Tuesday, March 13, 2018

03/13/18 Truth Is Under Attack

03/13/18 Truth Is Under Attack
(notes from a video)

I receive FB requests and recommendations. Sometimes the person is actually interested (for a variety of reasons) and sometimes because it is an FB connection. Some are obviously not connections I want to make. Some are borderline possibilities, and I check them out by visiting their Timeline.

I received a request from a man in another state. I visited his FB and saw that he claimed to be a preacher, singer. He was from a less sophisticated background, which is not an indictment of his value or sincerity. I also saw that he had a person he referred to as his son, in "ministry" with himself.

His son obviously had a variety of problems, including spiritual problems. The connection between these two men, father and son, ministering together in some undefined ministry context was also strange because the relationship was unusually strong, and somewhat one sided. The profile info concerning the backgroun on the "son" was questionable. But still, they did proclaim a gospel message and they did sing gospel music, with some enthusiasm and feeling. Still, I was not sure.

One of the things that really caught my attention was the enormous numbers of people who were on this person's friends list and the great numbers of people who followed their daily FB LIVE presentations. At times it was mind bobbling.

I had no real reason to deny the possibility that the main person was sincere or Christian, though he was obviously very shallow at the best. Neither was I convinced that they were Christians. I continued to visit the FB Live programs (usually when the program was already over). There was nothing wrong with the postings, and they were interesting as well as strange. I would even show these programs to my grandchildren, commenting on the cultural differences and the unusual appeal that this group had.

At one point the "dyanamic duo" did not show up togther. The father was there, but the son was totally gone. Even his pictures and videos had been removed completely. Like the rest of my family, I was not shocked that such a thing would happen, but still, it was so quick and without explanation.

Not long after this, I clicked the page again, but no one was there, and the FB account seemed to be gone. No explanation, No update. "No nothing."

When I told my grandchildren, they asked what happened. I did not know, and they offered their own conjectures, based on the information we picked up from time to time. Still, no info was forthcoming for a while.

Then one day I cllicked it on again, and there he was. Not real explanation, not reason given. VERY STRANGE. Then, within a few days there he was, supposedly on a video, which someone had posted on his page. A video that was supposed to show him and two of his "sons" in a very perverse relationship. I don't know what was on the video, or actually three videos, because I did not click them on. However, there were several people that joined in with very damning comments. STILL NO RESPONSE FROM THE PERSON. TOTALLY STRANGE.

After a few days of this continuing fiasco the site was down again. But it came back up, with all the incriminating info taken down. There was no response, no explanation, nothing.

I can't tell you whether the individual was guilty of the things, with which he was accused. I STILL DO NOT KNOW.

I do know it was disturbing.
It bothered me because this person had such a large and faithful following, though he offered crumbs at best.
It bothered me because he had such a large following who may have been misled to send him a great deal of money (though I did not see that much in terms of him peleading for for money.
It bothered me because I saw responses from his friends and family who stated his downfall and claimed he had been that way for years.


I chose not to open myself up or commit myself to someone I did not know. I did not even "friend" him on FB. I did not endorse him. And since I don't know him and don't know the facts, and since I did not have any contact or connection with him I have not condemned him.

You may be asking, SO WHAT? WHAT IS THE POINT.

Good questions. I have a few thoughts along these lines.
It is easy to make judgments about people, based on optics or based on their public personna or based on their public appeal. The judgments may be either positive or negative. But such judgments are actually baseless.

It is easy to believe the negative accusations, even when the evidence has not been evaluated.
It is also easy to disbelieve the negative accusations, based on long term relationship or involvement, even if the person is guilty.

It is sad that there are innocent people who have either been duped by a charlatan or misled by false witnessess.

It is sad that such a scenario is within the realm of possibility, that a professed ministery of the gospel could actually be a wolf in sheeps clothing.

It is sad that the loud cries of other people could actually destroy someone who may not have been guilty of any real improprieties.

But then I realize that people are ready to believe the worst theings about the best people. It happened with Jesus, and Paul and with other people of God down through history. Even today Christians are accused of treason, immorality, criminal activity by hateful governments, leading to the Christian being killed legally by the State.

It is good when false prophets are found out and exposed.
It is a travesty when good men are ruined, persecuted, jailed and even killed on the word of those who are filled with hatred or guided by deceit.

The Bible tells us how to avoid being deceived into following wicked men and how to avoid being turned against a rightious man. Unhappily, most people do not want to follow Biblical directives and the do want to follow the crowd in crying out, "Crucify him."

Sadly, some things never change.