whoever." Are these people exempt?
NO! NO! NO! a thousand times NO! The Bible makes it clear that there is One Judge, One Lawgiver and One King.
Isaiah 33:22, “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.”
James 4:12, “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judges another?”
Just as the citizens of a nation are subject to the legitimate authority of the State, so too, the State is subject to the authority of God.
Just as it is unacceptable for a person to rebel against legitimate authority in this world, so it is unacceptable for rulers to rebel against the authority of God.
All legitimate authority is derived from God but sometimes authority is usurped from God, and usurped authority is not binding upon anyone.
Let me give you an illustration. A command from a subordinate, which is against the command of the supreme commander in the military is not to be followed. United States military people take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This is because the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. If the Constitution is being usurped by anyone, including the President of the United States, I would think that the military has a first duty to the Constitution and would be required by oath to stand against a President who is giving commands contrary to the Constitution. The United States is founded upon the Constitution and not upon the President. The basic principle is, "Presidents come and go, but the Constitution is our Rule of Law." Even when there is no President, there is the Constitution.
This is especially true in the Divine scheme of things. The only difference is, there will always be God. “He is the same yesterday, today and forever.” God is the “Eternal Constant.” However, His is not a derived authority but an inherent authority. He is the “First and Final Authority.” All souls are to be subject to God, regardless of the laws of man. We are to obey all laws of man when they do not usurp the Authority of God. When we are required to disobey the law of God in order to obey men, we must not follow man in his anarchy. When the apostles were faced with this kind of problem here is what happened.
Acts 5:29, “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”
But remember, this is commanded of “EVERY SOUL.” Presidents are to obey God just as surely as Preachers. Kings are to obey God. ALL MEN are to obey God. No one is exempt from obeying God even when those who sit in places of authority command us to disobey God. This has never been acceptable and it is still not acceptable with God. There will be a large number of people who will follow a wicked system and then blame God Himself. But God says,
Joshua 24:15, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Romans 13:1 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”
Paul did not write this to convince Christians to obey wicked laws, but to convince Christians to obey wicked men who were in authority.
This was not written to tell Christians that it was acceptable to obey wicked laws, but that it was acceptable to obey pagan authorities.
Christians clearly understood they should not obey wicked laws but they did not understand that they were obligated to submit to pagan governments.
Christians enjoyed freedom from rules and regulation religion and they understood that God rules over everyone, therefore Christians had to be reminded to submit to earthly leaders, even when those leaders were not Christians.
Authorized Authority
The first thing we should look at concerning this word POWER, is it's meaning. There are Greek words which should be understood in the sense of strength or dynamite-like power, but this word in the Greek is better understood to mean AUTHORITY.
To show the difference between AUTHORITY and POWER let me share an illustration with you. There has been an accident out on the Old Mill Road. A law officer is sent to assist the clean up. When he arrives, he stands in the middle of the road and proceeds to direct traffic. After a short while passes, coming from a distance away is a pick-up truck driven by one of the county ruffians at about 50 miles per hour. The law officer turns to the oncoming vehicle and raises his hand, indicating it should stop, but the pick-up continues to barrel down on the law officer. He raises both hands and the pick-up continues to come at him. The officer has the authority to stop the vehicle, but it looks like he is about to be hit. That is because he has the authority (the right) to stop the vehicle, but not the power to stop it. The officer waves the tow-truck to his right to pull onto the road, thus blocking the way of the oncoming pick-up truck. The pick-up slams on brakes and comes to a screeching halt. That is because the tow-truck had the power to stop the pick-up. Authority carries with it the meaning of "right" while power carries with it the meaning of "strength." And that is the difference between authority and power. The words “powers” and “power” in these verses are to be understood as authority.
Chain of Command
Though the Government is part of God's order of authority, it is not the only "higher authority" nor is it the Highest of the "higher authorities." When we submit to the Government we are submitting to the line of authority, or chain of command which culminates in God Himself.
Authorities are to be found in both the natural and supernatural realm. It is a mistake to draw an uncrossable line between the natural authorities of this world and the supernatural authorities in the spiritual realm. The authorities of this world either submit to the authority of God to do His will or they submit to Satan to do his will. When the White House, Congress or Supreme Court is doing the will of God, it is authorized to act, but when the White House, Congress or Supreme Court is going against the will of God, it is unauthorized, it is the USURPER. The Government is expected to submit to God and when it does not, it has ceased being the duly authorized authority in that situation. Remember, this verse says that every soul should be subject to the higher authority and that includes the National Leaders.
Romans 13:1 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”
This means God has appointed GOVERNMENT and RULE and ORDER, it does not mean that He always puts His approval on the human who sits in the seat of authority or even the forms of government. The whole universe operates under Divine rule. God has appointed the offices of king, governor, magistrate. It does not meant that He always appoints the people who occupy these offices, and it certainly does not mean that He always approves what men do in these offices.
God is the Author of order and not chaos, righteousness and not wickedness. True authority exists because God has placed it there. This does not put God's approval on that which God disapproves. God does not become subservient to His own decrees.
God did not ordain the killing of Christians by the Roman government.
God did not approve of Christians killing the Arabs and the Jews in the Crusades and Inquisitions.
God did not approve of the killings during the wars of Martin Luther and John Calvin
God did not approve of the killing of the Jews under Hitler and the Christians under Russian and Chinese rulers.
God does not approve of the killing of the unborn by the so-called Supreme Court of the United States.
God does not approve of any other actions taken by the State, if those actions are not according to His will.
Yes, God has appointed authority, but No, He has not appointed wickedness in high places.
Romans 13:2 “Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”
Whoever resists authority is resisting God. Clear enough, right? Then why do so many people have a hard time understanding it? It is almost always explained by saying, "Christians who do not obey the government in every way are resisting God. SAY WHAT? The verse does not say that. It does not imply that. We cannot be allowed to understand it that way. The verse says and means,
Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God.
Whoever means “WHOEVER,” whether Christian or pagan or.... Well, you get the idea. The Greek word for "resists" means to set up oneself in array against another, as in a military fashion. When anyone resists the order of God, he is resisting the ordinance of God or His plan for orderliness and that is the same as resisting God. We are called to submit to the governments of this world, whether they are Christian or not. God is not the Author of confusion and anarchy is confusion. God does not approve of confusion, therefore God does not approve of resistance to authority.
All Governments is Ordained by God
Let me say clearly, I believe the American form of government is the best in the entire world. While we may have the most superior form of government, Christians are not in this world to establish or follow a particular form of earthy government, but rather to serve God, regardless of which government is over them. Free societies are easier and more conducive to Christianity than oppressive governments, but Christians are able to live in any kind of government. Christians should be spending their time, energy and abilities in proclaiming the Kingdom of God rather than fighting carnally for an earthly kingdom, regardless how superior it is to other governments. If our form of government were to fall, and we found ourselves under a different form of government, we should still live for Christ, as best we can. We should fight for freedom on our knees and in our words. It takes more courage to face off with an armed enemy when you are physically unarmed than when you are armed. And remember, "The arm of flesh will fail you," and, "The wrath of man accomplishes not the righteousness of God.
Just as God does not approve of Christians resisting authority, God does not approve of national leaders resisting authority. because NO ONE is allowed to resist authority. Some people confuse the authority of the flag with the authority of the cross. Some people confuse loyalty to the cross with loyalty to the flag.
How serious is it to resist the powers or authorities which God establishes? God said that those who resist will be condemned, judged. There are no exemptions and there are no exceptions. Those who resist God's ordained authority are deserving of God's judgment, regardless of their government position. Those who resist God's ordained authority will receive God's judgment, whether the resisters are poor citizens, rich industrialists or powerful politicians. A government leader who uses his authority as a cloak of disobedience to God is no better than a common criminal, and is far worse, because he is committing his crime, hiding behind his God ordained position.
Let me introduce this section with a very simple thought. God created man to be righteous and to live righteously. God ordained man to be holy, pure and obedient. Mankind has deserted it's right standing with God. Man is unrighteous and he lives un-righteously. Man, in his fallen condition, has defiled himself and disobeys God everyday in word, thought and deed. THEREFORE THE RELATIONSHIP OF MAN WITH GOD HAS CHANGED.
I know, this is pretty simple. How can we understand this, but then not understand the same truth concerning human government? When human government revolts and disobeys God, it is not in a right relationship with God. Why do people think that government is to be obeyed when it is leading and driving it's people in rebellion? In other words, God does not put His approval on man and his ways when man is in rebellion, why then, do we think that God puts His approval on human government when it is in rebellion? God did not ordain rebellion in individuals or in groups. Rebellion separates men from God and men do not enjoy His blessings. Rebellious government is also estranged from God and does not enjoy His blessings.
Romans 13:3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
This verse tells us that God appointed rulers for the express purpose of protecting the righteous, God did not appoint rulers for the purpose of tormenting or oppressing the righteous. There is no confusion for those who simply accept the Word of God. We learn from this verse that rulers, true rulers, God appointed rulers, are not a terror to those who do good, but rather to those who do evil. If God's Word means anything, it means what It says.
Any so-called authority which becomes a terror to the good is not the authority which God ordained. Any ruler which misuses his authority to terrorize the righteous is in opposition to God and is not to be followed in it's wickedness. That ruler is the enemy of God and those who join or array themselves in opposition to God and His rule of law are anarchists. They will be condemned. The false teaching, that Christians should obey wicked laws in the name of Romans 13, is a doctrine of demons. Satan has told mankind from the beginning that it is acceptable to disobey God. Modern, western Christians are propagating this same lie when they tell us to obey wicked laws and follow evil rulers in disobeying God. A person must go against the revelation of God to say that Christians are obligated to obey wicked laws. Government, God appointed government is not a terror to good works.
The United States of America, to a great extent, was founded on Biblical principles.The laws of the land, for the most part, were designed to protect the righteous. God blessed America abundantly as it sought to follow and obey Him. When America disobeys and revolts against the authority of God by terrorizing the righteous, it moves from the Mount of Blessing to the Mount of Cursing.
Romans 13:3 “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:”
Any so-called authority which becomes a comfort to those who do evil is not the authority which God ordained. Any ruler which misuses his power and authority to support the wicked is in opposition to God and is not to be followed in it's wickedness. We learn from this verse that rulers, true rulers, God appointed rulers, are a terror to those who do evil.Government was established for the express purpose of punishing the wicked. If God's Word means anything, it means what It says.
Laws which protect the wicked are repugnant to God. We are called to stand for justice and justice does not let wickedness run rampant. Justice speaks up and acts up in behalf of the downtrodden. We must understand that the Church is not going to set up the Millennial Kingdom in this world. That will happen only when the King comes back. Though we are not here to establish God's kingdom on earth, we are here to stand for truth and stand against wickedness. We will not seek to overthrow, by carnal force, any government which is promoting wickedness, but we will not be forced into performing wickedness simply because some group claims the authority of God. Christians are neither obligated, nor allowed to follow laws which require disobedience to God.
Romans 13:3 “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:”
God's ordained plan for living a peaceful life is for the government to protect the righteous and punish the wicked. If you do not want to be afraid of God ordained government, do good. The true, God ordained government we are to follow is the government which supports, encourages, promotes and praises the righteous for doing good. Any law or leader which makes service to God difficult and terrorizes people for obeying God must not be seen as the ordained power of God and is not to be followed in its disobedience to God. We are not allowed to fight against that rule and ruler, but we must not allow it to chart our course. We are not obligated to follow a renegade ruler or authority.
Justice, true justice not only punishes the wicked, it rewards the righteous. If the State had dedicated itself to it's God given purpose, it would have wickedness under control and it would be in a place of rewarding the righteous. At this present time, often there is neither reward for the righteous, nor protection from the wicked, and that is why America is in such a precarious state today.
When the righteous are penalized for doing good, and when the evil are rewarded for their wickedness, the government authority, which God ordains, is not in place, but has been usurped by the powers of darkness.
Other parts of the world which have been under the rule of pagan and heathen influences have not enjoyed the power, freedom and justice of those countries which have been built upon the Bible and the Christianity. No Brag...Just Fact. The suffering of the righteous in other countries today is the result of the State operating outside of the will of God for many decades, centuries and even millennia. Countries with Christian backgrounds are moving in the same direction because they are rejecting the God Who gave them their authority.
Romans 13:4 “For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he bears not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil.”
The "he" spoken of here is in reference to the system or the ruler in the system which God has ordained. The "he" can and should be translated "it" in reference to the appointed authority. Paul takes us another step in understanding God's appointed rulers. He tells us that the authority is the "minister", "servant" of God. A minister or servant of someone else is accountable to his master or superior. In this case, the authority (the State) is the servant to God, and the State has been appointed to do good for the Church, the Christians. A servant is obligated to do the bidding of his master and is obliged to obey his master. He is not authorized to change the commands or rule of his master. Any action contrary to the will of God is not authorized by God. Men cannot become a law to themselves and men are not allowed to enact or enforce evil laws in the name of God. The "authorities" are servants of God. The authority of the State begins and ends where God's will begins and ends. The servant is only allowed to do that which is in keeping with the will of his master. To go beyond or fall behind the master's will is anarchy and will bring God's judgment.
In the case of the State, or the powers or the authorities or the rulers, they are empowered and appointed for the express purpose of doing good to the Christian. Though it is true that the State has authority over all men in their jurisdiction, they are the servants of God to do good FOR THE CHRISTIAN. Rulers which are serving the needs, desires and purposes of the non-Christian world agenda are not fulfilling their responsibility to God. God appointed the rulers to serve the Church.
From the time that God instituted human government, it was for the express purpose of "protecting the righteous and punishing the wicked." Since the only ones who can be considered "righteous" are those in a right relationship with God, human government was instituted by God to protect the children of God and those who observe the moral code of God (Ge. 9:5-6). In the New Testament dispensation, the righteous ones are the Christians. Human government exist today to protect and promote Christians and the ministry of the Church. Though this concept is not known or acknowledged by the secular world, it is still Divine truth. God said it. Those who use their authority or power to help the evil and to hurt the righteous have pirated and corrupted God's plan.
The model situation is, the State uses its power and authority to protect the righteous and punish the wicked, to help the Church, the Christians. There have been counterfeits to this model, but the counterfeit only proves the existence of the genuine. Among others, the Roman Catholic Church has set itself up as the true church of God and has pressured world governments into serving their carnal and warped religious purposes. When worldly governments did not serve the purpose of the Roman Catholic Church, it would sometimes take the sword of steel against the State. However, the misuse of power does not negate the proper use of power. The corruption of power does not excuse the State from doing the right thing. God ordained human government for the purpose of facilitating His will. The State is established to accomplish the will of God through His True Church.
This is not a call to political action on the part of the Church. We are called to a higher calling than that which has been given to the State. The Church is to obey God regardless of the rebellion among the worlds political leaders. If the State refuses to obey God in serving the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, then the State will have to answer for that decision. Likewise, if the Church chooses to follow the State in wickedness, the Church of any given area and any given time will answer to God for its actions.
Romans 13:4 “For he (it) is the minister of God to thee for good...”
God not only knew what He wanted to say, He knew how to say it. The government is the servant of God, created for the purpose of serving the Church. The "thee" in this passage is not the pagan society. It is not even the apostate Jewish community. The "thee" in this passage is the Church. This book was written to Christians. The New Testament is written for Christians. This passage, which was revealed by God and written to Christians says that the authority is a servant of God to the Church.
A distinction is made in this passage between the government and the Church. It does not say that the Church is for the purpose of protecting and praising the State, it says that the State is for the purpose of protecting and praising the Church. By God's decree, the government is the servant of God and the Church. The government does not exist to control the Church, the government exists to serve the Church. Just as laws are not made to control Christians, but rather to control the wicked, so the government was made to control wicked men and serve the Church. God not only draws a distinction between the State and the Church, He makes it clear that the State ought to protect (1 Pe. 2:14), praise (Ro. 13:3 & 1 Pe. 2:14) and serve the Church (Ro. 13:4).
Just because you have never seen the State do its duty obediently to God does not mean that it is excused from doing its duty. The duty of the State is to protect, praise and serve the Church. The State is the servant of the Church, not the other way around.
Romans 13:4 “For he is the minister of God to thee for good...”
There is no such thing as the State, powers, authorities or rulers being a minister of God to do evil to the Church or to Christians. It is unthinkable to say God ordains wicked laws and executes them through His ministers, His servants, the government rulers. Not only is the State appointed to be the servant of God, it is expected to be the servant of God for the Church and it is the servant of God to do good for the Church. I know that this is not politically correct according to the evaluation of this worlds concept of government, however, God says,
Romans 13:4 “For he is the minister of God to thee for good...”
And though we have never seen this come to full fruition, it is nonetheless the intent of God. It is part of what Jesus meant when He taught His disciples to pray saying,
Matthew 6:10 ”Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven...”
Though we have not seen this happen in this world, it is the will of God and it is to be prayed for until it happens. It will not happen until Jesus comes back and sets up His kingdom, but it is the will of God.
Let's look at this portion of the verse like this:
The State is the servant (and therefore under orders) of God.
The State is not appointed to do service or the work of Satan, but God.
The rule of the State reflects the nature of God, Who is the Supreme Commander over all other authorities.
The State has jurisdiction over earthly matters and kingdom issues.
As the servant of God, the State is appointed to serve the Church.
The State is not the Church, the State is the servant of God to the Church.
As such, the service rendered by the State is that of doing good to the Church.
Romans 13:4 “For he is the minister of God to thee for good...”
Romans 13:4 “For he (it) is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he (it) bears not the sword in vain: for he (it) is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil.”
The State does not only have the AUTHORITY to protect and praise the righteous and also punishing the wicked, it has the POWER to do it. Paul tells us that the State bears the sword. The SWORD indicates power. The sword is not just a symbol, it is an instrument of destruction. It is a weapon to be wielded against a foe. It is an instrument to be used in judgment and war. God has given physical force to the State to protect the righteous, punish the wicked and honor the church.
God has given the power of the sword to the State to maintain order and promote righteousness in the jurisdiction of its earthly kingdom. Though we live in the dispensation of grace and not the dispensation of law, "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17), the need for order is still present. Wicked men do not cease their wicked deeds because of the goodness of God. The Bible tells us that sin will increase as the end of time approaches. Man's wickedness manifests itself in its inhumanity to man. All manner of violence is exercised even when there are deterrents in the law. However, justice and punishment can deter wickedness. Often times a person will not do something wrong if he expects to be punished for it and there comes a time when the one who does the wicked deed must be executed, which ends wickedness in that particular individual. The purpose of the SWORD is to deter wickedness, punish evil doers and eliminate the most incorrigible of criminals. The fact that there seems to be less and less fear of justice and punishment for wickedness tells us that there has been less and less use of power by the State in protecting the righteous and punishing the wicked.
The sword is also to be wielded to protect the righteous from the invasion of foreign evildoers. When the State bears the sword, foreign powers may elect to not invade the State. If the foreign power chooses to invade the State, the State has the authority to protect itself by using the power of the sword. In fact, the State has the responsibility to protect the righteous from outside powers.
The State has the right to wield the sword in protecting the righteous of another country as well. The sword is given to the State for the express purpose of protecting the righteous and punishing the wicked. This would not excuse the State for taking military action against another country for the purpose of imposing a particular kind of government or establishing a particular ruler or advancing a specific economic system or culture or taking control of another countries resources. The State bears the Sword to deter wickedness.
Unhappily, the World system is so far from God that God's purpose is not being fulfilled by the State. The World by nature is in rebellion against God and since the Church is so anemic, it has lost its saltiness or its preserving power, and therefore it no longer impacts the State for God. Today there is very little in the way of protecting the righteous. The State is now in the business of protecting the State and protecting the interest of the wealthy and the powerful. The RULE OF LAW which once guided the USA has been exchanged for CASE LAW and the so-called BEST INTEREST issues in a world of situational ethics and values clarification. The Bible has been thrown out and Christ has been labeled as a hate monger. Christians are no longer protected by the law, but are targeted and abused by the State.
There is only a clear understanding of who the righteous are and who the wicked are, when we have a clear understanding of the Bible, since the Bible explains addresses righteousness and wickedness. Any and all other standards fall short and often warp the State in fulfilling its God given responsibility. This is why justice is replaced by injustice as the years pass. The State is removing itself from under the Authority of God and is no longer serving His purpose.
Romans 13:4 “For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he bears not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil.”
Paul re-states his position that the State is the minister or servant of God. The State is not the servant of itself, special interest groups, the wealthy, the powerful, racial groups, religious or any other kind of groups. The State is the servant of God and is given the sword for the purpose of executing wrath upon the evil doers, those who violate moral and legal codes. Those who do wrong are to be punished for their wrongdoing.
The people of Bible days understood that servants served their masters. The State was appointed as a servant to serve God and His Church. The State was never supposed to oppress the Church. The State was never to persecute the Church. The State was to serve the Church and promote the Church in its service to God.
To me this is all so simple, and yet this passage is continually used to prove that the Church is to obey the State in any and every way even when in disobedience to God. It is not here. It is contrived by the prince of darkness who has always been in rebellion against God. He led angels in a revolt against God which resulted in the demons who serve Satan; he led Adam in a revolt against God which resulted in the ruin of an entire race; and he has led world rulers in revolt against God's plan in human government which has resulted in political anarchy in the name of government. This will find its fullest expression in the rule of the anti-Christ during the Tribulation. Then we will see the plan of God at work when Jesus sets up His kingdom in the Millennium.
Romans 13:5 "Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake."
Believers subject themselves to the State for two reasons. One reason is because believers obey God and recognize the State as God's minister to maintain civil order. Disobedience will bring the wrath of the State, even upon those who profess faith in Christ.
The other reason is because believers live by the law of love, and therefore do not commit the moral crimes against their fellow man and God. A few verses later in this chapter Paul says that Christians do not violate moral laws because they are ruled by the law of love and love is the fulfilling of the law. Christians do not commit adultery, murder, steal, lie, covet or anything that is contrary to the law of God. Christians obey the State, because they keep the moral law of God and they willingly submit to God's appointed authority.
It is because of these truths we are to be subject to the State. However, we are not subject to the State when the State makes wicked laws, which lead to disobedience to God. On the other hand, most of these same people only obey laws which they find to be convenient.
Romans 13:5 "Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake."
We as believers are to obey the State because it is in keeping with our conscience. Our conscience will guide us away from disobedience to God and then it will condemn us when we are disobedient to God. Our obedience comes from our commitment to Jesus, not our fear of the State. The world serves from fear of the sword, we serve from love of the cross.
Romans 13:1 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”
Romans 13:2 “Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”
Romans 13:3 “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:”
Romans 13:4 “For he is the minister of God to thee for good.
But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he bears not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil.”
Romans 13:5 “Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.”
Hello, I am Pastor David Leroyal Gould and I want to welcome you to Pastor D. L. Gould Musings 2018. You will find "one liners" and "seed thoughts" along with more complete articles and short studies, addressing familiar and unfamiliar subjects. DISCLAIMER: Since I have no control over NEXT BLOG feature on this page and I do not know what will follow, I do not recommend them.
12/28/18 FAITH FACES FACTS Faith does not sugar coat lies, ignore tragedy, rename sin, deceive itself, excuse wickedness. FAITH CONFRONTS E...